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THK last won the day on November 19 2022

THK had the most liked content!

About THK

  • Birthday 08/22/1984

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  • Location
    Up in your business
  • Interests
    Getting shitfaced


  • If life gives you lemons, buy tequila

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  1. So curious, how did you redraw my Hot Top theme then?
  2. Did I miss the announcement thread?
  3. Not bad at all. Why not post an announcement thread before uploading
  4. Hey, this is actually some good work. Why not post an announcement thread before uploading?
  5. It's locked behind micro transactions obviously
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Theme by THK. Animated by rondar.
  7. ELITE 4
  8. You know I've redrawn all these logos in vector right? Have multiple versions available here
  9. Have you seen ppl around here and on other sites talking about HS? They all seem to be confused to some point xD
  10. Yes, not everything has to be Official.....
  11. Here's the English logo redraw
  12. Could you maybe post an announcement thread for this one? We might be able to give you some pointers or maybe a better title logo. Pretty hard to make out the quality though. It's best if you save the mockup of the theme in PS (or graphics program you use) as a .png. HyperTheme screenshots are known to be very low quality and taking screenshots in HS with any art in motion can also show the art in a poorer state than it actually is.
  13. Neat, announcement thread?
  14. Cool, I believe I already made a theme for it with the English title. Looks good, so plz start an announcement thread so we can give some constructive criticism if needed and give some praise for good work.
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