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Files posted by Agard

  1. Puyo Puyo DA! (English & Japanese) Logo's & Assets
    Spent days/hours on this as there wasn't an english logo since an english translation has been made.
    All we need now is a theme for it so get creating folks !
    Agard is removed once downloaded so all clean.
  2. Country Girl ( cntrygrl ) Large logo's
    AGARD is removed once downloaded.
    Nice quality logo's for theme creating.
    Enjoy ! & Please support all creators.
  3. Cosmos ( cosmos ) Large logo's
    3 Variations of logo
    AGARD is removed once downloaded.
    Greats to all theme & logo creators please support there work Thanks !
  4. Tangram Q ( tangramq ) Large Logo's & couple of asset's
    Ft. Variations of the logo & & couple of asset's to help crete a theme for the NEW working game in MAME 0.272 Enjoy !
    AGARD is removed once you download the files.
    Thanks to all Theme & Logo creators who have helped along the way please support them by liking & reviewing there content !
  5. DT7 - Dynamic Trial 7 ( Prototype ) ( dt7 ) Large Logo's & Assets Pack
    Everything you need to create your themes & again I spent way to much time on this but I like quality !
    Logo's are original & 2 of them I added English txt to & also some upscaled.
    Enjoy & Happy Theme Creating !
    AGARD is removed once downloaded
  6. Go Go Cowboy ( gocowboy ) Large logo
    I spent mooo many hours on this but as you can see this is AMAZING! If I say so but really it is perfect so get theme creating.
    Clean logo once downloaded AGARD is removed.
  7. Super Kids ( superkds ) Large Logo's
    3 Variations of logo's
    Logo's are clean once download
    Enjoy & Happy Theme Creating !
    Get in touch if making theme's as might be able to help as I have a large collection of things i'll never get done.
    I don't collect gambling mahjong or anything like that so won't have any artwork on those sorry.
  8. Dyno Bop ( dynobop ) Large logo's & assets
    5 Variations of the logo & 2 artworks
    All logo's & artwork are clean once downloaded.
    A Big Thanks to THK as spent a few hours on creating a logo from the flyer & marquee then relised they had already done the hard work I just put things together to create variations.
  9. Rambo Large Logo ( Sega Lindbergh ) 2003
    I did this logo not even realising I can't play it I think it's for TeknoParrot & I don't know how to set up in HyperSpin / RocketLancher so if anyone has time to help me set it up that would be great.
    In The meantime for those who have it working in HyperSpin / RocketLancher enjoy as i'm proud of this 1 from the flyer as spent 2hrs on cutting it out & making it look good.
    Agard is not on downloaded file it's clean. Thanks
    Hopefully Skywatcher will release his large logo to match mine.
    5 0
  10. Dolphin Blue Large Logo's & Assets.   I spent a lot of hours on the logo's more than I should have even zooming in to individual pixels as I love this game. 2 logo's with artwork combined I found searching so included those along with character artwork & a gif of the injured & my 2 versions of the logo.
    Happy theme creating & enjoy !
    Agard is not on downloaded logo's.
    Thanks to original content creators.
  11. Fighters Swords ( fswords ) ( Logo's ) large    ( A.K.A ) Samurai Shodown III
    It's the Korean version of Samurai Shodown III but in English
    There was no logo I could find so spent hours again on cutting out & touching up as best I can.
    3 clean logo's with Agard removed when downloaded.
    Enjoy & happy theme creating.
    Let's hope a quality logo turns up 1 day or if you have a high quality flyer with the logo on please share.
    Thanks to all creators past & present.
  12. Kart Duel ( kartduel ) ( Logo's ) large & asset for theme creating.
    Clean logo's when downloaded Agard is removed.
    Enjoy & happy theme creating.
  13. Downhill Bikers ( logo ) Large for making themes
    I spent a lot of time on this so enjoy & make nice themes.
    Downloaded file is clean with Agard removed.
  14. Motocross Go! ( motoxgo ) ( Logo ) large for creating themes
    Original download is clean & doesn't have Agard on.
    Enjoy & happy theme creating
  15. Tin Star ( Assets ) to make themes for SNES including 2 logo's & 5 images which I did for someone & they never made it. Picture logo doesn't have Agard on when downloaded.
    Enjoy & give credit always to creators.
    Picture logo isn't 100% perfect depending on the size you use just click on image & it will be full screen.
  16. Hebereke's Popoon / Hebereke no Popoon ( herberpop ) Asset's & English Logo released to help make theme's
    Logo is in large quality & doesn't have Agard on
  17. Top Secret ( Logo & Couple Of Assets ) Released For Someone to Create New Theme. Logo's are original & a clean 1 both don't have my name on that's just for example. Enjoy !!
    Also you can use the swf files from the parent Bionic Commando theme here
  18. The Last soldier ( Logo ) Released for someone to create same quality as The Last Blade ( Logo ) Both included in largest quality.
    Enjoy & Hopefully someone will edit to make a perfect ( The Last Soldier ) Logo as it's the best I can do on my PC
  19. Gaia The Last Choice Of Earth ( gaialast ) 16:9 ( MAME )
    Taken The Theme By:  mikehyrus & Changed around slightly plus altered the logo to actual look like the actual games logo & the actual words that was wrong.
    32 0
  20. Wonder Boy Deluxe theme
    Thanks to the original Artwork makers but I don't know your names so PM me to be credited.
    You also need the video for the theme to look correct.
    Large logo for your wheel also just re-size to your liking.

    47 0
  21. Wonder Boy theme which you can use for any of the Wonder Boy sets just re-name the zip file accordingly & apart from deluxe which i've done a similar theme.
    Thanks to the original Artwork makers but I don't know your names so PM me to be credited.
    You also need the video for the theme to look correct.
    Large logo for your wheel also just re-size to your liking.
    66 0
  22. Enjoy the english logo for Zen Nihon Pro Wres Featuring Virtua (English logo) ( znpwfvt ) ( All Japan Pro-Wrestling Featuring Virtua )
    Here for your Hyperspin wheel art & to make a theme for the English version ( znpwfvt ) ( All Japan Pro-Wrestling Featuring Virtua )
  23. All credit to original creator I just added english logo
    45 0
  24. MAME 0.239 including DoDonPachi SaiDaiOuJou & Akai Katana as both will be removed from next release so enjoy while you can.
    61 0
  25. Hi folks just an edit to the original theme so now has bullet holes & gun shots plus a little movement for the censored Germany version where you fight cyborgs instead of real men.
    Credits below & in Info file.Thanks
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