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Everything posted by newoski

  1. Where can I find more info on the 360 mode? I'll post on the forum about xpadder Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk
  2. The UI looks horrible. Does it allow for shifted functions? IE, hold Button 1 and Button 2 now sends a differnt function?
  3. Also, after flashing the custom firmware successfully and experimenting for the last 24 hours, my Port1 just completely disappeared. WTF. Reflashing, following the instructions (press button, plug USB, select firmware and hold til complete) isn't working at all, to reflash that port
  4. 1. How are you using it? - With xpadder? With joy2key? With autoconfigs? 2. How do you customize the mappings, so different controllers work with different systems? - Right now, I'm running into issues where A/B work on the SNES controller in NES, but then button Y also duplicates a function.
  5. Thanks, but unfortunately not very helpful. Autoconfigs have existed for quite some time and have nothing to do with BlissBox, directly. There just happens to be an autoconfig for BlissBox. @ulao implied that the firmware on BlissBox has been updated to support RetroArch, recently. But I can't find any reference to the changes in the ChangeLog or anywhere on his webpages (social and website). Hoping he can chime in here and explain what he changed and how it would benefit RetroArch usage
  6. There's no mention of RA or libretro. Can you explain what was updated and how it impacts RA? Just got mine and I'm struggling to find the balance between autoconfigs, mappings, and xpadder Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk
  7. 1. Which firmware has the Retroarch support? 2. What exactly has been added? Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk
  8. Well when you said retroArch I assumed you meant the Linux version because it always worked on the windows version. If my assumption was correct, it's as simple as that. Dual device = fail. I simply had no choice but to remove the dual device in flavored of the retroPi users. I do believe at one point getting the windows version of retroArch to work required some hackery. This was because SDL 2.0 was favored by retroArch. Turns out SDL also had a bug with dual devices and was also resolved with this fix. So it was much easier to use retroArch in windows. By always worked in Windows, do you mean with an autoconfig? With xpadder? What's the correct implementation? I had trouble during the kick starter, so hoping to get it right this time Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk
  9. Could you elaborate on the changes that make it compatible with retroarch? Very exciting news! Also, what is BB? Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk
  10. How compatible is Bliss Box with RetroArch these days? A detailed reply would be greatly appreciated Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk
  11. Admittedly, I'm referring to early days... but even flashing firmware was a challenge... Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk
  12. How stable and useable is bliss box, these days? I kinda gave up on it, before. Working on 8bitdo lately... Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk
  13. What did that process look like? Any shortcuts? Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk
  14. Is this compatible with xpadder, yet, or only JoyToKey? Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk
  15. 182 catver etc are available, whenever you have a moment to generate the 182 databases thanks, as always!
  16. While I agree this is a tremendous, tremendous resource, I think you're kinda missing the objective when asking about using them all at once. As a very crude analogy, here is what the lists are: List One: A List Two: A B List Three: A B C Using all those lists serves no purpose, other than repitition. YOu'll be better served to use the Genre wheels that best suit your needs, and the multiplayer wheels that best serve your needs, plus the main database that best serves your needs. I might be missing one or two applications, but using them all at once would only confuse you and anyone else that tried to use the setup. You'd never remember what wheel things were on ( :
  17. Bumping this. Hoping to release, but still need to test with users. PM me if you're willing to test
  18. 0.178 Catver is available http://www.progettosnaps.net/catver/
  19. 0.177 catver is released http://www.progettosnaps.net/catver/
  20. My MAME XML has a lot of crazy customizations, which makes updating a really cumbersome process. To solve this once and for all, I just worked with a developer on Upwork.com to create a simple app that will take all the headache out of maintaining parent / clone customizations like this. The app is pretty simple. It takes an input list of Parent roms that you'd like to remove and an input list of the Clones that you'd like to convert to Parents. Then it goes through and updates ALL your databases, including Genres etc. I'm still working the kinks out, but if anyone would like to test before I share it with the community, shoot me a PM.
  21. How hard would it be to do the same thing for HBMAME?
  22. I see what you did there
  23. Is it just me or are Baseball/Working Games/ and Basketball/Working Games now missing the XML in the latest 0.176 upload?
  24. MY FAULT. I must be slipping in my old age. My ROM path was still pointing to 160. Sorry guys. Boooooo this man!
  25. Hmm. I did the same thing. Which DAT file did you use to build the rom set? The one from PD?
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