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Everything posted by epayson85

  1. The auto builds. It doesn't list the version on the site but once you install it the version is 3.a.0. This is also discussed in the forums. But again who even cares about version numbers. Android play store tracks the date as well. The last time it was updated on the play store was 2014. These latest versions on Paul's code are from 2016.
  2. FYI... that version hasn't been updated since 2014. The more up to date version is on Paulscode.com which is 3.a.0. Also I wouldn't recommend the FZ version on shieldtv as there is some serious audio lag using either audio driver. Just try Mario64 and jump... there is a significant lag from when mario hits the ground to when you hear the sound. Paulscode's latest in my opinion runs best but Glupen64 on retroarch is getting better everyday using the latest GlideN64 video drivers.
  3. Anyone having issues with the latest nightlies of PPSSPP? The settings are just bringing me to the Games page of PPSSPP instead of launching the game.
  4. Hey everyone, been going through these forums to see if anyone else has had the same question as me. I originally designed my artwork for a tankstick using a premade template. I am finally making my own control panel but of course seeing that it is custom, there is no template for it. How do I make a to scale template so that I can then put my art on it? I would love to hire you Lucian for the printing as everyone's cabs on here look amazing.
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