Thanks for the reply but I don't think you answered all my questions.
I know all HyperLaunch updates are done through GIT but how do I know when I need to do an update? Should I just right click on my hyperlaunch-3 folder and click pull once a week or something like that? And when I do update, is there a change log somewhere that tells me what's new in this update?
When downloading emulators, why do we need to put it in a folder with the version number like "C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\BGB\v1.4.3\bgb.exe". Is that just a personal preference, does it make it easier to update or some other reason like that?
With the emulators, do we need to find the version of the emulator that the ahk file mentions in order for everything to work properly? Is it ok if I use a new version of the emulator with a script that was written for an older version?
And thanks for letting me know that I can look at the ahk files in HLHQ. I didn't know that. I only opened them up in notepad just to view the notes.