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Atari Classics XML incorrect


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Hi guys


I am using the Atari Classic system (MAME) and the XML is riddled with CAPCOM games


its seems that Atari and CAPCOM have merged into one


can Ciro please fix this and



Also while im at it


is it possible to also have Williams Classics aswell




The HyperSync still is not grabbing it when you click update database


the best Williams games deserve their own wheel even if its just a handful of games


especially If there is wheels for other systems then why not Williams


and then you have the fact that Williams is such a popular manufacturer that Williams classics are ported to pretty much every console and then you have the Multi Williams PCB as well


most of my wheels like this I make myself but asked as I found it odd all others are supported but not Williams


other wise why not just get rid of the rest and just use MAME and search for each game as was done previously


Hypersync isn't going to grab the DB until Circo updates it on his end. You can grab the one I posted from the link for the moment.


cheers ZeroJay


I grabbed the link


btw there are a few other systems there that have Capcom games in it too


I cant remember off hand but will check and post back here


One thing I wish to add si the SNK set, I was hoping it would be actual SNK classic arcades rather than SNK MVS Neo Geo


we already have that so it might be an indea to actually make the SNK Wheel for actual SNK PCBs before NEO GEOs time so its true SNK Classics


Games Like


Bermuda Triangle, Battle Field, Guerrilla Wars, Touchdown Fever, Guevara, Dogosoken, Victory Road, Psycho Solider, Athena, Armoured Scrum Object.


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