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HyperHQ question


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quick question on HyperHQ after setting up all my settings in HLHQ, when I start HyperHQ just to check out something the paths are not the same as what I have it set in HLHQ is that ok.. Does hyperspin just use what settings are set in the HLHQ


so if the paths are wrong in HyperHQ the emulator wont start.. or if the paths are correct in HLHQ they will work because HL sees the right path


Hyperlaunch 1 and Hyperlaunch 2

- did not have the ability to store a rom or emulator path.

- The emulator and rom paths where only stored by HyperHQ.

RocketLauncher now stores its own paths for pretty much everything.

- Their is absolutely no reason for you to fill the emulator path in HyperHQ. Unless you check the Normal launch in HyperHQ, and that would be a stupid move in your part.

- rom paths in HyperHQ are only needed if you are using the "rom filter" option. if you have a full set of roms, their is absolutely no need for rom paths.


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