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question for someone who know "hex editor" type stuff


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So I am working on a MESS system. The games are all .zip files with .bin files inside. But I noticed that only some of the "games/roms" load. Further inspection revealed that all of the games with only ONE .bin file inside the .zip file LOAD correctly. Whereas games with multiple .bin files inside the .zip file DO NOT LOAD correctly. 

So using HEX EDITOR I combined three .bin files into one for one of the games that was not loading AND ..... IT LOADED !!! ... 


SHOULD IT REALLY be that easy????




I guess if it works, it's that easy!  :i_am_so_happy:


Glad you got it working.


 - J*

How to rebuild your MAME ROM set using CLRMAMEPRO - Walkthrough HERE!


What system is that? Hard to say anything without knowing that, but the split roms probably need to be loaded through the softlists instead since those will contain the memory address each of them must be loaded into, concatenating them might get you some games to load, but it also might not work for all of them (can depend on the mapper each cart used for instance).


Considering the number of games is pretty small you might actually be lucky and all of them use the same mapper. The MESS module already support softlist loading, you can enable that option for a specific system under the module settings in HLHQ.


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