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About Clutz450

  • Birthday 02/05/1983

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  1. Thanks for the reply but I don't think you answered all my questions. I know all HyperLaunch updates are done through GIT but how do I know when I need to do an update? Should I just right click on my hyperlaunch-3 folder and click pull once a week or something like that? And when I do update, is there a change log somewhere that tells me what's new in this update? When downloading emulators, why do we need to put it in a folder with the version number like "C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\BGB\v1.4.3\bgb.exe". Is that just a personal preference, does it make it easier to update or some other reason like that? With the emulators, do we need to find the version of the emulator that the ahk file mentions in order for everything to work properly? Is it ok if I use a new version of the emulator with a script that was written for an older version? And thanks for letting me know that I can look at the ahk files in HLHQ. I didn't know that. I only opened them up in notepad just to view the notes.
  2. I have some more questions. lol. So I'm starting from scratch on a new system and installed HyperSpin and HyperLaunch successfully using this guide. The first system I wanted to try to do was Nintendo Game Boy (mainly because the roms are so small). In the past, I remember going to the HyperList page to get the ahk file and looking at the notes in notepad to see what emulator (if any) it suggests using. Now all the ahk files are included with HyperLaunch and organised by emulator. Originally I was going to try and use VisualBoy Advance until I saw the post you made using BGB. Any reason why you chose that emulator for that system? Is there a list somewhere of what emulators work best for which systems or games? Anyway, first thing I noticed is you say to put the emulator in a folder with what version number it is. Is there a reason for organizing the emulators in this way? Next, I looked at the bgb.ahk file in notepad and notice that the version number it references in there is v1.4.1. The newest version of the bgb emulator is v1.4.3. So in order to use this emulator with this ahk file do I need to find the older 1.4.1 version for everything to work properly? Is it ok if I use the 1.4.3 version with the 1.4.1 ahk file? Is there a new ahk file out there for the new version? And speaking of new versions of ahk files, do the ahk files get updated when I update HyperLaunch if one is available? How do I even know if I need to update HyperLaunch? Is there a changelog somewhere that says what was changed from the last update? I know I'm asking a lot of questions but I just like to try and understand everything. Thanks.
  3. Lol. Thanks. I'm going to try it out this weekend. Also, is there an IRC chat or something similar you all hang out in in case I just want to ask a quick question?
  4. I kinda fell out of HyperSpin for a while and was very excited to hear about all the updates. I've been reading through your guides and all the information about the new HyperLaunch on the google code page and am just amazed at all the work that went into making Hyperspin better. Anyway, I haven't had a chance to try all this out yet but a few questions came to mind while I was reading all this that I hope you don't mind me asking here before I try anything out. In your guides you mention setting things up in HyperLaunchHQ but I don't see any mention of setting anything up in HyperHQ. Is HyperHQ obsolete and doesn't need to be touched or do some settings still need to be set in it? And what about HyperList? I noticed that the AHK files are greyed out and I'm assuming that because HyperLaunch auto updates them if GIT is set up properly. But what about the XML or DAT files? Are those still up to date and needed to be downloaded from HyperList or is everything on HyperList pretty much obsolete as well. That's all I can think of right now but I'm sure I will come up with more questions once I finally get a chance to play around with it. Thanks.
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