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Everything posted by knewlife

  1. 145 downloads

    Theme found on the FTP, in Bakerman folder. Thanks to Black Hazor, that send me those themes.
  2. 286 downloads

    Knewlife - NEC PC Engine - Main Menu 16:9 Started like a conversion, finally I ended up using one animated swf of the original 4:3 PC Engine theme, everything else was modified.
  3. 235 downloads

    3d box set created from the nice work of billyc999.
  4. 297 downloads

    ALTERNATIVE Unified Arcade Classics - MAME - Main Menu (16:9ST) 20160420
  5. 111 downloads

    Knewlife - American Laser Games Main Menu (16:9) 20160425
  6. 165 downloads

    Knewlife - Bally Astrocade Main Menu 16:9 20160423
  7. Version 1.0


    Amstrad GX4000 main menu theme 16:9
  8. Version 1.0


    Main Menu Atari Lynx (16:9)
  9. Version 1.0


    Added Original Animation to the original theme (16:9 converted ).
  10. Version 1.0


    PC Games - Main Menu (16:9ST) using SWF. Source Included. I Don't know the original autor... please let me know and i will credit here.
  11. Version


    Check if the CRC data in a selected XML Hyperspin Database match your rom files. Files must be named correctly... and match the database already. Can be used to check if your files are the correct ones or if the CRC data in a database is correct
  12. Version [BETA 3]


    New Version: Main Menu Changer [bETA 3] BETA 3 IMPORTANT CHANGE: Now you can use the new MMCLauncher app to launch all your apps including HyperSpin, this fix various issues and is the recommended way to use MMC now. 1- Edit MMCLauncher.ini with your Hyperspin path. 2- Add more apps fallowing the same format if you need. This way the apps you need run once and not every time MMC relaunch HyperSpin. 3- Delete any app from HyperHQ startup app. (Yes, quit killExplorer as start app And let MMCExit as exit app) 4- Run MMCLauncher every time you need to run HyperSpin, so all needed operations like changing wallpaper or kill Explorer.exe, occur before Hyperspin launch. This change is not present it Video Tutorials or other Documents, so the old setups are still possible for retro-compativility. If you setup is working fine, don't touch it Windows 10 aparently don't need Wallpaperchange enabled, just RestoreExplorer will kill windows explorer and hidde the wallpaper. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ This app lets you change your main menu, filtering the entries stored in one XML file and allow you to create multiple level setups (HyperSpin allows a 2 leves setup normally). Note: The setup and MMCHQ part of the program needs more testing, as the version says it's still BETA, please fallow the setup tutorials and report any problems in the support topic. This app Works in 3 modes: MODE 1 - Normal Mode: A subwheel contains all the Filter Items, you can chose to Close Hyperspin Automatically or just configure the Main Menu with the selected filter and go back manually using normal FE controls. MODE 2 - SubWheels Mode: The filters are in the main menu Wheel and HS is closed and open again to load the results of the filtering process. You must scroll until you found a "BACK" item that will lead you to the previous main menu. MODE 3 - SubWheels Mode with NO "BACK" entry: The filters are in the main menu Wheel and HS is closed and open again to load the results of the filtering process. You can use the Frontend back key to go back, no special item need to be added to databases. What's New MainMenuChanger HQ: New app that let you edit xml files with diffrent apps and take care of save the modifications to the correct places. MainMenuChanger "First Run" Wizard: If you are making a new install of MMC, the app will copy the necesary files and tell you what needs to be done to make MainMenuCHanger work. Wallpaper Change: Change the wallpaper by a black one and back to a file of your choise on HS launch/close. Ini version check: If you are updating from 2016-04-04 version, the new ini options will be added and, so you current ini should work with this 0.0.1 version. Wheels and art included (Some wheels by spotUP) Setup: Download MainMenuChanger_0.0.1.1_BETA.7z For all setup modes. Set Antivirus exeptions. Set all exes included to run with administrator provileges (right click -> propieties -> compativility -> run as administrator) Set all exes as secure (in propieties) so Windows dont ask before execute any of them. [*]Mode 1 and 2 have diffrent video tutorials. Mode 3 setup is almost identical to mode 2 with the fallowing diferences: In settings you must select mode 3, not mode 2 ( ) In setings you must set RestoreExplorer to True (This kills and restore windows explorer to avoid the desktop to flash for a seccond when you go back a level of wheels) Optionally you can set the option WallpaperCHange to true to change you wallpaper to a black one on HS launch. Tutorials Mode 3 Tutorial (By maabus) Here is a text based instructions on how to setup sub wheels in Mode 3 with no back button. I only went over one level of wheels and sub wheels, and one category. Just follow the steps again to add more. It looks like a lot of work, but it really isn't. It should only take about 5 minutes to setup at least on category. I tried to explain what everything does to my understanding so that also added to the length of the instructions. Try out the instructions and let me know if anything is not clear.
  13. 164 downloads

    NEC PC-FX Pointer
  14. Version 1


    Philips VG 5000 Pointer
  15. Version BETA


    HS Bezel BETA Lets you create a bezel for Hyperspin when using it in Non 4:3 Resolutions. Now with dynamic bezels and you can use 4:3 and 16:9 themes together New in BETA Not require one specific bezel anymore for each resolution (you can still use them to exactly fit your screen), it will resize one bezel to any screen resolution. The Bezels now can be named as you wish but they have to start by "HSBezel" and end with the ".png" extension and be inside the right folders. The folder structure of the Bezels as changed to support this new feature. Donwload the new Bezels pack, it includes the new correct folder structure: New Bezels Pack BETA New Folder Structure for BETA BETA Including a few New Bezels (Including klopjero's MS-DOS Thanks ) Most of the original bezels come from this Autors: Nosh, alexdc22, Knewlife(Me), some other??? Download Here How to use The BETA download includes default bezels and a example system bezel ("DICE"). New in BETA Not require one specific bezel anymore for each resolution (you can still use them BTW), it will resize one bezel to any screen resolution. The folder structure of the Bezels as changed to support this new feature.
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