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About Jumpman311

  • Birthday 03/11/1990

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  • HyperNewbie

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  1. Version 1.00


    I couldn't find any cool widescreen themes for Nintendo Satellaview, so I made a Main theme and a System theme. I based this off of spotUP's 4:3 theme, and one of Unknown50862's universal themes already up for download. I'm not great working with graphics, so if anyone would like to improve upon this feel free. You can also find this on the FTP under: /Unsorted Submissions/_Themes/_Presort/Jumpman311/Nintendo Satellaview/Widescreen You can find the main theme here
  2. Version 1.00


    I couldn't find any cool widescreen themes for Nintendo Satellaview, so I made a Main theme and a System theme. I based this off of spotUP's 4:3 theme, and one of Unknown50862's universal themes already up for download. I'm not great working with graphics, so if anyone would like to improve upon this feel free. You can also find this on the FTP under: /Unsorted Submissions/_Themes/_Presort/Jumpman311/Nintendo Satellaview/Widescreen You can find the system theme here
  3. This is a cool theme, but it doesn't really work with the videos from EmuMovies. It all gets squished, and it doesn't really look good. I'm trying to make a theme that has a longways video but I'm no photoshop pro.
  4. Version 1.00


    There wasn't any Sega Game Gear 16:9 theme in downloads, so I just based this off another 16:9 theme. I can't remember where I got the original graphics, or the original theme. If you know the original artist or where these files actually came from, let me know so I can update the download and give credit where credit is due. Enjoy!
  5. Version 1.00


    I noticed there wasn't any real 16:9 system theme for NGPC so I just whipped this one up. -I forgot what 16:9 theme base I used, but if I remember it I'll edit this post. -I used the graphics from the 'Guns - NGPC - Main Menu (16:9ST)' Theme from Unknown50862
  6. Version 1.00


    I created some buttons for people who use the Xbox 360 Controller with Hyperspin. However, if anyone wanted to make any alterations to what I have done - I've included the editable files and all the assets you would need to do that. The HyperHQ settings I've used are included as well. Edit: I didn't include 'Genre' because I don't use that function in Hyperspin. Like I said, I included the editable so anyone can add it. I would use the 'X' button in the zip, set the outer glow to blue (default settings), throw a drop shadow in (default settings) and make the text white without any kind of (emulated) stroke. Cheers!
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