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Files posted by jesfknkrys

  1. Caterpillar Pacman Hack  1982, hack - ctrpllrp - MAME Marquee
    link to theme below.
  2. 16:9 Theme + Video + Wheel
    78 0
  3. Catch (prototype) 1977 Atari (16:9) - catchp - MAME
    60 1
  4. 16:9 Theme + Video + Wheel
    92 0
  5. 16:9 Theme + Wheel + Video
    129 0
  6. 16:9 Theme + Wheel + Video +
    96 0
  7. 16:9 Theme + Wheel + Video
    88 2
  8. 16:9 Theme + Wheel + Video
    86 0
  9. 16:9 Theme + Video
    49 0
  10. Theme + Wheel + Video
    86 0
  11. Theme + Wheel + Video
    72 0
  12. Galaktron 1979 bootleg (Petaco S.A.) - galaktron - MAME (16:9)
    Theme + Wheel
    57 0
  13. Robot Bowl 1977 Exidy - robotbwl - MAME (16:9)
    43 1
  14. Theme and wheel included
    103 2
  15. Wheel + Video + Theme 16:9
    88 0
  16. Car Hunt / Deep Scan (France) 1979 Sega - carhntds - Mame (16:9)
    Theme and video file included.
    55 0
  17. Air Combat (AC2, US) 1992 Namco - MAME (16:9)
    Theme, video and wheel included
    85 0
  18. Flashgal (set 1) 1985 Kyuogo Sega - flashgal - MAME (16:9)
    61 0
  19. Squash (Itisa) 1984 Itisa - MAME (16:9)
    46 0
  20. 16:9
    43 0
  21. MAME
    16:9 format
    49 0
  22. Rip Cord MAME Theme.
    75 0
  23. Roads Edge by SNK theme for MAME in 16:9 format
    69 1
  24. Wheel and FLV Video included.
    38 0
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