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Everything posted by haku99

  1. oh my....this did the trick (WOW!!) Why does speaker need to be plugged in for it to work is strange eh? THANK YOU edit: when I load a MAME game from hyperspin.exe wheel, it opens up my MAME emulator into separate window, is that normal? So basically I have a hyperspin wheel window and another MAME.exe window (with whatever game I loaded). I have attached a pic of my startup in hyperhq
  2. Thanks for the help Ron! See below The only thing I can think of is that I downloaded the newest mame (v.152), my roms were originally v.151, but I updated them using clrprorom and things seemed to check out. mame.ini [exe info] path=E:\hyperspin\Emulators\Mame\v0.152\ rompath=E:\pleasuredome\mame roms\ userompath=true exe=mamepp.exe romextension=zip parameters= searchsubfolders=false pcgame=false winstate=HIDDEN hyperlaunch=true [filters] parents_only=true themes_only=false wheels_only=false roms_only=true [themes] use_parent_vids=true use_parent_themes=false animate_out_default=false reload_backgrounds=false [wheel] alpha=.15 small_alpha=1 style=normal speed=high pin_center_width=500 horz_wheel_y=512 vert_wheel_position=right y_rotation=center norm_large=360 norm_small=230 vert_large=400 vert_small=240 pin_large=500 pin_small=200 horz_large=240 horz_small=150 letter_wheel_x=800 letter_wheel_y=384 text_width=700 text_font=Style4 small_text_width=260 large_text_width=400 text_stroke_size=6 text_stroke_color=0x000000 text_color1=0x00BFFD text_color2=0xFFFFFF text_color3=0x00BFFD color_ratio=139 shadow_distance=0 shadow_angle=45 shadow_color=0x000000 shadow_alpha=1 shadow_blur=0 [pointer] animated=true x=975 y=384 [video defaults] path=C:\HyperSpin\Media\MAME\Video\ [sounds] game_sounds=true wheel_click=true [navigation] game_jump=50 use_indexes=true jump_timer=400 remove_info_wheel=false remove_info_text=false use_last_game=true last_game=88games random_game=false start_on_favorites=false [special Art A] default=false active=true x=512 y=720 in=0.4 out=0.4 length=3 delay=0 type=normal start=bottom [special Art B] default=true active=true x=512 y=740 in=0.4 out=0.4 length=3 delay=0 type=fade start=none [special Art C] active=true x=512 y=384 in=0 out=0 length=3 delay=10 type=fade start=none [Game Text] game_text_active=true show_year=true show_manf=true show_description=true text_color1=0xffffff text_color2=0x0099cc stroke_color=0x000000 text_font=Style1 text1_textsize=26 text1_strokesize=7 text1_x=32 text1_y=610 text2_textsize=36 text2_strokesize=8 text2_x=30 text2_y=640 log.ini 07:20:27 AM | HyperSpin Started 07:20:27 AM | Going windowed mode 07:20:27 AM | Checking for updates 07:20:27 AM | Update Check Complete 07:20:27 AM | Startup program unavailable 07:20:27 AM | Playing intro video 07:20:40 AM | Error intializing joysticks 07:20:40 AM | Menu Mode is multi 07:20:40 AM | Loading Main Menu.xml 07:20:40 AM | Main Menu.xml successfully loaded 07:20:40 AM | Main Menu wheel loaded successfully 07:20:42 AM | Loading Main Menu.xml 07:20:42 AM | Main Menu.xml successfully loaded 07:20:43 AM | Main Menu wheel loaded successfully 07:20:44 AM | Loading Main Menu.xml 07:20:44 AM | Main Menu.xml successfully loaded 07:20:44 AM | Main Menu wheel loaded successfully 07:20:51 AM | Loading Main Menu.xml 07:20:51 AM | Main Menu.xml successfully loaded 07:20:51 AM | Main Menu wheel loaded successfully 07:21:02 AM | Loading Main Menu.xml 07:21:02 AM | Main Menu.xml successfully loaded 07:21:03 AM | Main Menu wheel loaded successfully 07:21:11 AM | Loading Main Menu.xml 07:21:11 AM | Main Menu.xml successfully loaded 07:21:11 AM | Main Menu wheel loaded successfully 07:21:14 AM | Loading Main Menu.xml 07:21:14 AM | Main Menu.xml successfully loaded 07:21:15 AM | Main Menu wheel loaded successfully 07:21:26 AM | Quiting Hyperspin 07:21:26 AM | Bye!
  3. Hey Ron When I load up hyperspin.exe, scroll to MAME (using up/down keys on my keyboard) and press enter it takes me back out to the main wheel? strange. edit: actually, regardless of any emulator I scroll too (I only have setup MAME so far), pressing enter takes me back to the main wheel (ie: I scroll to SNES and press enter)
  4. I attached a couple of pictures. As you can see in 3.jpg, there are no games listed on the right hand side. Again, i have done nothing but follow the steps in this guide, so I don't know if I need to configure more?! my rom path is not the default folder (hence the different folder names) also my mame.ini file isn't where you listed (HyperSpin\Databases), only .xml files exist here my mame.ini file is (emulators\mame\v0.152\) folder. below is the first few lines of my mame.ini (which should be correct): # # CORE CONFIGURATION OPTIONS # readconfig 1 writeconfig 0 # # CORE SEARCH PATH OPTIONS # rompath e:\pleasuredome\mame roms hashpath hash samplepath samples artpath artwork ctrlrpath ctrlr inipath .;ini fontpath . cheatpath cheat crosshairpath crosshair
  5. this is great, thank you! I am brand new to this. I was able to follow this guide and launch my mame (v.152) from hyperlaunchHQ.exe and hyperlaunch.exe to test games without issues Aside from following the steps in this guide, I have done nothing else. When I click on hyperspin.exe (in the hyperspin folder) it loads up, but when I scroll to MAME, there aren't any games listed. can anyone lend a suggestion to why that is? Edit: i have tried to search for a solution but to no avail (perhaps I'm using the wrong search words?)
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