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Everything posted by shinobi68

  1. Thanks for the tip. To use an explorer is an option. But I'd like to make my setup portable (My arcade is not connected at the net), so I've tried to install the windows version of Quad play unsuccessfull. The cmd on the site isn't working. I'll try to install this windows version then the next step will be to adapt a module to launch that in rocketlauncher... Thanks for the media and the discover of this new system Edit: Installation under windows OK. Disabled antivirus and run the install cmd as administrator
  2. Hi, Can you explain how you make it work in your Hyperspin? (Module, emulator?) Thanks for your work on that system
  3. Salut, j'ai exactement le même problème. Hyperspin freeze quand je mets la database de floatingyeti. Dès que je remets une autre database, plus de problème. J'ai réussi à isoler le problème. C'est quand tu utilises le filtre "parents_only=true" dans le fichier hyperspin/settings/mame.ini. Les databases de floatingyeti doivent avoir un problème avec un clone qui ne trouve pas son parent ou quelque chose de cet ordre là. Par exemple il y a cette entrée dans la database: <game name="25pacmano" index="" image=""> <description>Pac-Man - 25th Anniversary Edition (Rev 2.00)</description> <cloneof>25pacman</cloneof> Mais "25pacman" n'apparait nulle part dans la database. Hyperspin va chercher le parent dans la database mais ne va jamais le trouver, donc ça bug. Il faut que tous les parents soient dans la database je pense
  4. Hi, thanks for this pack. Can you please uploade the default theme for this system? Thanks again
  5. Hi, thanks for your work, but the cabinet picture seems to come from another game ("superbikes", no "superbike"). I prefer when there is no cabinet pictures in the themes, only artworks. But thanks again for your work, much appreciated
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Here are some fades made for the latest systems uploaded. Thanks to all creators still making themes
  7. shinobi68

    PC Games

    Salut et merci pour le partage. Attention de bien utiliser 7z pour décompresser. Je n'arrivais pas à l'ouvrir avec winrar.
  8. Paprium?! Is this April Fool? Lol...
  9. Unofficial Database for IP Retrogamer system (magazines) View File Hi, Here is the updated database for IP RetroGamer Magazine. I've uploaded the media too (Wheels updated) Submitter shinobi68 Submitted 01/20/2020 Category Databases (XML) Credits  
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Hi, Here is the updated database for IP RetroGamer Magazine. I've uploaded the media too (Wheels updated)
  11. Hi, Thanks you for sharing those cool themes. Did you have a menu theme and a database for this system? Or did you add those games to your PC Games system?
  12. Can you please upload this pack in a single archive? It would be easier to grab it directly in one file. Thanks again for your hard work
  13. [Unofficial] HBMame 0.193 View File Here is the latest Hbmame Database. I just kept the playable games (no demos nor tests). Enjoy... Submitter shinobi68 Submitted 02/13/2018 Category Databases (XML) Credits  
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Here is the latest Hbmame Database. I just kept the playable games (no demos nor tests). Enjoy...
  15. [Unofficial] IP Retro Gamer Database & Wheels View File Here is the database for Retro Gamer with the latest issues more wheels added. Submitter shinobi68 Submitted 02/13/2018 Category Databases (XML) Credits  
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Here is the database for Retro Gamer with the latest issues more wheels added.
  17. Version 1.0.0


    Hi Here is a pack with some start sounds that were missing in the other packs. Just drag it into your media folder and enjoy the console startup sound when you select a system in your main Wheel.
  18. HBMame 185 unofficial database View File Hi, Here's the database for HBMame 185. Enjoy Submitter shinobi68 Submitted 06/15/2017 Category Databases (XML) Credits
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Hi, Here's the database for HBMame 185. Enjoy
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Here's the unofficial database for HBMame 180. Enjoy.
  21. HBMame 180 View File Here's the unofficial database for HBMame 180. Enjoy. Submitter shinobi68 Submitted 12/20/2016 Category Databases (XML) Credits  
  22. 47 downloads

    New Database for IP Retro Gamer: Issues 140-152 added, more Retro Gamer annual 2015 and Retro Gamer Book of arcade classics 2015. The wheels are added on the FTP too under /Unsorted Submissions/IP Retro Gamer/annomatik/Wheel
  23. Version 1.0


    Hi, Thanks to Yardley for submitting locomalito themes. I didn't know nothing about locomalito. This guy made some great work. Please support him if you like those games! This database didn't include mini games yet.
  24. Mvgs m'a l'air sympa, mais je ne sais pas si le gars a trouvé un industriel pour son projet. Et ça à l'air lourd à mettre en place avec tous les adaptateurs universels. Par contre, je trouve sympa d'avoir trouvé un moyen universel qui permet de jouer à n'importe quelle console avec n'importe quel pad. Les inconvénients... La trépanation de ta manette originale! C'est violent quand même!
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