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Changed OS from XP to 7 64bit - two issues


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Hi Lads, as I had the extra RAM in pc I upgraded from xp 32bit to 7 64bit. I copied hyperspin to external HDD then copied back, however, I have two issues that are wrecking my head, and can't seem to figure them out.

1) I have an ipac2 and had it working perfectly before upgrade. How to I assign the enter\exit key to match the hyperspin? For the life of me I cant remember.

2) When I launch mame within hyperspin I get a blank screen with sound. It works perfectly outside of hyperspin. Version I am using is mameuifx. Again had no issues before upgrading.

I shouldnt have bother with 7 and keep xp, ah sure, you live an learn :-) :banghead:

Thanks lads.


Thanks man, I was thinking that alright, must have missed this. I tried configuring it via HyperHQ but worked to a degree. Must have a look later.

What about the 2nd issue, any ideas, I was thinking C++ issue maybe?

I shouldnt have bother with 7 and keep xp

Nope, this'll only bring more trouble further along. Go win7 x64!

Let's hope win10 is gonna be great (and you'll be able to quickly disinfect it from the cuntana, xbox app & other useless 'new features')

Probably some minor issue or so you overlooked or haven't encountered before, but I'm not the guy to help, let's hope it's an easy fix


..........................back with a vengeance........................


To be fair to microsoft, they seem to have a pattern XP :deal: Vista :banghead: Win 7 :dancing2: and Win 8 :turtle: So hears hoping it will be a good OS.

Got to fix this blank screen issue, 2nd night without Bal Cube :bawling:


or.... they skipped 9, so they can go straight back into the dog shit :)

to be honest, win8 seems to be a great os as far as running things and stability, it's just the user interface most (incl me) can't get over (or well, it just plain sucks)


..........................back with a vengeance........................


Well lads, any ideas about the blank screen? I am really out of ideas. The games work in Mame no issues with directdraw video mode selected but all I am getting from Hyperspin in a blank screen with sound playing in the background.

Other emulators work fine, also did a fresh install of Hyperspin, please help...


Need more info.

Are you using the latest version of Hyperlaunch? Can you post your logs? Do you have fade and bezels turned off in HyperlaunchHQ. Can't just magically solve problems with no details. :burnout:

If you are using the latest version of Hyperlaunch, make sure the mame module settings are using directdraw as well. And try changing that to something else to see if it works.



Well lads, thanks for all your help on this matter, especially aletterfromthelostdays, you were spot on. I never thought to check the mame.ahk settings, as d3d was set to default, excellent.

I hope I wont run into any more issues now with the 64bit OS...


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