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hyperlaunch=true bsod


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Hey all,

So trying to figure out something. Been reading a lot here and found the thread about hyperlaunch=true/false, using HyperHQ to set Execution to Normal vs Hyperlaunch for troubleshooting how mame is launched.

Basically I have everything configured on my system with MALA as the front end. If you let MALA launch mame, things work fine. If you double click mame.exe, it'll open and you can chose a rom and play.

But, if HyperLaunch attempts to start mame to load a rom, my XP SP3 box BSOD's immediately.

I've tried hyperlaunch=false, but then no working rom works. I have over 6k roms and certainly don't want to go through the xml file for each one using one mame.ini file for some roms and another for others.

So, why does MALA work ok, but HyperLaunch not? Obviously HyperLaunch is starting mame differently and that appears to be why it's immediately BSOD'ing. I just don't know what I'm looking for re: HyperLaunch to have it work with my roms as Mala does.

Any info is appreciated in advance. Thank you for your time!!


And HyperLaunch issues while using a different front end would probably best dealt with either on the Mala forum or here on the HyperLaunch site.

I've never used it so I have no clue.

But welcome to the forum :)



Ok let me rephrase.

I'm switching from Mala to Hyperspin, lol. Thus, I have installed Hyperspin/HyperHQ, HyperLaunch, HyperLaunchHQ, etc. :)

My point is, when I start mame.exe by double clicking, it works. When I use Mala as my front end, it's just launching mame.exe + rom (I'm guessing with a command line) and the rom works.

When I use Hyperspin as my FE, pick a rom, Hyperlaunch goes to start mame.exe (same one that Mala is using) and my xp box blue screens.

Obviously we all know that mame bsod'ing is a driver issue. Either too new, too old, etc. But in this case, it's ONLY Hyperlaunch, starting mame, that causes the BSOD. The other FE, or manual launch of mame.exe, doesn't.

And that, is what I'm trying to figure out heh. What parameters is Hyperlaunch passing onto mame when it starts it, that is causing the blue screen. :)


I don't think hyperlaunch automatically sends any CLI Params though you can add them in HyperlaunchHQ. You seem to know a bit about this so I can point you to the hyperlaunch/module/mame folder where you can look through the AHK to see for yourself what Hyperlaunch does. What version of mame are you using, by the way? I have a hunch it may be incompatible with the module.



Ah so the Hyperlaunch Module is the actual middleman between Hyperspin and Mame, I'll check it out! Thanks!

Its very possible it's the mame version, current mame.exe is 150 released Sep 17th, 2013.

What I will do is grab the latest mame, put in a subfolder and point to that as a test. I setup male/mame I dunno 2-3 years ago.. it works fine and honestly if it ain't broke don't fix it! But it's starting to show it's age and thus, I wanted to switch to Hyperspin etc. So, could be version. I'll report back the results. :) Yah for more game audits... lol.



Quick update. Downloaded mame156b and manual launch bsod'ed my pc.

Whereas, manual launch of 150 doesn't.

I'm wondering if I have some sort of hardware acceleration or directx/draw setting in the mame.ini file that is launching 150 ok, except when hyperlaunch tries to start 150...

Hmm, let me go compare 150's settings to 156b's and see what I find.

Update 2: No ini (yet) for 156b because well it didn't start lol, just bsod'ed. BUT, I did fine an old article that I think may be why 150 works.

"As a workaround I found if you go to the "Options" menu in Mame and open "Default Game Options" then go to the "Display" tab and change from "Direct3D" to "DirectDraw" and hit "Apply" then "Ok" it will change all your games to use Direct Draw and this solves the Nv4disp BSOD issue, or at least it did for me."

So, I'm going to copy the same mame.ini to 156b and see if it doesn't crash. If it works, then I know the above is why mala and 150 work ok. If that is the case, the question is, can I have the hyperlaunch module set the same sort of parameter for mame if thats possible. Or if hyperlaunch simply starts mame, and then mame reads it's own ini file, gotta figure out what's going on there in the middle to cause 150 with HL to bsod where as when mala starts mame it doesn't.


Onwards I go! :)

Ah so the Hyperlaunch Module is the actual middleman between Hyperspin and Mame, I'll check it out! Thanks!

Its very possible it's the mame version, current mame.exe is 150 released Sep 17th, 2013.

What I will do is grab the latest mame, put in a subfolder and point to that as a test. I setup male/mame I dunno 2-3 years ago.. it works fine and honestly if it ain't broke don't fix it! But it's starting to show it's age and thus, I wanted to switch to Hyperspin etc. So, could be version. I'll report back the results. :) Yah for more game audits... lol.



If you select HyperLaunch, it passes this:

{Path to HyperLaunch}\HyperLaunch.exe "{System Name}" "{Rom Name}"

Also, make sure your HyperLaunch, modules and support files are updated from the GIT repo.




Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

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Update 3- Copied mame.ini from 150 to 156b folder, no bsod, it works. So I know the mame bsod issue is related to Direct3D being used instead of DirectDraw.

So, now gotta figure out how to get Hyperlaunch to force DirectDraw.

RON: Thank you for the link! I installed everything fresh from the site here last night, but obviously the git repository will always contain the latest so thanks for the info, I'll make sure I'm up to speed there too! :)


Update 4 - mame 156b via hyperlaunch bsod's the same as mame 150.

So i know it's not the mame version. It's got to be this DirectDraw required vs Direct3D thing. For some reason, Hyperlaunch starting mame is using Direct3D instead of DirectDraw is my hunch, and then mame is bsod'ing.

Not sure how to fix that one lol.


OH, the Hyperlaunch Module (Thanks aletterfromthelostdays!) has a mame.ini file in it, with a video mode parameter for ddraw.

Ok, let me try that! :)

Success - Had to go into the mame.ini file in the HyperLaunch Modules Mame folder and set videomode=ddraw

Then in HyperHQ had to set the Wheel / Mame's execution to Normal.

Now it appears to be working! lol.

Thanks all for your help!

Update 4 - mame 156b via hyperlaunch bsod's the same as mame 150.

So i know it's not the mame version. It's got to be this DirectDraw required vs Direct3D thing. For some reason, Hyperlaunch starting mame is using Direct3D instead of DirectDraw is my hunch, and then mame is bsod'ing.

Not sure how to fix that one lol.

You might make a backup of your mame.ini file and generate a new one. See what happens then. If it works, pull a diff of the two files to see what changed.



Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them.  :good:

And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!    :beerglass:

OH, the Hyperlaunch Module (Thanks aletterfromthelostdays!) has a mame.ini file in it, with a video mode parameter for ddraw.

Ok, let me try that! :)

Right, the module uses d3d passed to mame.

Open HLHQ and click on MAME on the left.

Then Modules on the top.

Select MAME.ahk in the list and hit the Edit Global Module Settings button right above it.

Change the Videomode there.



Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them.  :good:

And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!    :beerglass:


Yeah sorry, if I hadn't been busy I could have told you, that's a simple setting to change in HyperlaunchHQ. I will say you seem pretty damned savvy so welcome to Hyperspin and I hope you stick around!



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