I have been using an older version, but now that I have been using the B2S, I have update to WIP8. At first, it seemed that the update did nothing different for B2S. I read throught the AHK, and seen that the AHK is looking for filename ending in B2S. I always have renamed my files (removing the B2S), so I renamed them back (with the B2S). I renamed the tablename in my databases. I run the B2S, and get the blankscreen and errror "Beep" - no message. I press T, then CTL-ATL-DELETE - kill the Blankscreen and then can run HP again. I can run regular tables, but once I run a B2S, I get the same problem. I go back to the AHK and find this:
GoSub rosve ; rosve support for B2S active backglasses
Run, "%emuPath%\%executable%" /play -"%tablePath%%tableName%.vpt",, Min UseErrorLevel
;------ check if an active backglass shall be started -----
StringRight, ending, tableName, 3
if (ending = "B2S")
Run, %tablePath%%tableName%.exe, %tablePath%
sleep 200
This is essentially telling it to Run the B2S for the Rosve Module without the play option then Run again with the Play option.
The B2S were running fine before my update - they just didn't close. I commented out the GoSub rosve and recompiled. Now, I am working. No need to run without play switch, that might have been what was causing my error, or maybe it was due to multiple instances?
I believe this might be part of the problem with people having multiple instances of VP running.