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Help with Vector graphics games


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So I'm trying to get Vector games set up good on my widescreen monitor and need some advice.

In MAME they work well with Hyperlaunch bezels and keep their 4:3 format. Problem is the vector games in MAME don't look nearly as good as they do in AAE and I also can't seem to get the background artwork to show.

In AAE the vector graphics look fantastic, damn near rea and seem to have more features. But Hyperlaunch bezels don't seem to work, so everything ends up stretched... or small... or scrunched.

So 1. Is it possible to get Vector games in MAME looking just as good as AAE with the backdrops (I'm using a Gigapig vector.ini right now) and if so can I steal your settings? If not then does anyone know the best way to set up AAE so I don't have a stretched image?

My dads coming over this weekend and he used to be an Asteroids champ back in the day. I want these games running as good as can be for him. Thanks.


Have a look at gigapigs guide for mame hlsl below.

I haven't tried it because I don't have the pc specs to run it but I've read its the bomb!

MAME High Score Tutorial For HyperSpin    :alberteinstein:


Thanks. I'll check it out in a bit, but I'm already using his custom .ini for mame, but the vector games are still a far cry from how good they look in AAE.

Maybe I just have something done wrong though.


Yep that vid has the same ini and settings I'm already using. It looks OK, but not great. It doesn't look nearly as good as AAE looks on default settings right out of the gate. However I can't get the latest AAE update 2 .exe to launch without crashing on me. Update 2 looks like the one they added widescreen support to, but I can't get it to even start. This is driving me nuts.


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