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XML Launchbox 2 XML Hyperspin application allow you to convert easily Launchbox game database (Xml) to Hyperspin game database (Xml) Run the application then select Launchbox game database (File IN) , type Hyperspin output filename (File OUT) , if necessary you can add output file version (Database Version) Check the box "Include version after description" if you want to add the version tag from Launchbox xml file after the description tag from Launchbox xml file Check the box "Exclude description" to not add the description tag from Launchbox xml file (In this case the rom name will be used as description to Hyperspin xml file) To run convert process click on button "Convert Now!" You can get the application on my website : http://r0man0.free.fr enjoy-
- 10
- launchbox database converter
- launchbox converter
- (and 1 more)
Version 0.0.1
With Xml2Png, generate your artworks in just a few clicks using the <description> text, the <year> text, the <genre> text, or the <manufacturer> text from the XML file of HyperSpin or Retrobat (Now compatible). You can also choose a background image and up to 5 layers, which can contain either text, an image, or even a folder of images (where filenames match the XML). If an image is missing from the folder, you can specify whether you want to replace the missing image with another image or configure text to appear in the same layer instead. 1/ Select your XML list 2/ Select your background image 3/ Select and configure your layers 4/ Choose your output folder 5/ Start & enjoy Infos & Download at http://r0man0.free.fr created with autohotkey by r0man0-
- 6
- xml to artworks generator
- xml to png
- (and 1 more)
I've checked your package just now , seems that your wheel artworks could be added into the mame xml full list artworks pack. But have you keep your originals ? i means not the full artwork button but just the artwork inside the button ? because in this case everybody could customize his own button (if they want a button). It seems also that players wheel artworks are not complete ?
If you plan to create Fighting , sport , ... main menu wheel only for mame , use HyperHQ to create new item then use list generated with Mame xml full list generator. Otherwise if you plan to create fighting , sport,... main menu wheel for all your systems (SNES,MAME,PS1...) use HyperXMLspin app (good app too ).
hi , this database use all demul's emulated systems : Cave,naomi,atomiswave,hikaru,gaelco . I've shared demul database because my main wheel is too important : i prefer keep 1 wheel for all emulated systems instead of 5 wheels. If you want to keep separated systems you can put yours actual's naomi,atomiswave...database lists into demul genre folder (you will need to add lists into genre.xml file). You will have to change your module launcher with these lines (hyperlaunch exemple): else if (systemName = "Demul" && executable = "demul.exe") { Process, Close, %executable% If romName in 18wheelr,18wheels,18wheelu,alienfnt,alienfnta,alpilot,alpilotj,asndynmt,ausfache,capsnk,capsnka,capsnkb,crackndj,crakndj2,crzytaxi,csmash,csmasho,cspike,deathcox,derbyoc,derbyocm,derbyo2k,derbyo2km,derbyocw,derbyocwm,drbyocwc,drbyocwb,derbyoc2,derbyoc2m,doa2,doa2a,doa2m,dybb99,dybbnao,f355,f355twin,f355twind,f355twn2,f355twn2d,ggram2,ggx,gram2000,gundmct,gunsur2,gunsur2j,gwing2,hmgeo,hopper,hotd2,hotd2o,hotd2p,illvelo,inunoos,jambo,kick4csh,mamonoro,manicpnc,marstv,mazan,mazanu,mbaa,mbaao,mbslave,mtkob2,mushi2k4,mushi2k5,mushik2e,mushi2eo,mvsc2,mvsc2u,ninjaslt,ninjaslta,ninjasltu,ninjasltj,oinori,otrigger,pjustic,pokasuka,pstone,pstone2,puyoda,puyofevp,qmegamis,radirgyn,rhytngk,ringout,samba,sambap,samba2k,sgtetris,shangril,shootopl,shootpl,shootplm,shootplmp,sl2007,slasho,smarinef,smlg99,spawn,sstrkfgt,sstrkfgtd,sstrkfgta,shorsem,shorsel,shorse,shors2k1,shorsepm,shorseps,shorsepl,shorsepb,shorsep,shorsepr,suchie3,tduno,tduno2,tokyobus,totd,totdo,toukon4,toyfight,vathletep,virnba,virnbao,virnbap,vonot,vs2_2k,vtennis,vtenis2c,wldkicks,wldkicksu,wldkicksj,wldkickspw,wldkickspj,wrungp,wrungpo,wwfroyal,zerogu2,zombrvn,zombrvno,zunou,brickppl,dinoking,dinokior,dinoki25,lovebery,lovebero,loveber3,ochaken,tetgiant,tetgiano,azumanga,bdrdown,cfield,chocomk,cleoftp,confmiss,cvs2,cvs2mf,cvsgd,dragntr,dragntrs,dragntra,dragntras,dragntr2,dragntr2s,dragntr3,dragntr3s,dygolf,ggxx,ggxxac,ggxxrl,ggxxrlo,ggxxsla,gundmgd,gundmxgd,ikaruga,jingystm,karous,keyboard,kurucham,lupinsho,luptype,meltyb,meltybo,meltybld,meltyblo,moeru,mok,monkeyba,ndcfboxa,ngdup23a,ngdup23c,ngdup23e,psyvar2,puyofev,quizqgd,radirgy,radirgyo,senko,senkoo,senkosp,sfz3ugd,shaktam,shaktmsp,shaktamb,shikgam2,slashout,spkrbtl,sprtjam,ss2005,ss2005o,starseek,takoron,tetkiwam,trgheart,trghearto,trizeal,undefeat,usagiym,vathlete,vtennis2,vtennisg,wsbbgd,wccf116,wccf1dup,wccf212e,wccf234j,wccf310j,wccf331e,wccf322e,wccf420e,clubkrt,clubkrtc,clubkrto,clubk2k3,clubk2kp,clubkprz,clubkpzb,kingrt66,soulsurf,vf4cart,vf4evoct,vstrik3c,vstrik3co,wldrider,beachspi,clubkcyc,initd,initdo,initdexp,initdexpo,initdv2j,initdv2jo,initdv2e,initdv3j,initdv3jb,initdv3e,inidv3cy,inidv3ca,vf4,vf4b,vf4o,vf4evo,vf4evob,vf4evoa,vf4tuned,vf4tunedd,vf4tuneda,vstrik3 machine=naomi Else if romName in anmlbskt,anmlbskta,basschal,basschalo,blokpong,claychal,demofist,dirtypig,dolphin,fotns,ftspeed,ggisuka,ggx15,kofnw,kofnwj,kofxi,kov7sprt,maxspeed,mslug6,ngbc,ngbcj,rangrmsn,rumblef,rumblefp,rumblef2,rumblf2p,salmankt,samsptk,sprtshot,sushibar,xtrmhunt,xtrmhnt2,vfurlong,waidrive machine=awave Else if romName in airtrix,airtrixo,braveff,pharrier,swracer,sgnascar,sgnascaro machine=hikaru Else if romName in atvtrack,atvtracka,gfootbal,smashdrv machine=gaelco Else if romName in deathsml,dsmbl,ddpdfk,ddpdfk10,dfkbl,espgal2,futari10,futari15,futari15a,futaribl,futariblj,ibara,ibarablk,ibarablka,mmmbanc,mmpork,mushisam,mushisama,mushisamb,mushitam,mushitama,pinkswts,pinkswtsa,pinkswtsb,pinkswtsx machine=cave3rd Else ExitApp RunWait , "%EmuPath%%Executable%" -run=%machine% -rom=%romName% ExitApp } This code is necessary to select the correct machine launcher into demul emulator. Please note that demul's romset is the same as current mame romset ans so , both emulators can pointing to the same mame romset folder. (From demul's web site : - MISC: Romset in sync with current MAME )
Database DEmul 0.7 WIP [12 october 2017] View File Here's Database DEmul 0.7 WIP [12 october 2017] full set without bioses. I've uploaded also a litle theme created quickly because i don't find any other about demul. Submitter r0man0 Submitted 10/22/2017 Category Databases (XML) Credits r0man0
Hi , i've uploaded the beta version of mame xml full lists generator here : I will no longer generate mame xml full lists and update this topic sorry... But now i will give support for mame xml full lists generator ... I will leave this topic open for people that don't want use the generator and want to ask for someone share lists on server. (i'm not sure that is a good translation of my french to english...) See you on new topic...
Version 0.0.230beta1
This is the mame xml databases full lists generator application : Generate Mame xml full lists of any version you want. Auto-Download all ini files necessary for generate Mame xml full lists. You can create your own Files from mame (official) sorted by : working or All games(including non-working) number of Players (from 1p to 9p) Genres (48 genre lists + 1 "new" genre list for games added from the current version) Manufacturers (26 lists of the most important manufacturers) Years (5 lists by decade of years) Extras (Controls,Buttons,Sound Channels,Screens,Languages,Versions,Best games,In/Not in Dir,Others...) Same thing for Folders: Manufacturers , Genre , Years , Players , and all Extras : These lists will have the same directory/lists created : For ex : Genre "Fighter","Soccer","Adventure","Capcom","Sega","1970-1979","2p sim".... will have : working or All games(including non-working) Genres (49 genre lists) number of Players (from 1p to 9p) Manufacturers (26 lists max) Years (5 lists max) Extras (Controls,Buttons,Sound Channels,Screens,Languages,Versions,Best games,in/Not in Dir,Others...) -
Mame xml full lists updated to 0.187 , with some changes : Added --> Directory "Best Games" created in Extras directory that contains its lists. Added --> Cheat Wayder list located in Extras/Others/ (Based from last pack 0.187: http://wayder.web.fc2.com/) Added --> Languages lists Located in Extras/Languages/ (Based from languages.ini : http://www.progettosnaps.net/languages/) Added --> Mame Artworks list located in Extras/Others/ (Based from last update packs 0.186 : http://www.progettosnaps.net/artworks/) ;-)
You need to put artworks to the correspunding list xml : example : if you plan to create a main wheel with capcom games copy list xml to database ( /hyperspin/databases/capcom/) /and capcom.png to hyperspin main menu folder (/hyperspin/media/main menu/images/wheel/) if you plan to create a genre wheel with capcom games copy list xml inside the system database directory , edit or create a genre.xml file in that folder with the capcom entry , then copy the artwork capcom.png to the /hyperspin/media/<your system name>/images/genre/wheel/ Same thing for all others artworks , hope my answer can help you...;-)