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Got problems with Nestopia


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I can launch perfect with HyperLaunch, but not working in either Hyperspin or HyperlaunchHQ.. Anyone?

08:11:17:987 | HL |     INFO  | +N/A   | Main - HyperLaunch v3.1.0.4 BETA (www.hyperlaunch.net)
08:11:17:029 | HL |     INFO  | +47    | Main - System Specs:
				HyperLaunch Dir: C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch
				HyperLaunch is: 32-bit
				OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise
				SKU: Enterprise
				Total Memory: 8069.22 MB
				Free Memory: 6429.22 MB
				Used Memory: 1640.004 MB
				SystemType: 64-bit
				Physical Processors: 1
				Logical Processors: 4
				GPU 1 Name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
				GPU 1 RAM: 1024.00 MB
				GPU 1 Driver Version:
				Sound 1 Device: Realtek High Definition Audio
				Sound 1 Status: Enabled
				Sound 2 Device: Intel(R) Display Audio
				Sound 2 Status: Enabled
				OS Language: English_United_States
				OS Admin Status: No
				Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1280x720 (1280x680 work)
				Monitor #1 Orientation: Landscape
				Current AHK Desktop Width: 1280
				Current AHK Desktop Height: 720
				AutoHotkey Path:
				AHK Version:
				Unicode: No
08:11:18:030 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\HyperLaunch.exe exists
08:11:18:032 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				FileDescription         	Your favorite Front End companion! Visit us @ www.hyperlaunch.net
				LegalCopyright          	�2014 HyperLaunch
				ProductName             	djvj's one swell guy!
				CompanyName             	HyperLaunch BETA
				File Size:			966656 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:06
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:07
08:11:18:033 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini exists
08:11:18:035 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +16    | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			409 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:10
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:10
08:11:18:037 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.exe exists
08:11:18:038 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				FileDescription         	DxWnd MFC application
				FileVersion             	1, 0, 0, 1
				InternalName            	DxWnd
				LegalCopyright          	Copyright (C) 2004/2012
				OriginalFilename        	DxWnd.exe
				ProductName             	DxWnd application
				ProductVersion          	1, 0, 0, 1
				File Size:			539136 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:10
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:10
08:11:18:040 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\BinHexRW.ahk exists
08:11:18:046 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:047 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			4961 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:049 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\BlockInput.exe exists
08:11:18:051 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +15    | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			657920 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:052 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\CLR.ahk exists
08:11:18:055 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension.
08:11:18:057 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			10586 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:058 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\COM.ahk exists
08:11:18:062 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension.
08:11:18:063 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			26342 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:065 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\Control_AniGif.ahk exists
08:11:18:068 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +16    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension.
08:11:18:070 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			5716 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:071 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini exists
08:11:18:073 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			409 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:10
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:10
08:11:18:074 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.exe exists
08:11:18:076 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				FileDescription         	DxWnd MFC application
				FileVersion             	1, 0, 0, 1
				InternalName            	DxWnd
				LegalCopyright          	Copyright (C) 2004/2012
				OriginalFilename        	DxWnd.exe
				ProductName             	DxWnd application
				ProductVersion          	1, 0, 0, 1
				File Size:			539136 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:10
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:10
08:11:18:077 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\gdip.ahk exists
08:11:18:082 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +15    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension.
08:11:18:084 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			88789 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:085 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\gdip_alt.ahk exists
08:11:18:088 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:090 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			3394 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:091 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | gdip_alt.ahk Version: 1.0.1
08:11:18:093 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\gsdll32.dll exists
08:11:18:094 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			13090816 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:10
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:10
08:11:18:096 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\itextsharp.dll exists
08:11:18:098 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +16    | CheckFile - Attributes:
				FileDescription         	iTextSharp
				InternalName            	itextsharp.dll
				LegalCopyright          	Copyright (C) 1999-2013 by Bruno Lowagie and Paulo Soares. All Rights Reserved.
				OriginalFilename        	itextsharp.dll
				ProductName             	iTextSharp
				CompanyName             	1T3XT BVBA
				File Size:			3743744 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:11
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:11
08:11:18:099 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\Java.ahk exists
08:11:18:103 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:105 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			7841 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:106 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | Java.ahk Version: 1.0.0
08:11:18:108 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\JSON.ahk exists
08:11:18:111 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension.
08:11:18:113 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +16    | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			9203 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:114 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\Origin.ahk exists
08:11:18:117 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:119 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			4897 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:121 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | Origin.ahk Version: 1.0.0
08:11:18:122 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\PacDrive32.dll exists
08:11:18:124 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			69120 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:125 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\RegRW64.ahk exists
08:11:18:128 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension.
08:11:18:130 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +15    | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			6915 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:132 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\RIni.ahk exists
08:11:18:136 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension.
08:11:18:138 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			67561 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:139 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\SevenZipSharp.dll exists
08:11:18:141 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				FileDescription         	SevenZipSharp
				FileVersion             	0.64.4841.31212
				InternalName            	SevenZipSharp.dll
				LegalCopyright          	Copyright (C) Markovtsev Vadim 2009, 2010, licenced under LGPLv3
				OriginalFilename        	SevenZipSharp.dll
				ProductName             	SevenZipSharp
				ProductVersion          	0.64.4841.31212
				CompanyName             	Markovtsev Vadim
				File Size:			165888 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:143 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\Steam.ahk exists
08:11:18:146 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +16    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:148 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			5326 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:149 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | Steam.ahk Version: 1.0.0
08:11:18:151 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\VA.ahk exists
08:11:18:154 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Extension.
08:11:18:156 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			34688 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:158 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\VA_Extension.ahk exists
08:11:18:161 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +15    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:163 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			3833 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:164 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | VA_Extension.ahk Version: 1.0.1
08:11:18:166 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\Bezel.ahk exists
08:11:18:171 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:172 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			101720 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:174 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | Bezel.ahk Version: 1.0.8
08:11:18:176 | HL |     INFO  | +16    | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\Fade.ahk exists
08:11:18:180 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:181 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			36402 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:183 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | Fade.ahk Version: 1.0.9
08:11:18:184 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\Fade Init.ahk exists
08:11:18:187 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:189 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			999 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:191 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +16    | Fade Init.ahk Version: 1.0.1
08:11:18:192 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\Fade Animations.ahk exists
08:11:18:196 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:198 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			67602 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:199 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | Fade Animations.ahk Version: 1.1.1
08:11:18:201 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\HyperPause.ahk exists
08:11:18:210 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +15    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:212 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			392193 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:213 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | HyperPause.ahk Version: 1.0.7
08:11:18:215 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\HyperPause Init.ahk exists
08:11:18:218 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:220 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			537 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:221 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | HyperPause Init.ahk Version: 1.0.1
08:11:18:223 | HL |     INFO  | +16    | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\Keymapper.ahk exists
08:11:18:226 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:228 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			32953 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:229 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | Keymapper.ahk Version: 1.0.9
08:11:18:231 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\Keymapper Init.ahk exists
08:11:18:234 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:236 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			3435 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:238 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +15    | Keymapper Init.ahk Version: 1.0.2
08:11:18:239 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\MultiGame.ahk exists
08:11:18:243 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:245 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			40584 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:247 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | MultiGame.ahk Version: 1.0.6
08:11:18:248 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\MultiGame Init.ahk exists
08:11:18:252 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:253 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			161 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:255 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +16    | MultiGame Init.ahk Version: 1.0.0
08:11:18:256 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\MultiPlayer.ahk exists
08:11:18:260 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:262 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			58605 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:263 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | MultiPlayer.ahk Version: 1.0.4
08:11:18:265 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\Password.ahk exists
08:11:18:268 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:270 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +16    | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			10035 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:272 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | Password.ahk Version: 1.0.0
08:11:18:273 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\Rom Mapping Launch Menu.ahk exists
08:11:18:278 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:279 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			73560 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:281 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | Rom Mapping Launch Menu.ahk Version: 1.0.3
08:11:18:283 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\Shared.ahk exists
08:11:18:287 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +15    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:289 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			140963 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:291 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | Shared.ahk Version: 1.2.1
08:11:18:292 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\Statistics.ahk exists
08:11:18:296 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:297 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			26170 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:299 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | Statistics.ahk Version: 1.0.2
08:11:18:300 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\Statistics Init.ahk exists
08:11:18:304 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +16    | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:306 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			33 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:307 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | Statistics Init.ahk Version: 1.0.1
08:11:18:309 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\XHotkey.ahk exists
08:11:18:312 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:314 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			29623 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:316 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +15    | XHotkey.ahk Version: 1.0.2
08:11:18:317 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\XHotkey Init.ahk exists
08:11:18:320 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited Library.
08:11:18:322 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			1236 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:08
08:11:18:323 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | XHotkey Init.ahk Version: 1.0.0
08:11:18:325 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | Main - Raw CLI received: "-s Nintendo Entertainment System -r Alien3 -f C:\HyperSpin\HyperSpin.exe -p HyperSpin"
08:11:18:326 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | Main - Received this dbName with no path via CLI: "Alien3"
08:11:18:328 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | Main - dbName: Alien3
08:11:18:330 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Plugins\HyperSpin.plugin exists
08:11:18:332 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +16    | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			8827 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:12
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:12
08:11:18:334 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Loading Front End Plugin: "HyperSpin"
08:11:18:335 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - HyperLaunch received "Nintendo Entertainment System" and "Alien3"
08:11:18:342 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Alien3 is using the default emulator: Nestopia
08:11:18:343 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Checking for a [Nestopia] section in C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Settings\Nintendo Entertainment System\Emulators.ini
08:11:18:345 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Checking for a [Nestopia] section in C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
08:11:18:346 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Found [Nestopia] in C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
08:11:18:348 | HL |     INFO  | +16    | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Modules\Nestopia\Nestopia.ahk exists
08:11:18:350 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			4857 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:12
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:12
08:11:18:353 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited module.
08:11:18:355 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Alien3 will use module: C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Modules\Nestopia\Nestopia.ahk
08:11:18:365 | HL |     INFO  | +15    | Main - Did not find a "C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Settings\Nintendo Entertainment System\Game Options.ini" file, skipping any game-specific options.
08:11:18:367 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Using standard method with "Rom Extension" SkipChecks or without any SkipChecks.
08:11:18:370 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - INI Keys read
08:11:18:372 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\7z.exe exists
08:11:18:373 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				FileDescription         	7-Zip Console
				FileVersion             	9.20
				InternalName            	7z
				LegalCopyright          	Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov
				OriginalFilename        	7z.exe
				ProductName             	7-Zip
				ProductVersion          	9.20
				CompanyName             	Igor Pavlov
				File Size:			163840 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:375 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\7z.dll exists
08:11:18:377 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				FileDescription         	7z Standalone Plugin
				FileVersion             	9.20
				InternalName            	7za
				LegalCopyright          	Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov
				OriginalFilename        	7za.dll
				ProductName             	7-Zip
				ProductVersion          	9.20
				CompanyName             	Igor Pavlov
				File Size:			914432 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:378 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\FontReg.exe exists
08:11:18:380 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +16    | CheckFile - Attributes:
				FileDescription         	Font Registration Utility (x86-32)
				OriginalFilename        	FontReg.exe
				File Size:			6144 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:09
08:11:18:383 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - "Alien3" does not qualify for MultiGame. Only roms with any of these strings in their name are acceptable: (Disc,(Disk,(Cart,(Tape,(Cassette,(Part,(Side
08:11:18:385 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Started
08:11:18:387 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckPaths - Looking for rom: D:\Hyperspin\Roms\Nintendo\Alien3.7z
08:11:18:388 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckPaths - Looking for rom by name in subfolder: D:\Hyperspin\Roms\Nintendo\Alien3\Alien3.7z
08:11:18:390 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckPaths - Rom not found
08:11:18:391 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckPaths - Looking for rom: D:\Hyperspin\Roms\Nintendo\Alien3.zip
08:11:18:393 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckPaths - Looking for rom by name in subfolder: D:\Hyperspin\Roms\Nintendo\Alien3\Alien3.zip
08:11:18:394 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +15    | CheckPaths - Rom not found
08:11:18:395 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckPaths - Looking for rom: D:\Hyperspin\Roms\Nintendo\Alien3.nes
08:11:18:397 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Found rom: D:\Hyperspin\Roms\Nintendo\Alien3.nes
08:11:18:399 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckPaths - Current romName: Alien3
08:11:18:401 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckPaths - Current romPath: D:\Hyperspin\Roms\Nintendo
08:11:18:402 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckPaths - Current romExtension: .nes
08:11:18:403 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Ended
08:11:18:405 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - User Variables:

				DetectHiddenWindows, ON
				SetTitleMatchMode, 2
				SendMode, Event
				0 = 8
				pluginPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Plugins
				pluginName = HyperSpin
				pluginExt = .plugin
				hlMode =
				hlTitle = HyperLaunch
				hlVersion = BETA
				hlAuthor = djvj
				hlURL = www.hyperlaunch.net
				langFile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Data\Language\Localization.ini
				frontendPID = 0
				frontendPath = C:\HyperSpin
				frontendExe = HyperSpin.exe
				frontendExt = exe
				frontendName = HyperSpin
				frontendDrive = C:
				exitEmulatorKey = ~Esc
				exitEmulatorKeyWait = 0
				forceHoldKey = ~Esc
				restoreFE = false
				exitScriptKey = ~q & ~s
				toggleCursorKey = ~e & ~t
				emuFullPath = C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Nestopia\Nestopia-1.41\nestopia.exe
				emuPath = C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Nestopia\Nestopia-1.41
				emuName = Nestopia
				emuExt = exe
				romPath = D:\Hyperspin\Roms\Nintendo
				romPathFromIni = D:\Hyperspin\Roms\Nintendo
				romExtension = .nes
				romExtensionOrig = .nes
				romExtensions = 7z|zip|nes|fds
				executable = nestopia.exe
				systemName = Nintendo Entertainment System
				dbPath =
				dbName = Alien3
				dbExt =
				romName = Alien3
				romMapPath =
				romMappingEnabled = false
				romMappingLaunchMenuEnabled = false
				romMappingFirstMatchingExt = false
				romMappingShowAllRomsInArchive = true
				romMappingNumberOfGamesByScreen = 7
				romMappingMenuWidth = 400
				romMappingMenuMargin = 65
				romMappingTextFont = Bebas Neue
				romMappingTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s60 Bold
				romMappingDisabledTextColor = ff888888
				romMappingTextSizeDifference = 7
				romMappingTextMargin = 15
				romMappingTitleTextFont = Bebas Neue
				romMappingTitleTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s90 Bold
				romMappingTitle2TextFont = Bebas Neue
				romMappingTitle2TextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Bold
				romMappingGameInfoTextFont = Bebas Neue
				romMappingGameInfoTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Regular
				romMappingBackgroundBrush = aa000000
				romMappingColumnBrush = 33000000
				romMappingButtonBrush1 = 6f000000
				romMappingButtonBrush2 = 33000000
				romMappingBackgroundAlign = Stretch and Lose Aspect
				romMappingMenuFlagWidth = 55
				romMappingMenuFlagSeparation = 7
				romMappingDefaultMenuList = FullList
				romMappingSingleFilteredRomAutomaticLaunch = false
				altArchiveNameOnly =
				altRomNameOnly =
				altArchiveAndRomName =
				altArchiveAndManyRomNames =
				altRomNamesOnly =
				romMapScenario =
				skipchecks = false
				romMatchExt = false
				blockInputTime = 0
				blockInputFile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\BlockInput.exe
				errorLevelReporting = false
				lockLaunch = false
				lockLaunchGame =
				screenRotationAngle = 0
				screenRotationAngleGame =
				logFile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\HyperLaunch.log
				logLabel := ["    INFO"," WARNING","   ERROR","  DEBUG1","  DEBUG2"]
				logLevel = 10
				logShowDebugConsole = false
				logIncludeModule = true
				logIncludeFileProperties = true
				logShowCommandWindow = false
				logCommandWindow = false
				hlDebugConsoleStdout =
				sysLang = English_United_States
				sysType = 64-bit
				navUpKey = Up
				navDownKey = Down
				navLeftKey = Left
				navRightKey = Right
				navSelectKey = Enter
				navP2UpKey = Numpad8
				navP2DownKey = Numpad2
				navP2LeftKey = Numpad4
				navP2RightKey = Numpad6
				navP2SelectKey = NumpadEnter
				originalWidth = 1280
				originalHeight = 720
				dtEnabled = false
				dtPath =
				dtUseSCSI = true
				dtAddDrive = true
				servoStikEnabled = false
				ledblinkyEnabled = false
				ledblinkyFullPath =
				ledblinkyProfilePath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\LEDBlinky
				ledblinkyHLProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\LEDBlinky\HyperLaunch
				emuIdleShutdown = 0
				launchPasswordHash = UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRight
				hideCursor = false
				hideEmu = false
				hideFE = false
				fadeIn = false
				fadeInDuration = 500
				fadeInTransitionAnimation = DefaultAnimateFadeIn
				fadeInDelay = 0
				fadeInExitDelay = 0
				fadeOutExitDelay = 0
				fadeOut = false
				fadeOutExtraScreen = false
				fadeOutDuration = 500
				fadeOutTransitionAnimation = DefaultAnimateFadeOut
				fadeOutDelay = 0
				fadeLyrInterpolation = 7
				fadeMuteEmulator = false
				fadeUseBackgrounds = false
				fadeWidthBaseRes = 1920
				fadeHeightBaseRes = 1080
				fadeLyr1Color = FF000000
				fadeLyr1AlignImage = Stretch and Lose Aspect
				fadeLyr2Pos = Stretch and Lose Aspect
				fadeLyr2X = 0
				fadeLyr2Y = 0
				fadeLyr2W =
				fadeLyr2H =
				fadeLyr2Adjust = 1
				fadeLyr2PicPad = 0
				fadeLyr2Prefix = Extra Layer 1 - Console
				fadeLyr3Pos = Center
				fadeLyr3X = 450
				fadeLyr3Y = 450
				fadeLyr3W =
				fadeLyr3H =
				fadeLyr3Adjust = 1
				fadeLyr3PicPad = 0
				fadeLyr3Speed = 750
				fadeLyr3Animation = DefaultFadeAnimation
				fadeLyr37zAnimation = DefaultFadeAnimation
				fadeLyr3Type = imageandbar
				fadeLyr3ImgFollow7zProgress = true
				fadeLyr3Repeat = 1
				fadeLyr3BackImageTransparency = 30
				fadeLyr3StaticPos = No Alignment
				fadeLyr3StaticX = 0
				fadeLyr3StaticY = 870|1575
				fadeLyr3StaticW =
				fadeLyr3StaticH =
				fadeLyr3StaticAdjust = 1
				fadeLyr3StaticPicPad = 0
				fadeLyr3StaticPrefix = Info Bar
				fadeLyr4Adjust = 1
				fadeLyr4X = 1792|952
				fadeLyr4Y = 891|1596
				fadeLyr4W = 128
				fadeLyr4H =
				fadeLyr4Pos = No Alignment
				fadeLyr4FPS = 50
				fadeLyr4PicPad = 0
				fadeTranspGifColor = FFFFFF
				fadeBarWindow = Image
				fadeBarWindowX =
				fadeBarWindowY =
				fadeBarWindowW = 900
				fadeBarWindowH =
				fadeBarWindowR = 30
				fadeBarWindowM = 30
				fadeBarWindowHatchStyle = 8
				fadeBar = 7zOnly
				fadeBarNon7zProgressTime = 0
				fadeBarBack = true
				fadeBarBackColor = FF555555
				fadeBarH = 30
				fadeBarR = 10
				fadeBarColor = DD00BFFF
				fadeBarHatchStyle = 8
				fadeBarPercentageText = true
				fadeBarInfoText = true
				fadeBarXOffset = 0
				fadeBarYOffset = 150
				fadeRomInfoDescription = filtered text
				fadeRomInfoSystemName = image
				fadeRomInfoYear = text with label
				fadeRomInfoManufacturer = text with label
				fadeRomInfoGenre = disabled
				fadeRomInfoRating = image
				fadeRomInfoOrder = Description|SystemName|Year|Manufacturer|Genre|Rating
				fadeRomInfoTextPlacement = User Defined
				fadeRomInfoTextMargin = 7
				fadeRomInfoText1Options = w1600|787 h90 x165 y870|1575 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s90 Left Regular
				fadeRomInfoText2Options = w400 x8 y15 cFF555555 r4 s60 Bold
				fadeRomInfoText3Options = w310 x165 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular
				fadeRomInfoText4Options = w1305|492 h66 x460 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular
				fadeRomInfoText5Options = cFF555555 r4 s42 Bold
				fadeRomInfoText6Options = h135 x15 y885|1590 cFFCFCFCA r4 s120 Regular
				fadeStats_Number_of_Times_Played = text with label
				fadeStats_Last_Time_Played = text with label
				fadeStats_Average_Time_Played = text with label
				fadeStats_Total_Time_Played = text with label
				fadeStats_System_Total_Played_Time = text with label
				fadeStats_Total_Global_Played_Time = text with label
				fadeStatsInfoOrder = Number_of_Times_Played|Last_Time_Played|Average_Time_Played|Total_Time_Played|System_Total_Played_Time|Total_Global_Played_Time
				fadeStatsInfoTextPlacement = topRight
				fadeStatsInfoTextMargin = 7
				fadeStatsInfoText1Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold
				fadeStatsInfoText2Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold
				fadeStatsInfoText3Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold
				fadeStatsInfoText4Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold
				fadeStatsInfoText5Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold
				fadeStatsInfoText6Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s22 Bold
				fadeText1X = 0
				fadeText1Y = 0
				fadeText1Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s30 Right Bold
				fadeText1 = Loading Game
				fadeText2X = 0
				fadeText2Y = 0
				fadeText2Options = cFFB4B4B4 r4 s30 Right Bold
				fadeText2 = Extraction Complete, Ready
				fadeText3 = Loading Game
				fadeText4 = Loading Complete
				fadeFont = Bebas Neue
				fadeSystemAndRomLayersOnly = false
				fadeExtractionTime = disabled
				fadeExtractionTimeTextX = 0
				fadeExtractionTimeTextY = 0
				fadeExtractionTimeTextOptions = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
				fadeInterruptKey =
				detectFadeErrorEnabled = true
				fadeImgPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Media\Fade
				HLDataPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Data
				HLMediaPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Media
				HLErrSoundPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Media\Sounds\Error
				modulesPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Modules
				moduleFullName = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Modules\Nestopia\Nestopia.ahk
				moduleName = Nestopia
				modulePath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Modules\Nestopia
				moduleExtension = ahk
				moduleExtensionsPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions
				libPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib
				7zEnabled = false
				7zPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\7z.exe
				7zDllPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\7z.dll
				7zExtractPath = C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\HS
				7zExtractPathOrig =
				7zAttachSystemName = false
				7zDelTemp = true
				7zSounds = true
				7zFormats = .zip,.rar,.7z,.lzh,.gzip,.tar
				7zFormatsNoP = zip,rar,7z,lzh,gzip,tar
				mgEnabled = false
				mgKey = ~NumpadSub
				mgBackgroundColor = FF000000
				mgSidePadding = 0.2
				mgWidthBaseRes = 1920
				mgHeightBaseRes = 1080
				mgYOffset = 500|800
				mgFont = Arial
				mgText1Options = x10p y250|500 w80p Center cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 BoldItalic
				mgText1Text = Please select a game
				mgText2Options = w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center BoldItalic
				mgText2Offset = 100
				mgUseSound = true
				mgSoundfreq = 300
				mgExitEffect = none
				mgSelectedEffect = rotate
				mgUseGameArt = false
				mgCandidate =
				mgValidTypes = (Disc,(Disk,(Cart,(Tape,(Cassette,(Part,(Side
				mgOnLaunch = false
				hpEnabled = false
				hpKey = ~NumpadAdd
				hpBackToMenuBarKey = X
				hpZoomInKey = C
				hpZoomOutKey = V
				hpScreenshotKey = ~PrintScreen
				hpHiToTextPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\HiToText.exe
				hpSaveStateKeyCodes = {shift down}{1 down}{1 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}|{shift down}{2 down}{2 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}|{shift down}{3 down}{3 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}|{shift down}{4 down}{4 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}|{shift down}{5 down}{5 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}|{shift down}{6 down}{6 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}|{shift down}{7 down}{7 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}|{shift down}{8 down}{8 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}|{shift down}{9 down}{9 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}
				hpLoadStateKeyCodes = {1 down}{1 up}|{2 down}{2 up}|{3 down}{3 up}|{4 down}{4 up}|{5 down}{5 up}|{6 down}{6 up}|{7 down}{7 up}|{8 down}{8 up}|{9 down}{9 up}
				keymapperEnabled = false
				keymapperAHKMethod = false
				keymapper = xpadder
				xpadderFullPath = C:\HyperSpin\Utilities\Xpadder\xpadder.exe
				joyToKeyFullPath = C:\HyperSpin\Utilities\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe
				keymapperProfilePath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder
				keymapperFrontEndProfileName = HyperSpin
				keymapperFrontEndProfile = false
				keymapperHyperLaunchProfileEnabled = false
				JoyIDsEnabled = false
				JoyIDsPreferredControllersSystem = use_global
				JoyIDsPreferredControllersGlobal =
				CustomJoyNamesEnabled = false
				CustomJoyNames =
				rotateMethod = false
				FEProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\HyperSpin
				defaultProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\_Default
				systemProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\Nintendo Entertainment System
				xPadderSystemProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\Nintendo Entertainment System\_Default
				emuProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\Nintendo Entertainment System\Nestopia
				romProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\Nintendo Entertainment System\Alien3
				HyperLaunchProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\HyperLaunch
				blankProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\_Default\blank
				ahkFEProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\AHK\HyperSpin
				ahkDefaultProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\AHK\_Default
				ahkSystemProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\AHK\Nintendo Entertainment System
				ahkEmuProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\AHK\Nintendo Entertainment System\Nestopia
				ahkRomProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\AHK\Nintendo Entertainment System\Alien3
				ahkHyperLaunchProfile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\AHK\HyperLaunch
				bezelEnabled = false
				bezelICEnabled = false
				statisticsEnabled = true
				pressDuration = -1
				emuVolume = 1
				dxwndIni = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini
				dxwndFullPath = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.exe
				mon1O = 0
				pacDrivedllFile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\PacDrive32.dll
				userFadeAnimIniFile = C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\User Fade Animations.ini

08:11:18:407 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded XHotkey Init.ahk scripts
08:11:18:408 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics Init.ahk scripts
08:11:18:410 | HL |  WARNING  | +16    | BuildScript - "C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\User Functions Init.ahk" not found
08:11:18:411 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildScript - Module starts on line: 2
08:11:18:413 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Validating module
08:11:18:415 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Validation complete
08:11:18:417 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Module:
				MEmu = Nestopia
				MEmuV =  v1.42
				MURL = http://www.emucr.com/2011/09/nestopia-unofficial-v1420.html
				MAuthor = djvj
				MVersion = 2.0.3
				MCRC = 6F80AA06
				iCRC = F9662CA1
				MID = 635038268908287546
				MSystem = "Nintendo Entertainment System","Nintendo Famicom","Nintendo Famicom Disk System"
				; Notes:
				; If using this for Nintendo Famicom Disk System, make sure you place an FDS bios in your bios subfolder for your emu. You will have to select it on first launch of any FDS game.
				; Set your fullscreen key to Alt+Enter if it is not already for HyperPause support

				settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
				Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)
				ExitKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "settings", "ExitKey","Esc",,1)
				ToggleMenuKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "settings", "ToggleMenuKey","Alt+M",,1)
				bezelTopOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "bezelTopOffset",16,,1)
				bezelBottomOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "bezelBottomOffset",26,,1)
				bezelLeftOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "bezelLeftOffset",7,,1)
				bezelRightOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "bezelRightOffset",7,,1)
				force4players := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "force4players","False",,1)


				emuSettingsFile := emuPath . "\" . "nestopia.xml"
				FileRead, nesXML, %emuSettingsFile%

				IfInString, nesXML, % "<confirm-exit>yes</confirm-exit>"	; find if this setting is not the desired value
					StringReplace, nesXML, nesXML, % "<confirm-exit>yes</confirm-exit>", % "<confirm-exit>no</confirm-exit>"	; turning off confirmation on exit
				IfNotInString, nesXML, % "<exit>" . ExitKey . "</exit>"	; find if this setting is not the desired value
				{	currentExitKey := StrX(nesXML,"<exit>" ,0,0,"</exit>",0,0)	; trim confirm-exit to what it's current setting is
					StringReplace, nesXML, nesXML, % currentExitKey, % "<exit>" . ExitKey . "</exit>"	; replacing the current exit key to the desired one from above
				IfNotInString, nesXML, % "<toggle-menu>" . ToggleMenuKey . "</toggle-menu>"	; find if this setting is not the desired value
				{	currentMenuKey := StrX(nesXML,"<toggle-menu>" ,0,0,"</toggle-menu>",0,0)	; trim toggle-menu to what it's current setting is
					StringReplace, nesXML, nesXML, % currentMenuKey, % "<toggle-menu>" . ToggleMenuKey . "</toggle-menu>"	; replacing the current toggle-menu key to the desired one from above

				If force4players = true
				{	IfInString, nesXML, % "<auto-select-controllers>yes</auto-select-controllers>"	; find if this setting is not the desired value
						StringReplace, nesXML, nesXML, % "<auto-select-controllers>yes</auto-select-controllers>", % "<auto-select-controllers>no</auto-select-controllers>"	; replacing the current toggle-menu key to the desired one from above
					StringReplace, nesXML, nesXML, % "<port-3>unconnected</port-3>", % "<port-3>pad3</port-3>"
					StringReplace, nesXML, nesXML, % "<port-4>unconnected</port-4", % "<port-4>pad4</port-4>"
				} Else
					IfInString, nesXML, % "<auto-select-controllers>no</auto-select-controllers>"	; find if this setting is not the desired value
						StringReplace, nesXML, nesXML, % "<auto-select-controllers>no</auto-select-controllers>", % "<auto-select-controllers>yes</auto-select-controllers>"	; replacing the current toggle-menu key to the desired one from above

				; Enable Fullscreen
				currentFS := StrX(nesXML,"<start-fullscreen>" ,0,0,"</start-fullscreen>",0,0)	; trim start-fullscreen to what it's current setting is
				StringReplace, nesXML, nesXML, % currentFS, % "<start-fullscreen>" . ((If Fullscreen = "true")?"yes":"no") . "</start-fullscreen>"	; setting start-fullscreen to the desired setting from above


				hideEmuObj := Object("Nestopia ahk_class Nestopia",1)	; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later
				7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)

				HideEmuStart()	; This fully ensures windows are completely hidden even faster than winwait

				Run(executable . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)

				WinWait("Nestopia ahk_class Nestopia")
				WinWaitActive("Nestopia ahk_class Nestopia")

				Process("WaitClose", executable)

				SaveFile() {
					Global emuSettingsFile
					Global nesXML
					FileDelete, %emuSettingsFile%
					FileAppend, %nesXML%, %emuSettingsFile%, UTF-8

					; Send, !{Enter}
					Sleep, 200
					WinActivate, ahk_id  %emulatorID%
					; Send, !{Enter}

					WinClose("Nestopia ahk_class Nestopia")

08:11:18:422 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Multi-Player scripts
08:11:18:424 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics.ahk script
08:11:18:426 | HL |  WARNING  | +16    | BuildScript - "C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\Lib\User Functions.ahk" not found
08:11:18:428 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Finished injecting functions into module
08:11:18:430 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Module is built
08:11:18:432 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\HyperLaunch\AutoHotkey.dll exists
08:11:18:434 | HL |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				FileDescription         	AutoHotkey_H ANSI 32-bit
				InternalName            	AutoHotkey_H
				LegalCopyright          	Copyright (C) 2012
				OriginalFilename        	AutoHotkey.exe
				ProductName             	AutoHotkey_H
				File Size:			785408 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:04
				Modified:			2/11/2015 - 6:43:05
08:11:18:436 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Running module
08:11:18:437 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Starting timer to watch if Front End gets displaced and restore it if it does.
08:11:18:521 | MD |     INFO  | +N/A   | Module initialized
08:11:18:523 | MD |   DEBUG2  | +0     | XHotkeyTableCreation - Using standard Hotkey method for key(s): "~Esc" to call label: "CloseProcess"
08:11:18:557 | MD |     INFO  | +31    | StartModule - Started
08:11:18:561 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - MEmu: Nestopia
				MEmuV: v1.42
				MURL: http://www.emucr.com/2011/09/nestopia-unofficial-v1420.html
				MAuthor: djvj
				MVersion: 2.0.3
				MCRC: 6F80AA06
				iCRC: F9662CA1
				MSystem: "Nintendo Entertainment System","Nintendo Famicom","Nintendo Famicom Disk System"
08:11:18:565 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - You have a supported System Name for this module: "Nintendo Entertainment System"
08:11:18:588 | MD |     INFO  | +32    | PluginInit - Started
08:11:18:592 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Started - Building Table for: Name|Cloneof|Manufacturer|Year|Genre|Rating
08:11:18:617 | MD |     INFO  | +31    | CheckFile - Checking if C:\HyperSpin\Databases\Nintendo Entertainment System\Nintendo Entertainment System.xml exists
08:11:18:622 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | CheckFile - Attributes:
				File Size:			46155 bytes
				Created:			2/11/2015 - 5:33:38
				Modified:			2/20/2015 - 6:58:13
08:11:18:626 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching for a "Game Name" in the database
08:11:18:649 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +31    | BuildDatabaseTable - Found "Game Name" in the database!
08:11:18:653 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Name
08:11:18:657 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Found "Name" with a value: "Alien3"
08:11:18:679 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +31    | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Cloneof
08:11:18:683 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Could not find: Cloneof
08:11:18:687 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Manufacturer
08:11:18:706 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +31    | BuildDatabaseTable - Could not find: Manufacturer
08:11:18:718 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Year
08:11:18:742 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +32    | BuildDatabaseTable - Could not find: Year
08:11:18:746 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Genre
08:11:18:750 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Could not find: Genre
08:11:18:774 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +31    | BuildDatabaseTable - Searching database for: Rating
08:11:18:778 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildDatabaseTable - Could not find: Rating
08:11:18:782 | MD |   DEBUG2  | +0     | PluginInit - GameInfo:
				GameInfo Label: Name | GameInfo Value:
08:11:18:804 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +31    | BuildDatabaseTable - Ended
08:11:18:809 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Game Logo|System Logo
08:11:18:813 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for: C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Wheel\Alien3.png
08:11:18:837 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +31    | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for: C:\HyperSpin\Media\Main Menu\Images\Wheel\Nintendo Entertainment System.png
08:11:18:841 | MD |   DEBUG2  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Media assets found:
				Asset Label: System Logo | Asset Path1:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Main Menu\Images\Wheel\Nintendo Entertainment System.png | Asset Extension1:  png | Asset Type1:  system
08:11:18:845 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
08:11:18:862 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +31    | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: Artwork1|Box Art|Cartridge|Flyers|Letters|Other
08:11:18:866 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for: C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Artwork1\Alien3.png
08:11:18:870 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for: C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Artwork2\Alien3.png
08:11:18:874 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for: C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Artwork3\Alien3.png
08:11:18:899 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +32    | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for: C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Artwork4\Alien3.png
08:11:18:903 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for: C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters
08:11:18:964 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +62    | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for: C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Other
08:11:18:988 | MD |   DEBUG2  | +31    | BuildAssetsTable - Media assets found:
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path1:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\!.png | Asset Extension1:  png | Asset Type1:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path2:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\'.png | Asset Extension2:  png | Asset Type2:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path3:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\(.png | Asset Extension3:  png | Asset Type3:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path4:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\0.png | Asset Extension4:  png | Asset Type4:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path5:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\1.png | Asset Extension5:  png | Asset Type5:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path6:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\2.png | Asset Extension6:  png | Asset Type6:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path7:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\3.png | Asset Extension7:  png | Asset Type7:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path8:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\4.png | Asset Extension8:  png | Asset Type8:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path9:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\5.png | Asset Extension9:  png | Asset Type9:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path10:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\6.png | Asset Extension10:  png | Asset Type10:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path11:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\7.png | Asset Extension11:  png | Asset Type11:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path12:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\8.png | Asset Extension12:  png | Asset Type12:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path13:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\9.png | Asset Extension13:  png | Asset Type13:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path14:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\a.png | Asset Extension14:  png | Asset Type14:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path15:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\b.png | Asset Extension15:  png | Asset Type15:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path16:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\c.png | Asset Extension16:  png | Asset Type16:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path17:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\d.png | Asset Extension17:  png | Asset Type17:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path18:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\e.png | Asset Extension18:  png | Asset Type18:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path19:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\f.png | Asset Extension19:  png | Asset Type19:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path20:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\g.png | Asset Extension20:  png | Asset Type20:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path21:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\h.png | Asset Extension21:  png | Asset Type21:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path22:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\i.png | Asset Extension22:  png | Asset Type22:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path23:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\j.png | Asset Extension23:  png | Asset Type23:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path24:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\k.png | Asset Extension24:  png | Asset Type24:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path25:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\l.png | Asset Extension25:  png | Asset Type25:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path26:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\m.png | Asset Extension26:  png | Asset Type26:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path27:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\n.png | Asset Extension27:  png | Asset Type27:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path28:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\o.png | Asset Extension28:  png | Asset Type28:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path29:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\p.png | Asset Extension29:  png | Asset Type29:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path30:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\q.png | Asset Extension30:  png | Asset Type30:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path31:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\r.png | Asset Extension31:  png | Asset Type31:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path32:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\s.png | Asset Extension32:  png | Asset Type32:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path33:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\t.png | Asset Extension33:  png | Asset Type33:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path34:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\u.png | Asset Extension34:  png | Asset Type34:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path35:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\v.png | Asset Extension35:  png | Asset Type35:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path36:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\w.png | Asset Extension36:  png | Asset Type36:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path37:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\x.png | Asset Extension37:  png | Asset Type37:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path38:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\y.png | Asset Extension38:  png | Asset Type38:  system
				Asset Label: Letters | Asset Path39:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Letters\z.png | Asset Extension39:  png | Asset Type39:  system
				Asset Label: Other | Asset Path1:  C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Images\Other\Pointer.png | Asset Extension1:  png | Asset Type1:  system
08:11:18:992 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
08:11:18:996 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Started - Building Table for: game|system
08:11:18:000 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for: C:\HyperSpin\Media\Nintendo Entertainment System\Video\Alien3.*
08:11:19:018 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +31    | BuildAssetsTable - Searching for: C:\HyperSpin\Media\Main Menu\Video\Nintendo Entertainment System.*
08:11:19:022 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | BuildAssetsTable - Ended
08:11:19:026 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | PluginInit - Ended
08:11:19:030 | MD |   DEBUG1  | +0     | StartModule - Setting romName to the dbName sent to HyperLaunch: Alien3
08:11:19:054 | MD |   DEBUG2  | +32    | XHotkeyTableCreation - Using standard Hotkey method for key(s): "~e & ~t" to call label: "ToggleCursor"
08:11:19:058 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - Ended
08:11:19:062 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [settings] - Fullscreen: true
08:11:19:087 | MD |     INFO  | +31    | Module Setting - [settings] - ExitKey: Esc
08:11:19:091 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [settings] - ToggleMenuKey: Alt+M
08:11:19:095 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [settings] - bezelTopOffset: 16
08:11:19:117 | MD |     INFO  | +31    | Module Setting - [settings] - bezelBottomOffset: 26
08:11:19:121 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [settings] - bezelLeftOffset: 7
08:11:19:125 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [settings] - bezelRightOffset: 7
08:11:19:147 | MD |     INFO  | +31    | Module Setting - [Alien3] - force4players: False
08:11:19:151 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Run - Running: C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\Nestopia\Nestopia-1.41\nestopia.exe "D:\Hyperspin\Roms\Nintendo\Alien3.nes"


What is happening because you log cuts off abruptly, is there an error? Your emulator version is 1.41 and the recommended is 1.42.


What is happening because you log cuts off abruptly, is there an error? Your emulator version is 1.41 and the recommended is 1.42.

Nevermind got it working..

I have 1.42 now but forgot to change path in HyperlaunchHQ.. (from previous 1.39 version) My mistake.. :)

Thanks anyway gigapig.

And yes im using " version 1.42.0


im having a problem something about win wait this is my log

the problem is at bottom

13:25:23:322 | HL |     INFO  | +N/A   | Main - HyperLaunch v3.1.0.3 BETA (www.hyperlaunch.net)
13:25:23:487 | HL |     INFO  | +156   | Main - System Specs:
				HyperLaunch Dir: C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch
				HyperLaunch is: 32-bit
				OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate 
				SKU: Ultimate
				Total Memory: 3070.49 MB
				Free Memory: 1579.52 MB
				Used Memory: 1490.977 MB
				SystemType: 32-bit
				Physical Processors: 1
				Logical Processors: 2
				GPU 1 Name: AMD Radeon HD 6670
				GPU 1 RAM: 1024.00 MB
				GPU 1 Driver Version: 14.501.1003.0
				Sound 1 Device: High Definition Audio Device
				Sound 1 Status: Enabled
				Sound 2 Device: AMD High Definition Audio Device
				Sound 2 Status: Enabled
				OS Language: English_United_States
				OS Admin Status: Yes
				Monitor #1 (\\.\DISPLAY1): 1680x1050 (1680x1010 work)
				Monitor #1 Orientation: Landscape
				Current AHK Desktop Width: 1680
				Current AHK Desktop Height: 1050
				AutoHotkey Path: 
				AHK Version:
				Unicode: No
13:25:23:487 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\HyperLaunch.exe exists
13:25:23:487 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini exists
13:25:23:488 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.exe exists
13:25:23:489 | HL |  WARNING  | +0     | Main - No frontendPath was sent via CLI. Defaulting to use HyperSpin in "..\HyperSpin.exe". If you want to use a different FE Path, please make sure you set up your Front End so it sends this parameter to HyperLaunch: "-f <PATH_TO_MY_FE\FRONTEND.exe>"
13:25:23:492 | HL |     INFO  | +16    | Main - HyperSpin.exe coordinates are x0 y0 w1680 h1050
13:25:23:492 | HL |  WARNING  | +0     | Main - Front End plugin was not sent via CLI. Defaulting to the "HyperSpin" Plugin. If you want to load a different Front End Plugin, please make sure you set up your Front End so it sends this parameter to HyperLaunch: "-p <PLUGINTYPE>"
13:25:23:492 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Plugins\HyperSpin.plugin exists
13:25:23:493 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - HyperLaunch received "Nintendo Entertainment System" and "Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A)"
13:25:23:504 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A) is using the default emulator: Nestopia
13:25:23:504 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Checking for a [Nestopia] section in C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Settings\Nintendo Entertainment System\Emulators.ini
13:25:23:505 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Checking for a [Nestopia] section in C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
13:25:23:505 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Found [Nestopia] in C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Settings\Global Emulators.ini
13:25:23:506 | HL |     INFO  | +15    | CheckFile - Checking if C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Modules\Nestopia\Nestopia.ahk exists
13:25:23:518 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - CRC Check - CRC matches, this is an official unedited module.
13:25:23:518 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A) will use module: C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Modules\Nestopia\Nestopia.ahk
13:25:23:540 | HL |     INFO  | +32    | Main - Did not find a "C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Settings\Nintendo Entertainment System\Game Options.ini" file, skipping any game-specific options.
13:25:23:540 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Using standard method with "Rom Extension" SkipChecks or without any SkipChecks.
13:25:23:543 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - INI Keys read
13:25:23:543 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\7z.exe exists
13:25:23:545 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\7z.dll exists
13:25:23:546 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\FontReg.exe exists
13:25:23:593 | HL |     INFO  | +46    | Main - "Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A)" does not qualify for MultiGame. Only roms with any of these strings in their name are acceptable: (Disc,(Disk,(Cart,(Tape,(Cassette,(Part,(Side
13:25:23:593 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Started
13:25:23:593 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Found rom: C:\Hyperspin\roms\nes\Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A).zip
13:25:23:593 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckPaths - Ended
13:25:23:594 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - User Variables:

				DetectHiddenWindows, ON
				SetTitleMatchMode, 2
				SendMode, Event
				0 = 2
				pluginPath = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Plugins
				pluginName = HyperSpin
				pluginExt = .plugin
				hlMode = 
				hlTitle = HyperLaunch
				hlVersion = BETA
				hlAuthor = djvj
				hlURL = www.hyperlaunch.net
				langFile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Data\Language\Localization.ini
				frontendPID = 5544
				frontendPath = C:\Hyperspin
				frontendExe = HyperSpin.exe
				frontendExt = exe
				frontendName = HyperSpin
				frontendDrive = C:
				exitEmulatorKey = ~Esc
				exitEmulatorKeyWait = 0
				forceHoldKey = ~Esc
				restoreFE = false
				exitScriptKey = ~q & ~s
				toggleCursorKey = ~e & ~t
				emuFullPath = C:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Nestopia\nestopia.exe
				emuPath = C:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Nestopia
				emuName = Nestopia
				emuExt = exe
				romPath = C:\Hyperspin\roms\nes
				romPathFromIni = C:\Hyperspin\roms\nes
				romExtension = .zip
				romExtensionOrig = .zip
				romExtensions = 7z|zip|nes|fds
				executable = nestopia.exe
				systemName = Nintendo Entertainment System
				dbPath = 
				dbName = Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A)
				dbExt = 
				romName = Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A)
				romMapPath = 
				romMappingEnabled = false
				romMappingLaunchMenuEnabled = false
				romMappingFirstMatchingExt = false
				romMappingShowAllRomsInArchive = true
				romMappingNumberOfGamesByScreen = 7
				romMappingMenuWidth = 400
				romMappingMenuMargin = 65
				romMappingTextFont = Bebas Neue
				romMappingTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s60 Bold
				romMappingDisabledTextColor = ff888888
				romMappingTextSizeDifference = 7
				romMappingTextMargin = 15
				romMappingTitleTextFont = Bebas Neue
				romMappingTitleTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s90 Bold
				romMappingTitle2TextFont = Bebas Neue
				romMappingTitle2TextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Bold
				romMappingGameInfoTextFont = Bebas Neue
				romMappingGameInfoTextOptions = cFFFFFFFF r4 s22 Regular
				romMappingBackgroundBrush = aa000000
				romMappingColumnBrush = 33000000
				romMappingButtonBrush1 = 6f000000
				romMappingButtonBrush2 = 33000000
				romMappingBackgroundAlign = Stretch and Lose Aspect
				romMappingMenuFlagWidth = 55
				romMappingMenuFlagSeparation = 7
				romMappingDefaultMenuList = FullList
				romMappingSingleFilteredRomAutomaticLaunch = false
				altArchiveNameOnly = 
				altRomNameOnly = 
				altArchiveAndRomName = 
				altArchiveAndManyRomNames = 
				altRomNamesOnly = 
				romMapScenario = 
				skipchecks = false
				romMatchExt = false
				blockInputTime = 0
				blockInputFile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\BlockInput.exe
				errorLevelReporting = false
				lockLaunch = false
				lockLaunchGame = 
				screenRotationAngle = 0
				screenRotationAngleGame = 
				logFile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\HyperLaunch.log
				logLabel := ["    INFO"," WARNING","   ERROR","  DEBUG1","  DEBUG2"]
				logLevel = 3
				logShowDebugConsole = false
				logIncludeModule = true
				logIncludeFileProperties = true
				logShowCommandWindow = false
				logCommandWindow = false
				hlDebugConsoleStdout = 
				sysLang = English_United_States
				sysType = 32-bit
				navUpKey = Up
				navDownKey = Down
				navLeftKey = Left
				navRightKey = Right
				navSelectKey = Enter
				navP2UpKey = Numpad8
				navP2DownKey = Numpad2
				navP2LeftKey = Numpad4
				navP2RightKey = Numpad6
				navP2SelectKey = NumpadEnter
				originalWidth = 1680
				originalHeight = 1050
				dtEnabled = false
				dtPath = 
				dtUseSCSI = true
				dtAddDrive = true
				servoStikEnabled = false
				ledblinkyEnabled = false
				ledblinkyFullPath = 
				ledblinkyProfilePath = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\LEDBlinky
				ledblinkyHLProfile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\LEDBlinky\HyperLaunch
				emuIdleShutdown = 0
				launchPasswordHash = UpUpDownDownLeftRightLeftRight
				hideCursor = false
				hideEmu = false
				hideFE = false
				fadeIn = false
				fadeInDuration = 500
				fadeInTransitionAnimation = DefaultAnimateFadeIn
				fadeInDelay = 0
				fadeInExitDelay = 0
				fadeOutExitDelay = 0
				fadeOut = false
				fadeOutExtraScreen = false
				fadeOutDuration = 500
				fadeOutTransitionAnimation = DefaultAnimateFadeOut
				fadeOutDelay = 0
				fadeLyrInterpolation = 7
				fadeMuteEmulator = false
				fadeUseBackgrounds = false
				fadeXScale = 
				fadeYScale = 
				fadeLyr1Color = FF000000
				fadeLyr1AlignImage = Stretch and Lose Aspect
				fadeLyr2Pos = Stretch and Lose Aspect
				fadeLyr2X = 0
				fadeLyr2Y = 0
				fadeLyr2Adjust = 1
				fadeLyr2PicPad = 0
				fadeLyr2Prefix = Extra Layer 1 - Console
				fadeLyr3Pos = Center
				fadeLyr3X = 450
				fadeLyr3Y = 450
				fadeLyr3Adjust = 0.8
				fadeLyr3PicPad = 0
				fadeLyr3Speed = 750
				fadeLyr3Animation = DefaultFadeAnimation
				fadeLyr37zAnimation = DefaultFadeAnimation
				fadeLyr3Type = imageandbar
				fadeLyr3ImgFollow7zProgress = true
				fadeLyr3Repeat = 1
				fadeLyr3BackImageTransparency = 30
				fadeLyr3StaticPos = No Alignment
				fadeLyr3StaticX = 0
				fadeLyr3StaticY = 870|1575
				fadeLyr3StaticAdjust = 1
				fadeLyr3StaticPicPad = 0
				fadeLyr3StaticPrefix = Info Bar
				fadeLyr4Adjust = 1
				fadeLyr4X = 1792|952
				fadeLyr4Y = 891|1596
				fadeLyr4Pos = No Alignment
				fadeLyr4FPS = 50
				fadeLyr4PicPad = 0
				fadeTranspGifColor = FFFFFF
				fadeBarWindow = Image
				fadeBarWindowX = 
				fadeBarWindowY = 
				fadeBarWindowW = 900
				fadeBarWindowH = 180
				fadeBarWindowR = 30
				fadeBarWindowM = 30
				fadeBarWindowHatchStyle = 8
				fadeBar = 7zOnly
				fadeBarNon7zProgressTime = 0
				fadeBarBack = true
				fadeBarBackColor = FF555555
				fadeBarH = 30
				fadeBarR = 10
				fadeBarColor = DD00BFFF
				fadeBarHatchStyle = 8
				fadeBarPercentageText = true
				fadeBarInfoText = true
				fadeBarXOffset = 0
				fadeBarYOffset = 150
				fadeRomInfoDescription = filtered text
				fadeRomInfoSystemName = image
				fadeRomInfoYear = text with label
				fadeRomInfoManufacturer = text with label
				fadeRomInfoGenre = disabled
				fadeRomInfoRating = image
				fadeRomInfoOrder = Description|SystemName|Year|Manufacturer|Genre|Rating
				fadeRomInfoTextPlacement = User Defined
				fadeRomInfoTextMargin = 7
				fadeRomInfoText1Options = w1600|787 h90 x165 y870|1575 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s90 Left Regular
				fadeRomInfoText2Options = w400 x8 y15 cFF555555 r4 s60 Bold
				fadeRomInfoText3Options = w310 x165 y960|1665 cFFE1E1E1 r4 s66 Left Regular
				fadeRomInfoText4Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
				fadeRomInfoText5Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
				fadeRomInfoText6Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
				fadeStats_Number_of_Times_Played = text with label
				fadeStats_Last_Time_Played = text with label
				fadeStats_Average_Time_Played = text with label
				fadeStats_Total_Time_Played = text with label
				fadeStats_System_Total_Played_Time = text with label
				fadeStats_Total_Global_Played_Time = text with label
				fadeStatsInfoOrder = Number_of_Times_Played|Last_Time_Played|Average_Time_Played|Total_Time_Played|System_Total_Played_Time|Total_Global_Played_Time
				fadeStatsInfoTextPlacement = topLeft
				fadeStatsInfoTextMargin = 5
				fadeStatsInfoText1Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
				fadeStatsInfoText2Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
				fadeStatsInfoText3Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
				fadeStatsInfoText4Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
				fadeStatsInfoText5Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
				fadeStatsInfoText6Options = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
				fadeText1X = 0
				fadeText1Y = 0
				fadeText1Options = cFFFFFFFF r4 s20 Right Bold
				fadeText1 = Loading Game
				fadeText2X = 0
				fadeText2Y = 0
				fadeText2Options = cFFFFFFFF r4 s20 Right Bold
				fadeText2 = Extraction Complete
				fadeText3 = Loading Game
				fadeText4 = Loading Complete
				fadeFont = Arial
				fadeSystemAndRomLayersOnly = false
				fadeExtractionTime = disabled
				fadeExtractionTimeTextX = 0
				fadeExtractionTimeTextY = 0
				fadeExtractionTimeTextOptions = cFF555555 r4 s20 Bold
				fadeInterruptKey = 
				detectFadeErrorEnabled = true
				fadeImgPath = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Media\Fade
				HLDataPath = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Data
				HLMediaPath = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Media
				HLErrSoundPath = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Media\Sounds\Error
				modulesPath = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Modules
				moduleFullName = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Modules\Nestopia\Nestopia.ahk
				moduleName = Nestopia
				modulePath = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Modules\Nestopia
				moduleExtension = ahk
				moduleExtensionsPath = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions
				libPath = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Lib
				7zEnabled = false
				7zPath = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\7z.exe
				7zDllPath = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\7z.dll
				7zExtractPath = C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\HS
				7zExtractPathOrig = 
				7zAttachSystemName = false
				7zDelTemp = true
				7zSounds = true
				7zFormats = .zip,.rar,.7z,.lzh,.gzip,.tar
				7zFormatsNoP = zip,rar,7z,lzh,gzip,tar
				mgEnabled = false
				mgKey = ~NumpadSub
				mgBackgroundColor = FF000000
				mgSidePadding = 0.2
				mgXScale = 1
				mgYScale = 1
				mgYOffset = 500|800
				mgFont = Arial
				mgText1Options = x10p y250|500 w80p Center cBBFFFFFF r4 s100 BoldItalic
				mgText1Text = Please select a game
				mgText2Options = w96p cFFFFFFFF r4 s50 Center BoldItalic
				mgText2Offset = 100
				mgUseSound = true
				mgSoundfreq = 300
				mgExitEffect = none
				mgSelectedEffect = rotate
				mgUseGameArt = false
				mgArtworkDir = Artwork1
				mgCandidate = 
				mgValidTypes = (Disc,(Disk,(Cart,(Tape,(Cassette,(Part,(Side
				mgOnLaunch = false
				hpEnabled = false
				hpKey = ~NumpadAdd
				hpBackToMenuBarKey = X
				hpZoomInKey = C
				hpZoomOutKey = V
				hpScreenshotKey = ~PrintScreen
				hpHiToTextPath = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\HiToText.exe
				hpSaveStateKeyCodes = {shift down}{1 down}{1 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}|{shift down}{2 down}{2 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}|{shift down}{3 down}{3 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}|{shift down}{4 down}{4 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}|{shift down}{5 down}{5 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}|{shift down}{6 down}{6 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}|{shift down}{7 down}{7 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}|{shift down}{8 down}{8 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}|{shift down}{9 down}{9 up}{shift up){shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}{shift down}{p down}{p up}{shift up}
				hpLoadStateKeyCodes = {1 down}{1 up}|{2 down}{2 up}|{3 down}{3 up}|{4 down}{4 up}|{5 down}{5 up}|{6 down}{6 up}|{7 down}{7 up}|{8 down}{8 up}|{9 down}{9 up}
				keymapperEnabled = false
				keymapperAHKMethod = false
				keymapper = xpadder
				xpadderFullPath = C:\Hyperspin\Utilities\Xpadder\xpadder.exe
				joyToKeyFullPath = C:\Hyperspin\Utilities\JoyToKey\JoyToKey.exe
				keymapperProfilePath = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder
				keymapperFrontEndProfileName = HyperSpin
				keymapperFrontEndProfile = false
				keymapperHyperLaunchProfileEnabled = false
				JoyIDsEnabled = false
				JoyIDsPreferredControllersSystem = use_global
				JoyIDsPreferredControllersGlobal = use_global
				CustomJoyNamesEnabled = false
				CustomJoyNames = 
				rotateMethod = false
				FEProfile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\HyperSpin
				defaultProfile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\_Default
				systemProfile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\Nintendo Entertainment System
				xPadderSystemProfile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\Nintendo Entertainment System\_Default
				emuProfile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\Nintendo Entertainment System\Nestopia
				romProfile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\Nintendo Entertainment System\Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A)
				HyperLaunchProfile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\HyperLaunch
				blankProfile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\xpadder\_Default\blank
				ahkFEProfile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\AHK\HyperSpin
				ahkDefaultProfile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\AHK\_Default
				ahkSystemProfile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\AHK\Nintendo Entertainment System
				ahkEmuProfile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\AHK\Nintendo Entertainment System\Nestopia
				ahkRomProfile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\AHK\Nintendo Entertainment System\Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A)
				ahkHyperLaunchProfile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Profiles\AHK\HyperLaunch
				bezelEnabled = false
				bezelICEnabled = false
				statisticsEnabled = true
				pressDuration = -1
				emuVolume = 1
				dxwndIni = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.ini
				dxwndFullPath = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\dxwnd\dxwnd.exe
				mon1O = 0
				pacDrivedllFile = C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Module Extensions\PacDrive32.dll

13:25:23:595 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded XHotkey Init.ahk scripts
13:25:23:595 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics Init.ahk scripts
13:25:23:595 | HL |  WARNING  | +0     | BuildScript - "C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Lib\User Functions Init.ahk" not found
13:25:23:595 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Validating module
13:25:23:596 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Validation complete
13:25:23:596 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Module:
				MEmu = Nestopia
				MEmuV =  v1.42
				MURL = http://www.emucr.com/2011/09/nestopia-unofficial-v1420.html
				MAuthor = djvj
				MVersion = 2.0.2
				MCRC = 89EE8369
				iCRC = F9662CA1
				MID = 635038268908287546
				MSystem = "Nintendo Entertainment System","Nintendo Famicom","Nintendo Famicom Disk System"
				; Notes:
				; If using this for Nintendo Famicom Disk System, make sure you place an FDS bios in your bios subfolder for your emu. You will have to select it on first launch of any FDS game.
				; Set your fullscreen key to Alt+Enter if it is not already for HyperPause support

				settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
				Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "settings", "Fullscreen","true",,1)
				ExitKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "settings", "ExitKey","Esc",,1)
				ToggleMenuKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "settings", "ToggleMenuKey","Alt+M",,1)
				bezelTopOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "bezelTopOffset",16,,1)
				bezelBottomOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "bezelBottomOffset",26,,1)
				bezelLeftOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "bezelLeftOffset",7,,1)
				bezelRightOffset := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "bezelRightOffset",7,,1)
				force4players := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "force4players","False",,1)


				emuSettingsFile := emuPath . "\" . "nestopia.xml"
				FileRead, nesXML, %emuSettingsFile%

				IfInString, nesXML, % "<confirm-exit>yes</confirm-exit>"	; find if this setting is not the desired value
					StringReplace, nesXML, nesXML, % "<confirm-exit>yes</confirm-exit>", % "<confirm-exit>no</confirm-exit>"	; turning off confirmation on exit
				IfNotInString, nesXML, % "<exit>" . ExitKey . "</exit>"	; find if this setting is not the desired value
				{	currentExitKey := StrX(nesXML,"<exit>" ,0,0,"</exit>",0,0)	; trim confirm-exit to what it's current setting is
					StringReplace, nesXML, nesXML, % currentExitKey, % "<exit>" . ExitKey . "</exit>"	; replacing the current exit key to the desired one from above
				IfNotInString, nesXML, % "<toggle-menu>" . ToggleMenuKey . "</toggle-menu>"	; find if this setting is not the desired value
				{	currentMenuKey := StrX(nesXML,"<toggle-menu>" ,0,0,"</toggle-menu>",0,0)	; trim toggle-menu to what it's current setting is
					StringReplace, nesXML, nesXML, % currentMenuKey, % "<toggle-menu>" . ToggleMenuKey . "</toggle-menu>"	; replacing the current toggle-menu key to the desired one from above

				If force4players = true
				{	IfInString, nesXML, % "<auto-select-controllers>yes</auto-select-controllers>"	; find if this setting is not the desired value
						StringReplace, nesXML, nesXML, % "<auto-select-controllers>yes</auto-select-controllers>", % "<auto-select-controllers>no</auto-select-controllers>"	; replacing the current toggle-menu key to the desired one from above
					StringReplace, nesXML, nesXML, % "<port-3>unconnected</port-3>", % "<port-3>pad3</port-3>"
					StringReplace, nesXML, nesXML, % "<port-4>unconnected</port-4", % "<port-4>pad4</port-4>"
				} Else
					IfInString, nesXML, % "<auto-select-controllers>no</auto-select-controllers>"	; find if this setting is not the desired value
						StringReplace, nesXML, nesXML, % "<auto-select-controllers>no</auto-select-controllers>", % "<auto-select-controllers>yes</auto-select-controllers>"	; replacing the current toggle-menu key to the desired one from above

				; Enable Fullscreen
				currentFS := StrX(nesXML,"<start-fullscreen>" ,0,0,"</start-fullscreen>",0,0)	; trim start-fullscreen to what it's current setting is
				StringReplace, nesXML, nesXML, % currentFS, % "<start-fullscreen>" . ((If Fullscreen = "true")?"yes":"no") . "</start-fullscreen>"	; setting start-fullscreen to the desired setting from above


				hideEmuObj := Object(romName . " - Nestopia",1)	; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later
				7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)

				HideEmuStart()	; This fully ensures windows are completely hidden even faster than winwait

				Run(executable . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)

				WinWait(romName . " - Nestopia")
				WinWaitActive(romName . " - Nestopia")

				Process("WaitClose", executable)

				SaveFile() {
					Global emuSettingsFile
					Global nesXML
					FileDelete, %emuSettingsFile%
					FileAppend, %nesXML%, %emuSettingsFile%, UTF-8

					; Send, !{Enter}
					Sleep, 200
					WinActivate, ahk_id  %emulatorID%
					; Send, !{Enter}

					WinClose("ahk_class Nestopia")

13:25:23:609 | HL |     INFO  | +16    | BuildScript - Loaded Multi-Player scripts
13:25:23:612 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Loaded Statistics.ahk script
13:25:23:612 | HL |  WARNING  | +0     | BuildScript - "C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\Lib\User Functions.ahk" not found
13:25:23:612 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | BuildScript - Finished injecting functions into module
13:25:23:614 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | Main - Module is built
13:25:23:614 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | CheckFile - Checking if C:\Hyperspin\HyperLaunch\AutoHotkey.dll exists
13:25:23:619 | HL |     INFO  | +16    | Main - Running module
13:25:23:779 | MD |     INFO  | +N/A   | Module initialized
13:25:23:782 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - Started
13:25:23:782 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - MEmu: Nestopia
				MEmuV: v1.42
				MURL: http://www.emucr.com/2011/09/nestopia-unofficial-v1420.html
				MAuthor: djvj
				MVersion: 2.0.2
				MCRC: 89EE8369
				iCRC: F9662CA1
				MSystem: "Nintendo Entertainment System","Nintendo Famicom","Nintendo Famicom Disk System"
13:25:23:782 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - You have a supported System Name for this module: "Nintendo Entertainment System"
13:25:23:783 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | PluginInit - Started
13:25:23:868 | MD |     INFO  | +93    | CheckFile - Checking if C:\Hyperspin\Databases\Nintendo Entertainment System\Nintendo Entertainment System.xml exists
13:25:23:871 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | PluginInit - Ended
13:25:23:872 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | StartModule - Ended
13:25:23:872 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [settings] - Fullscreen: true
13:25:23:872 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [settings] - ExitKey: Esc
13:25:23:872 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [settings] - ToggleMenuKey: Alt+M
13:25:23:872 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [settings] - bezelTopOffset: 16
13:25:23:872 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [settings] - bezelBottomOffset: 26
13:25:23:872 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [settings] - bezelLeftOffset: 7
13:25:23:872 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [settings] - bezelRightOffset: 7
13:25:23:872 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Module Setting - [super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A)] - force4players: False
13:25:23:874 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Run - Running: C:\Hyperspin\Emulators\Nestopia\nestopia.exe "C:\Hyperspin\roms\nes\Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A).zip"
13:25:23:978 | MD |     INFO  | +109   | WinWait - Waiting for "Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A) - Nestopia"
13:26:08:431 | MD |    ERROR  | +44445 | There was an error waiting for the window "Super Mario Bros. 3 (USA) (Rev A) - Nestopia". Please check you have the correct version emulator installed for this module, followed any notes in the module, and have this emulator working outside your Frontend first. Also turn off Fade to see if you are hiding your problem.
13:26:08:431 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | ExitModule - Started
13:26:08:431 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Starting Updating Statistics:
13:26:08:618 | MD |     INFO  | +187   | Game section statistics updated.
13:26:08:619 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | ExitModule - Ended
13:26:08:619 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | End of Module Logs
13:26:08:654 | HL |     INFO  | +45037 | Main - Module ended, exiting HyperLaunch normally
13:26:08:654 | HL |     INFO  | +0     | ExitScript - Started
13:26:08:796 | HL |     INFO  | +141   | SystemCursor - Restoring mouse cursor
13:26:08:819 | HL |     INFO  | +15    | ExitScript - Ended


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