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Auto download of data


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I agree with you 100%

What would be really very nice is to have a simple setup to point the roms folders of each system.


From this setup Hyperspin could

  • Auto update the game setting.ini
  • List all roms and finds correspondence with the official roms naming convention. If the rom name doesn't match exactly, it would propose similar names and rename the roms accordinlgy
  • Auto download the media files (wheel, videos, artworks)
  • List the different officials emus installed on the device, propose to select the one to associate to Hyperspin, and update the settings accordinlgy
  • ....

Hyperbase is intended to help with this.


Am planning to focus effort on improving the functionality/features of the app.  As you can see from the known-issues post, there is a long list.


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