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Taito Type X issues


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First, let me start by saying I've watched the youtube from gigaguides and followed that through step by step.


However, I must be doing something wrong.  I used the rom set that is currently on the site that rhymes with shit famer.  I then used the files from the gigaguides' youtube video.


I followed all the hyperlaunch/hyper HQ instructions as well.


I can't get any of the games to work.  Arcana Heart 3 for example gives me a hyperlaunch error "There was an error waiting for the window "AH3".  I have fade disabled and there's nothing in my files referencing AH3 anywhere.  My folders and such are all named to full game names per the XML.  Ex: Arcana Heart 3.  I try running the xb_loader file without hyperlaunch.  A quick dos window opens and immediately closes and nothing else happens.


For other games, I get I/O errors.  I try running the .bat file, but nothing happens.  Battle Fantasia for example.


I'm not sure how to get this going.  I've tried wiping out the roms and starting again following the youtube, but still no luck.  Is that romset a bad romset?  Seems to be all I can find.



Edit:  It seems some of the loaders crash on my machine and xb_config.exe just crashes.  The command window opens and asks for first input then immediate crashes.  "xb_config.exe stopped working"

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Sounds like you need to forget HyperSpin etc for the moment and concentrate on getting the games running.

It is possible the games are faulty from the source but unlikely. It really is a case of extracting the game and copying over the files and then setting the pad config.

Your symptoms sound like files are missing, you could open the bat file in notepad and you should see something like this.


typex_loader game.exe


That relates to 2 files you should have in the same folder, typex_loader & game.exe. If either are missing then the game won't load.



Yeah, looks like the romset might be bad.  Using Street Fighter IV as an example.  I have no typex_loader.  I have typex_bindings.bin and launcher.exe and a few others, but no typex_loader.


I don't even have a .bat file for Arcana Heart 3.  I have the flashrom folder with all the folders your video said to move into it.  AH30.exe, game.exe, couple dll and lib files, monitor_input.bin, xb_config.exe, xb_loader.exe, and a couple of text files.


Ok, maybe not a bad romset.  No surprisingly, user error.  There was apparently separate zip files which contained the missing files that I have to dump into the roms folders.  Not sure why they aren't already there, but whatever.  Got a couple games working now, so I'll check all the others.


I am going through the games now testing.  Got a few of them working.  having trouble with Contra though.  it seems that every time I load it, I get a clock error.  So I have to go into the test menu and set the clock.  However, it doesn't seem to save.  I have to do this every time.  Any way to save that somehow?


You do need to treat each one separately but the Arcana Heart games and Daemon Bride are run in the same way using xb loader.exe.

SSFIVAE 2012 can be run in different ways and the rest are run from batch files which are all included in the TTX files.



Forget about Contra. That may need to save it's data to a certain drive on your machine just like Otomedius needs an F drive which it saves to.

You may be able to use Game Loader All RH instead or also use that for all the games.



But I really like Conta.  LOL. Once I configured the clock each game, the game was a blast.  Not a lot different than the original, but just enough different to be fun and a must have on my wheel!


I have no issue creating an F drive.  I can partition one of my drives to F if that will work.  I'll give it a shot.


I'm not sure what Game Loader AII RH is.


I got contra working with F Drive.  Thanks!


Went through and did an audit of all games ot see what works and doesn't using your guide.  Got most games, but handful I still can't get.


Arcana Heart 3 - nothing happening.  None of the bat files or loader files seem to do anything.
Daemon Bride - nothing happening.  None of the bat files or loader files seem to do anything.
KOF - Maximum Impact Regulation A - Game seems to load.  I get a couple of splash screens and then nothing.  Freezes the game.  Bad romset likely?
Otomedius - can't get to service screen.  I get a slightly different screen than your video . 7-10000-1000
Power Instinct - black screen then game.exe stopped
Samurai Spirits Sen - need to install in HL, but controls won't stick.  Doing some strange dual screen thing, where it plays on 2nd screen and 1st screen freezes on main insert coin menu
Silent Hill The Arcade - crashes shortly after loading "...has stopped working"
Suggo Arcana Heart 2 - nothing happening.  None of the bat files or loader files seem to do anything.
Taisen Hot Gimmick 5 - only some of controls work?
Half-Life 2 Survivior Ver 2.0 - not installed.  Can't configure joystick, won't go true full screen


I will pm you about Daemon Bride and Arcana. It does sound like you have similar problems to a few other members who may have downloaded the same thing.


Otomedius may have thrown up that error if you ran it before adding the F drive? As it also needs one.


Samurai Showdown has fixed keys so you need to use a keymapper. A list of those keys are with the TTX files.


THG5 is a kinky? Mahjong game and has a lot of keys, I never bothered with it.


HL2, I have no experience with it, I saw no point going through the pain of setting it up because of the control system. There are a few who know how to get it working.


What video card do you have?



It seems that I'm having a system issue.  xb_loader.exe just seems to crash immediately.  It opens the command window and seems to prompt for first key and then immediately crashes.


games that require xb_loader.exe seem to be an issue too.  So what are these files designed in?   I have updated all the .net framework, Visual C++ runtimes.  What am I missing to get these files to work.  I'lve tried running as admin, I tried compatibility mode to win 7.  I don't run any anti-virus other than what's built into windows 8.1.  I don't get it.

  • 2 months later...

DB is working fine now but in a small window cant locate the ini to make it full screen. What I did was disable the antivirus which solve most of the loader problems.


DB is working fine now but in a small window cant locate the ini to make it full screen. What I did was disable the antivirus which solve most of the loader problems.

Open xb config and check the full screen box.



Bro you said few games need flashdrive how do we set this up ?

Tapatalk を使用して私の A0001 から送信


Get a flash drive, place in USB hole.


Right click "My Computer" and click "Manage"


From the middle window double click "Storage" and then "Disk Management"


You should now see two new windows in the centre, the top one has a list of drives the bottom section each one is laid out in a block.


Find your flash drive in the lower list and right click it and select "Change Drive Letter and Paths"


Next click "Change" and choose "F" from the drop down list.


If you don't have F in the list it's probably already assigned to a drive. If it's assigned to a DVD Rom drive then you will need to shut the PC down, unplug the drive and then restart.

Once restarted go through the same process, this time F should be present.  Change the DVD drive letter to something different. (Thanks BlackSol)


That's all.


You can map a drive but I don't know how to do that.



Get a flash drive, place in USB hole.


Right click "My Computer" and click "Manage"


From the middle window double click "Storage" and then "Disk Management"


You should now see two new windows in the centre, the top one has a list of drives the bottom section each one is laid out in a block.


Find your flash drive in the lower list and right click it and select "Change Drive Letter and Paths"


Next click "Change" and choose "F" from the drop down list.


If you don't have F in the list it's probably already assigned to a drive. If it's assign to a DVD Rom drive then you will need to shut the PC down, unplug the drive and then restart.

Once restarted go through the same process, this time F should be present.


That's all.


You can map a drive but I don't know how to do that.




Finally OP is working now after set the F drive but joystick is not working even after set the type x-config file with a tick in 4way joystick


If you don't have F in the list it's probably already assigned to a drive. If it's assign to a DVD Rom drive then you will need to shut the PC down, unplug the drive and then restart.



No need to unplug DVD. Just change it to an unused letter then change the flash drive to F. No muss, no fuss.


I do this every time I reinstall Windows because there always seems to be a drive or partition that is out of the order that my OCD wants them in.


Thanks I have already assigned F drive.


KOF Max will launch but after SNK screen it goes to blank screen.

OT is loading fine now just need to setup the configs.

Battle Gear 4 not working at all.


Thanks I have already assigned F drive.


OT is loading fine now just need to setup the configs.



I'll assume when you say OT you mean Otomedius? 

You cannot change the keys for that game you need to use a keymapper if using a controller.

If you used our TTX files you should have seen the text file with the controls on it.


Otomedius controls

Cursor keys control the character

Z - Select Power Up
X - Fire
C - Special Weapon

Esc - Exit Game
F7 - Coin\Menu Enter Selection
F6 - Menu\Menu Selecton



Yes I saw the text file. thanks



What is the difference with NOTEPAD keymap & Keymapper  ?


The controls on the txt file are the keyboard controls that Otomedius uses for you to play it. If you don't wish to use the keyboard then you will need to use a keymapper like xpadder to assign those keys to the game pad.



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