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Mame roms on differesnt hard drive from emulator


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I tried to have a dedicated hard drive for all my roms. Trouble is, when I try to run the Mame emulator .160 it says "no roms detected", configure mame.ini. There is no mame.ini in the mame emulator folder:dontknow:, only on the hyperspin side--and it is configured for having the emulator on one drive and the roms on another. I really want to run my emulators off a SSD and the roms off a hard drive. Anyone else have this problem and how did you solve it.


If your using HyperLaunch there should be no need to mess wuth the emulator you just add the Rom path in HLHQ.

My Roms are on a separate drive to the Emu, perhaps follow Junkies advice and grab a mameuifx version from Jumpstiles folder.

Here's some advice about creating the ini.


Perhaps you can open a command window in the mame root folder and type "mame.exe -cc"



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