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How do i temporaily remove games listed in my Hyperspin?


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I briefly read somewhere i need to edit the xml of all the listed roms and basically remove the entries i don't own, is there an easier way than this?
I want to completley strip down all the games listed and have maybe 3 or 4 roms per emulator.


If you only want 3 or 4 roms per emulator (really?!?) it would probably be easier to rename your databases to Backup (mame_backup.ini for example) and just copy the XML for the few roms you want from that database and paste em'into a new one and save it as the correct database (mame.ini). Would only take a few minutes.

That's what I would do, but then again I'm new and rarely know the best way to do these things.



There are a couple of tools out there that might help.  But many of them will destroy the extra info in the databases or are very labor intensive.

If you only want a couple roms from each XML, it might be easier to manually edit the files and add comment tags to it.


Open the xml in NotePad++ or your favorite text editor.

Go to the "game name" tag you want to remove.

		<listversion>1.0 Final</listversion>
		<exporterversion>HyperList XML Exporter Version 1.3 Copywrite (c) 2009-2011 William Strong</exporterversion>
	<game name="asteroid" index="true" image="a">
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>
	<game name="astdelux" index="" image="">
		<description>Asteroids Deluxe</description>
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>
	<game name="barrier" index="true" image="b">
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>
	<game name="bzone" index="" image="">
		<description>Battle Zone</description>
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>

Create a blank line before it.

		<listversion>1.0 Final</listversion>
		<exporterversion>HyperList XML Exporter Version 1.3 Copywrite (c) 2009-2011 William Strong</exporterversion>

	<game name="asteroid" index="true" image="a">
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>
	<game name="astdelux" index="" image="">
		<description>Asteroids Deluxe</description>
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>
	<game name="barrier" index="true" image="b">
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>
	<game name="bzone" index="" image="">
		<description>Battle Zone</description>
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>

Add "<!--" to that line:

		<listversion>1.0 Final</listversion>
		<exporterversion>HyperList XML Exporter Version 1.3 Copywrite (c) 2009-2011 William Strong</exporterversion>
	<game name="asteroid" index="true" image="a">
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>
	<game name="astdelux" index="" image="">
		<description>Asteroids Deluxe</description>
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>
	<game name="barrier" index="true" image="b">
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>
	<game name="bzone" index="" image="">
		<description>Battle Zone</description>
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>

Find the first line of the game you want to show and add a blank line before it:

		<listversion>1.0 Final</listversion>
		<exporterversion>HyperList XML Exporter Version 1.3 Copywrite (c) 2009-2011 William Strong</exporterversion>
	<game name="asteroid" index="true" image="a">
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>
	<game name="astdelux" index="" image="">
		<description>Asteroids Deluxe</description>
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>
	<game name="barrier" index="true" image="b">
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>

	<game name="bzone" index="" image="">
		<description>Battle Zone</description>
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>

Lastly, add "-->" to that line and everything between the open comment tag (<!--) and the close comment tag (-->) will not be shown:

		<listversion>1.0 Final</listversion>
		<exporterversion>HyperList XML Exporter Version 1.3 Copywrite (c) 2009-2011 William Strong</exporterversion>
	<game name="asteroid" index="true" image="a">
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>
	<game name="astdelux" index="" image="">
		<description>Asteroids Deluxe</description>
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>
	<game name="barrier" index="true" image="b">
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>
	<game name="bzone" index="" image="">
		<description>Battle Zone</description>
		<rating>HSRS - GA (General Audience)</rating>

Hope this helps.






  On 5/7/2015 at 1:48 PM, EddieN said:

I briefly read somewhere i need to edit the xml of all the listed roms and basically remove the entries i don't own, is there an easier way than this?
I want to completley strip down all the games listed and have maybe 3 or 4 roms per emulator.

Code Monkey and all around Command Line geek!

If you like what someone has said or done for you, be sure and 'Thank' them.  :good:

And if they changed your life, send them a Beer!    :beerglass:


There is an easier way. If you just don't want certain games showing up in the list, click off "Wheel only" in HyperHQ, and then remove/delete the wheel art of the games you don't want to be seen. That way you can keep the xmls in mint condition. 



Interresting solution. I wouldn't have thought of that! So make the change in HyperHQ, then in the folder for the wheel artwork, just create a sub-directory called "hide" or something then drag the images you dont want to show in there. Want to show them again? Simply move the images back... I like it!



  On 5/7/2015 at 3:05 PM, aletterfromthelostdays said:

There is an easier way. If you just don't want certain games showing up in the list, click off "Wheel only" in HyperHQ, and then remove/delete the wheel art of the games you don't want to be seen. That way you can keep the xmls in mint condition.

Nice, I didn't think of that.

And rfancella I didn't know how to do that before thanks. That's what I'll do to remove all the Neo-geo/CPS etc... games from my MAME wheel.

  • 2 weeks later...

Some great solutions here guys thanks. I did originally create an xml for my specific romset it was a little labour intensive but it worked.
Now i'm going to use the other method with the wheel art, because my ROM sets are getting a little bigger than 4 or 5..  :D



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