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Everything posted by unclewilly

  1. Hey just became aware of this thread. I was over at vpf inquiring about a mini cab, when brad contacted me about this. I'm not really sure what happened to Charles(hacker). Haven't heard from him in over a year. I really appreciate all the donations. I've been trying to get a cabinet for years now just haven't had the money to do it right. I'm currently in a situation now where I have about 2 weeks left at one of my jobs and then the business is closing it's doors. I'm losing half my income so I'm in a tight spot for Christmas and my sons second birthday next week. Just thought of come by and thank everyone involved and try to show some appreciation for them and the community as a whole. I've been chipping away at a really nice monster bash update and I just started working on the design stage of an original table for the vpcabs guys. Thanks to all and happy holidays
  2. I had a question just to see if this is possible. Can you use multiple versions of pinmame and have the fplaunch rename the fplaunch.dll files at table launch. I know vpman allows you to choose between different versions of pinmame. I have just found that some games play better on older pinmames, not sure why. Just wondering if this is possible or if i need to figure a way to do it through the table script
  3. yes... you can use any images you want. we are just providing the initial ones for the tables included in the initial database. it's about 40-45 vp tables. we are also including flyers and instruction cards and wheel images and playfield screenshots. you would simply have to name them according to the database and copy them into the backglass folder. it' really simple to add tables to the database.
  4. in all actuality. i have permission to release a bunch of the vp tables set to fullscreen view, with the decals and reels already moved...... i mean what do you really want. I think changing a few numbers in the editor and moving a couple of decals and reels isn't asking to much for an end user. And like you said... i think spanning and vista are going to create a little bump in the 16:9 table usability. At least Hyperpin will be os friendly. I think this spanning issue may also give rise to more full screen table releases.
  5. The genres system is sweet. I thought I was going to have to write a bunch of XML files, but once the main XML's are set your good to go, hp handles the rest. Everything is working beautifully so far.
  6. No HP isn't using the spanning. You'll have to adjust the cabinet tables to just use the pf monitor. Stretch them so just the of shows, then hp will put a backglass image on the second screen
  7. Yea HP isn't using the back box part of vp. It seems a lot of people can't get it set up right, I know I couldn't. I have set up a bunch of jp salas tables for 16:9 fullscreen view (no backglass) and they look sweet. HP handles the backglass image. I just got permission to release them. So they will be posted soon at vpf.org.
  8. It is future pinball in the video. Future pinball has a new arcade view feature which you see in the video. Hyperpin is the front end for launching the tables.
  9. Rumor has it, they are working on rom support in FP, just don't know how long it will be till it's ready.
  10. The moment I've been waiting for. Can't wait to install this in my cabinet. Thanks for all your hard work BBB.
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