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Breaking down MAME into systems


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I was wondering what would be the best way to break mame down into systems.



MAME - all mame games to search though

PlayChoice10 - Just playchoice 10 roms


Is there a way to have the playchoice10 wheel look in the Media\MAME\Video for matching videos so i don't have to copy them to Media\PlayChoice10\Video?

The only way i have found is to put the PlayChoice10 list as a Genre and sort them that way.


I have a complete mame folder and i would like to have sub wheels by system. I would like to do this with only editing XML files and not duplicating data or splitting up media data.


Is this possible?


You can assign the videos folder per system and even still use the same mame install. As long as you have the xml/wheels/themes you should be set.


HyperSpin Website Admin Team

Also Visit EmuMovies.com



You can either have a MAME system and have all the subsystems as Genre xml's




You can have a separate system wheel for every subsystem of MAME. You can just point HS/HL/RL to the same exact emulator/vid directory/rom directory.

All you have to have for each separate system is it's own wheel (you can just drop the entire MAME wheel in there) and it's own default theme and or game themes. (again, you could just copy paste all the themes here, but unlike the wheels, the themes add up in size quickly)



In the end for both options you need to have xml's for all sub-systems that you want to have on its own.


If you want to sort out the systems by hardware or manufacturor/developer is up to you.


..........................back with a vengeance........................


Thanks, THK. I was trying to avoid duplicating media data. I wish i could set the media directory like the rom directory. That way wheels can share the same resources. I could probably do this with a windows symbolic link but I thought there was a better way.


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