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Mini-Pac Question (Connectors)


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Hello, I've just started a new cabinet build from an original Gorgar (will introduce the build properly later) and want to pick up a Mini-PAC. Can someone help me choose the proper connectors to purchase?

I have the Ultimate Cab-Builder's Button Kit (http://virtuapin.net...&products_id=38) and have been told that it uses 0.250" and 0.187" terminals.

Which Mini-Pac connectors should I select to ensure that I will have everything needed? (http://www.ultimarc....ct.php?xProd=29)

Options: 6.3mm (1/4in) connectors / 4.8mm connectors / 4.8-2.8 mm connectors.

Thank you in advance!


you will need 4.8 mm for the button micro switches.

6.3 mm's are normally used for the lighting connectors on the buttons



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