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2 controllers (RetroLink) with xpadder and Hyperspin


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I had an earlier thread about xpadder settings in Hyperspin. Worked that out already. Thanks Ghutch.

My current issue is when I plug 2 of the same model controllers into my system. They are both Retrolink n64 like controllers.

I've set up the profiles in xpadder, test independently and everything works fine.

The issue comes with (I think) the controller names and profiles. They are both named "RetroLinkN64" after a quick registry change from "Generic USB Controller"

The are seen in xpadder as

RetroLinkN64 [1]

RetroLinkN64 [2]

and as such, the profiles names have the [1] and [2] in the .xpaddercontroller settings.

When those are set up in the Hyperspin profiles under xpadder, they just show up as "RetroLinkN64" without the [1] or [2]. When I click on the 1st controller which uses up,down,left,right, that works fine. But when I press the buttons, both controllers with use the Z,X,C,V buttons. I'm unsure how to differentiate the two controllers.

Any ideas?


Anyone have any ideas? Maybe naming the controllers differently so that Windows doesn't add the [1] and [2] ? Is that the solution?


Why not skip Xpadder setup entirely? ghutch92's HyperSpin Startup Script v.1.06 allows for HyperSpin navigation without the need to use Xpadder. Then once the emulator/game is launched, keymapping in the emulator takes over.

In the two cabs I have setup, one has two PS360+ PCB's and the other has two Zero Delay Encoder PCB's. Both controllers can navigate the HyperSpin FE without issue.

When you find great deals on Craigslist for CRT based cabs, exuberance can be a bad thing!


Current status of cabs:  0/5 working as desired :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


Hi Albert,

I'm not so concerned about the hyperspin controll (ie, wheel and game selection) but rather game play.

I was looking at xpadder as a way to avoid editing each emulator with it's own controls.

When you say "keymapping in the emulator takes over" you mean IF the emulator supports DirectInput like MAME is currently using my controllers. What about emulators like ProjectPC that i'm not yet sure if it directly supports controllers?

My xpadder option would would if Hyperspin detected the two controllers with different names (the [1] and [2]) but it doesn't. Will give the emulator suggestion a try.


Just bite the bullet and go through all your emulators to set up the controllers. Only takes me like 15 minutes tops. Yeah it's a hassle, and yeah a little annoying, but not really that hard if you just do it.


Seems my last reply didn't make it up.

Frustrated with Windows 7's naming of my controllers I decided to take the advise of the folks above and just go into the emulator's directly. Curious if I need anything else to be able to insert the controllers while hyperspin is already running? Also, do I need anything to tell the emulator which profile to load for the controller button mappings.


I don't know whether or not you can plug and unplug multiple controllers during hyperspin and still have your emulators pick up the right one that you originally mapped. I've just left all of mine plugged in always so I have no idea if that will work.


Any idea if you have to load the emulator with a button profile? For example, if I have a button profile called "default" do I need to add anything to force it open that up?

I'm asking cuz it's not working :)


I'm having a similar issue. Whenever I reset my machine and start up Project 64 from Hyperspin I get no control. If I fire up the emu by itself (Project 64), go into controller config and set the RetroLink usb controllers, it works fine. Next restart same again.

Would be interested to hear if there's an ini or something you can modify to force load a profile

  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Chickan,

Once I switched away from xpadder, and set up the N64 controllers in the emulator, I had no problems. Just rebooted the PC again without the retrolink's plugged in, fired up hyperspin and loaded Mario Kart. Worked a treat.

Currently no special ini's used.

Of of curiousity, did you plug the controllers in after hyperspin was enabled?

Do you have the controllers enabled in HyperHQ (Mine are not enabled) for that emulator


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