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  • Announcement

    The HyperSpin 2 early access beta is here!

    We’re starting the first public testing phase with Platinum Members to keep the scope manageable while we test the current feature set and begin to add more. In the future, we’ll provide a version for basic members as well.  On behalf of the entire HyperSpin team, we look forward to another exciting adventure with our community.


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Everything posted by dougan78

  1. 329 downloads

    Sony Playstation Minis-Letters
  2. 137 downloads

    Sony Playstation Minis
  3. 515 downloads

    Sony Playstation Minis-(Boxes).zip
  4. 94 downloads

    Pinball Classics - Main Menu
  5. 77 downloads

    Pinball Classics Default Theme
  6. I am using retroarch for 5200. Probaly kat5200 core if available.
  7. 340 downloads

    Adventure - Dragon Attack.mp3 Adventure - Dragon Kill.mp3 Adventure - Get Key.mp3 Adventures of tron - jump.mp3 Adventures of tron - run.mp3 Adventures of tron - tank shot.mp3 Air Sea Battle - Shot.mp3 Asteroids - explode.mp3 Asteroids - shoot.mp3 Atari 2600 Wheel Sounds.zip Atlantis - Shoot.mp3 barnstorming - airplane 1.mp3 battlezone - move.mp3 battlezone - radar.mp3 battlezone - shoot.mp3 Bezerk - Sound 1.mp3 Bezerk - Sound 2.mp3 Bezerk - Sound 3.mp3 Bezerk - Sound 4.mp3 Bowling - rolling.mp3 Bowling - strike.mp3 Boxing - End Round.mp3 Boxing - Punch.mp3 breakout - block bust.mp3 breakout - bump 1.mp3 breakout - bump 2.mp3 carnival - hit.mp3 carnival - shot.mp3 Centipede - shots.mp3 Chopper Command - Chopper.mp3 Chopper Command - Shot.mp3 Chopper Command - Shots.mp3 Circus - Bounce.mp3 Circus - Clear Blocks.mp3 Combat - hit.mp3 combat - tank move.mp3 Cosmic Ark - Next Level.mp3 Cosmic Ark - Shoot.mp3 Cosmic Ark - Sound 1.mp3 Cosmic Ark - Sound 2.mp3 Dark Chambers - Shot.mp3 Defender - Alien Beaming up.mp3 Defender - Flying.mp3 Defender - STart.mp3 Demon Attack - hit.mp3 Demon Attack - Shot.mp3 digdug 1.mp3 dodgem - change lanes.mp3 dodgem - driving.mp3 dodgem - high speed.mp3 Donkey Kong - Item Get.mp3 Donkey Kong - Jump.mp3 Donkey Kong - Walk.mp3 ET - Fall.mp3 ET - Walk.mp3 Frogger - hop.mp3 Frogger - hop2.mp3 frogger - made it.mp3 Haunted House - Get Item.mp3 Haunted House - Get Piece.mp3 Haunted House - Next Room 1.mp3 Haunted House - Next Room 2.mp3 Haunted House - Walking.mp3 HERO - Dynamite.mp3 HERO - Helicopter.mp3 HERO - Laser Beam.mp3 keystone - item get.mp3 keystone - jump.mp3 keystone - run.mp3 Missile Command - Count Cities.mp3 Missile Command - Count Missles.mp3 Missile Command - Shoot.mp3 Missle Command - Start.mp3 Montezuma's Revenge - Door.mp3 Montezuma's Revenge - Extra Life.mp3 Montezuma's Revenge - Item Get.mp3 Montezuma's Revenge - Jump.mp3 Montezuma's Revenge - Walking.mp3 pacman - ghost eater1.mp3 pacman - ghost eater2.mp3 pacman - gobble.mp3 pacman - start.mp3 Pitfall Atari - Extra Life.mp3 Pitfall Atari - Jump.mp3 Pitfall Atari - Log.mp3 Pitfall Atari - Swinging.mp3 Quick Step - Death.mp3 Quick Step - Got white brick.mp3 Quick Step - Jump.mp3 Quick Step - Level Will Advance.mp3 Quick Step - Start.mp3 River Raid - Gassing Up.mp3 Skiing - Sound 1.mp3 Skiing - Sound 2.mp3 Spider Fighter - Death.mp3 Spider Fighter - Level Start.mp3 Spider Fighter - Shots.mp3 Warlords - Death.mp3 Warlords - Deflect.mp3 Warlords - Wall Destruction.mp3 Yars - Alert.mp3 Yars - Death.mp3 Yars - Sound 1.mp3
  8. 340 downloads

    System Start - Impossible Mission - Another Visitor.mp3 Wheel Sounds: Archon - Board Move 1.mp3 Archon - Board Move 2.mp3 Archon - Board Move 3.mp3 Archon - Pheonix Attack.mp3 Archon - Pheonix.mp3 Archon - Shot.mp3 Archon - Unicorn Run.mp3 Archon - Unicorn Teleport.mp3 Archong - Ghost Move.mp3 Blagger - Fall.mp3 Blagger - Jump.mp3 Blagger - Walk.mp3 Chimera - Chimera.mp3 Chimera - Notificiation.mp3 Defender of the Crown - Catipult.mp3 Drelbs - Exit Next Level.mp3 Drelbs - Get Item.mp3 Drelbs - Shoot.mp3 Giana Sisters - Block Destroy.mp3 Giana Sisters - Coin.mp3 Giana Sisters - Jump.mp3 Giana Sisters - Start Level.mp3 Hero - Chopper.mp3 Hero - Dynamite.mp3 Hero - Laser.mp3 iBall - Voice 1.mp3 iBall - Voice 2.mp3 iBall - Voice 3.mp3 IK - Kick.mp3 IK - Low Kick.mp3 IK - Roundhouse.mp3 IK - Sitdown.mp3 Impossible Mission - Death.mp3 Impossible Mission - Destroy Him.mp3 Impossible Mission - Elevator.mp3 Impossible Mission - Ha Ha.mp3 Impossible Mission - Jump.mp3 Impossible Mission - Music Room 1.mp3 Impossible Mission - Music Room 2.mp3 Impossible Mission - Music Room 3.mp3 Impossible Mission - Robot Zap.mp3 Impossible Mission - Step.mp3 Into the Eagles Nest - Death.mp3 Into the Eagles Nest - Door Open.mp3 Into the Eagles Nest - Get Item.mp3 Into the Eagles Nest - Shot.mp3 Into the Eagles Nest - Walking.mp3 Jumpman - Bullet.mp3 Jumpman - Getting Star.mp3 Jumpman - Jumping.mp3 Jumpman - Start.mp3 Jumpman - Walking.mp3 Knight Games - Attack.mp3 Knight Games - Block.mp3 Miner2049er - Slide.mp3 Miner2049er - 5 Steps.mp3 Miner2049er - Jump.mp3 Mission Elevator - Bartender Select.mp3 Mission Elevator - Door Shut.mp3 Mission Elevator - Elevator.mp3 Mission Elevator - Found Item.mp3 Mission Elevator - Found Money.mp3 Mission Elevator - Shot.mp3 Mission Elevator - Typewriter.mp3 Mission Elevator - Walking.mp3 Montezuma Revenge - Door Open.mp3 Montezuma Revenge - Extra Life.mp3 Montezuma Revenge - Item Get.mp3 Montezuma Revenge - Jump.mp3 Montezuma Revenge - Pole Slide.mp3 Montezuma Revenge - Walking.mp3 Pool Of Radiance - Attack.mp3 Pool Of Radiance - Miss.mp3 Pool Of Radiance - Move.mp3 Pool Of Radiance - Ranged Attack.mp3 Pool Of Radiance - Spell.mp3 River Raid - Chopper.mp3 River Raid - Gasing Up.mp3 River Raid - Laser Blast.mp3 River Raid - Tank.mp3 Road Raider - Kill.mp3 Road Raider - Open Item.mp3 Road Raider - Shooting.mp3 Road Raider - Tire Sqeal.mp3 Road Raider - Walking.mp3 Standing Stones - Enter Dungeon.mp3 Standing Stones - Monster Defeated.mp3 Standing Stones - Monster Ready.mp3 Standing Stones - Monster Spawn.mp3 Standing Stones - Start.mp3 Standing Stones - Step.mp3 Suicide Express.mp3 Times of Lore - Attack Miss.mp3 Times of Lore - Monster Death.mp3 Times of Lore - Open Door.mp3 Times of Lore - Walking.mp3 Trains - Filling up Car.mp3 Trains - Full.mp3 Trains - Moving.mp3 Trains - Unloading.mp3 Tunnel Vision - Voice 1.mp3 Tunnel Vision - Voice 2.mp3 Turrican - Electricity.mp3 Turrican - Get Item.mp3 Turrican - Get Item2.mp3 Wizard Of Wor - Enter Arena.mp3 Wizard Of Wor - Shot.mp3 Wizard Of Wor - Warlock Appear.mp3 Wizard Of Wor - Warlock End.mp3 Wizard Of Wor - Warlock Shot.mp3
  9. sound assignment

  10. Version 20150811


    Matched with TurMatch and Manually this time. Did a preliminary run through and removed some erroneous ones.
  11. 538 downloads

    Tur-matched from GamebaseSt. JPGs converted to PNGs and resized to fit the default theme on hypersync.
  12. 507 downloads

    Tur-matched from GamebaseSt Extras. Converted from JPG to PNG then resized to fit the theme on hypersync.
  13. Version 20150802


    Tur-Matched my C64 set and gathered wheels from other places. Not all wheels will match box art exactly and are provided as is.
  14. Version 20150801


    Amstrad_CPC_Wheels_[08012015]. Wheels Match with Tur-Matcher from HorseyHorsey and PPAAUULL folders on FTP along with my C64 wheels. Wheel naming based on HS 1.0 XML. No guarantee that all wheels match a Amstrad CPC box. Its a start anyway. Did you help with some of these? Let me know so you can get added to the credits! Cheers!
  15. Version 20150620


    Sega Master System (Tec Toy) Wheels
  16. 353 downloads

    Sega Master System (Tec Toy) 3D Boxes
  17. 294 downloads

    Sega Master System (Tec Toy) Carts
  18. Version 20150606


    Philips CDI Wheels Craig Anderson Helped and a few wheels from others.
  19. Version 20150606


    OpenBOR Wheels
  20. These wheels where matched with a matching program and some of them are using wheels from another game that are not correct because of this. Thanks!
  21. Version 20150730


    C64 Wheels
  22. Or there is a bad theme it runs into using particle effects.
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