I have just updated from WIP5 to WIP8 as I've noticed focus issues in an increasing number of tables. Whilst I'm very happy to report that ALL the focus issues appear to have cleared up, I have noticed another problem.
I have opted for useExitMenu = False as I am using this setup in a machine at my local sporting club, so I didin't want people fumbling their way into the Service Menu and screwing things up. I still want then to be able to view Flyers and Instructions though, so I have kept buttons for those functions on the cab.
The problem is, if you hit either Instructions or Flyers whilst the game is running, upon exiting back to the game the flippers are disabled. All other functions work, such as plunger, credit, exit etc but nothing will bring control of the flippers back. THe flipper sounds still happen when pressing the flipper buttons but they don't operate.
If I revert back to the menu (ie useExitMenu = True) then this problem goes away, but i give a bunch of total morons access to the Service Menu! I have also downloaded WIP9 and can confirm that exactly the same thing occurs.
I'm happy to compile my own version of FPLaunch.ahk if someone can point out either how to fix the "broken" flippers, or disable the Service Menu.
For the record I am running my own nLite version of XP.
Looking forward to suggestions........