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About deejus679

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  1. In looking at the download structure, I saw that all of the files must be downloaded individually rather than as a package. This has since been fixed. Oh the value of compressed files. Thank you 7-zip. Cheers!
  2. Chicuelo's Wheel Design for HyperSpin Redesign 20130727 View File Good day friends I don't know about you guys, but I absolutely loved Chicuelo's vision for HyperSpin Redesign 20130727. In efforts to try and get this beautiful conception of an idea setup on my HyperSpin system, I searched and searched online for the remaining wheels and was unable to locate them. In my efforts of searching throughout the forum, I saw one link that lead me to his video on YouTube. There he provided his wheel template via drop box. After signing up for Dropbox and a bit of tinkering around using AutoKustom, I was able to use his provided template to create a multitude of system wheels. In this upload I will also provide a blank template so you can add or redesign any system to meet your fancy. I would like to personally thank Chicuelo for his vision and contributions to help make HyperSpin timeless and amazing. By all means all rights and credits go to him. I just wanted to share my efforts of trying to see his vision come to fruition. Enjoy my friends, and happy gaming! Submitter deejus679 Submitted 01/23/2017 Category Wheel Packs HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Good day friends I don't know about you guys, but I absolutely loved Chicuelo's vision for HyperSpin Redesign 20130727. In efforts to try and get this beautiful conception of an idea setup on my HyperSpin system, I searched and searched online for the remaining wheels and was unable to locate them. In my efforts of searching throughout the forum, I saw one link that lead me to his video on YouTube. There he provided his wheel template via drop box. After signing up for Dropbox and a bit of tinkering around using AutoKustom, I was able to use his provided template to create a multitude of system wheels. In this upload I will also provide a blank template so you can add or redesign any system to meet your fancy. I would like to personally thank Chicuelo for his vision and contributions to help make HyperSpin timeless and amazing. By all means all rights and credits go to him. I just wanted to share my efforts of trying to see his vision come to fruition. Enjoy my friends, and happy gaming!
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