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Can't get any games to launch


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I have Hyperspin and Rocket Launcher installed as per Austin's guides on Youtube, but can't get any games to launch.


All the game show up and run from within RlauncherUI, but nothing will run from Hypersin.


All the rom paths and file extensions are ok and all the games show up.


If I point the exceutable path from HypeHQ to the emulator exe, it tries to run, but get an error messsage saying "You do not have a hyperlaunch2 module for system...."


Probably something easy, but I'm pulling my hair out!




You do not need to add paths in HyperHQ if you are using RocketLauncher.  Have you asked for support on Austins youtube channel?


What actually happens, nothing? Then perhaps you have some wherl filters checked in HyperHQ. 

Austins guide follows an unofficial way of installing HyperSpin and RocketLauncher,  so you may have to wait for him to respond.


Yes, when I try and lauch a game from within Hyperspin (by pressing enter or A on my controller) nothing happens.


I can see all my roms, scroll through them all etc, they just won't launch.


They all launch fine from RlauncherUI


Hi,  YES i'm having the same problem...I see all my ROMS and none of them will launch.  I set them up with same tutorial.  When i launch Hyperspin I can click from the main MAME screen into the various MAME games and move between the names of the games/see the movies intros of the games but can not launch the games themselves.  Just to make sure I've gone through the entire processs 3x now.  And same result.  


Heh.. I had the same prob when updating to rocketlauncher, etc etc. Same problem.. "Module 2" etc etc.. But switched back in 5 min to hyperlaunch instead.. (Backup is the shit)

And i havent gone through what causes it...

Skickat från min iPhone med Tapatalk


Argh, i have the very same problem. New HS build using Rocket launcher and i cant launch MAME games, i can navigate in HS all fine and get to MAME but it just wont launch any games?


May go back to Hyperlaunch, wonder if Rocketlauncher is the issue?


need change in c:\HyperSpin\Settings\setting.ini


Hyperlaunch_Path=c:\HyperSpin\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe               for Hyperspin 1.4 beta


Hyperlaunch_Path=c:\HyperSpin\RocketLauncher\                                               for hyperspin 1.3           (if Hyperlaunch no found error, copy RocketLauncher.exe other site, rename a Hyperlaunch.exe and copy a RocketLauncher folder)




No, got it set correctly to "Hyperlaunch_Path=I:\Hyperspin\RocketLauncher.exe" and still won't launch.


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