16:9 Wheels:
1. White Atari Logo
2. Black Atari logo
3. Black Atari logo with white Border
Theme was originally made by EvilDindon.
16:9 Theme + wheel + video
16: 9 theme + wheel + video (flv and mp4) + marquee
16: 9 Theme + Wheel + video (fly and mp4)
16:9 Theme + Video + Wheel
<game name="sftmk112" index="true" image="">
<description>Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.12K, Korea)</description>
<manufacturer>Capcom / Incredible Technologies</manufacturer>
Updated the Theme created by MildAnti to 16:9
16:9 Theme + Video + Wheel
16:9 Theme + Video + Wheel
<game name="flickyb" index="true" image="f">
<description>Flicky (128k Version, 315-5051, larger ROMs, newer)</description>
16:9 Theme + Wheel + Video
Dorodon Wheel in 16:9 and 4x3 format
Updated 16:9 Theme + Video + Wheel
original creator: Aabra
<game name="mt_shnbi" index="true" image="">
<description>Shinobi (Mega-Tech, SMS based)</description>
16: 9 Theme + wheel + video (mp4 and flv)
16:9 Theme + Video(mp4 and flv) + Wheel
16:9 Theme + Wheel + Video
<game name="gundharac" index="true" image="g">
<description>Gundhara (Chinese, bootleg?)</description>
4:3 Theme + Video + Wheel
<game name="gundharac" index="true" image="g">
<description>Gundhara (Chinese, bootleg?)</description>
4:3 Theme + Video + Wheel
16: 9 Theme + Wheel + Video
<game name="gundhara" index="true" image= >
4:3 Theme + Wheel + Video
<game name="gunpey" index="true" image="g">
<description>Gunpey (Japan)</description>
<manufacturer>Bandai / Banpresto</manufacturer>
16:9 Theme + Wheel + Video
<game name="gunpey" index="true" image="g">
<description>Gunpey (Japan)</description>
<manufacturer>Bandai / Banpresto</manufacturer>
4:3 Theme + Wheel + Video
16:9 Theme + Wheel + Video
4:3 Theme + Wheel
16: 9 Theme + Wheel
4:3 Theme + Video + Wheel
16:9 Theme + Wheel + Video
4:3 Theme + Wheel + Video