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Everything posted by Dazz

  1. I run FP912 and have tables908.txt setup as well. I'm running Windows 7 x64 and all tables are using UVP, start button 1, Exit mapped to ESC via IPAC2. I have no problems with launching or exiting using the same setup as above. Are you running everything as admin? Also, set VP to run in XP SP3 compatibility mode.
  2. So, what function do wiper motors have? Also, have any US people found suitable contactors to replace the Siemans that we can't get anywhere in the US?
  3. Ok, I'm just now getting around to trying to run this on my pin. Does anything need to be changed in the Settings.ini? I've copied over the scripts, but I'm getting an error at launch stating can't find vpinball.exe I have setup my vpinball908.exe and vp908tables.txt file Airborne (Capcom 1996) vpinball908.exe Alien Poker (Williams 1980)MB vpinball908.exe . . . X-Files_vp91x_1.01FS vpinball912.exe Viper_Night_Drivin_VP91x_v095 vpinball912.exe I have verified that the new .ahk and even re-compiled a new FPlaunch.exe. I'm still getting the error about not finding vpinball.exe. Do we still have to have a vpinball.exe in our Visual Pinball folder? I thought the script wouldn't care about the .exe name when using vp908tables.txt file. /edit: Ok, evidently I'm just an idiot. I deleted my vpinball.exe, but I just made a copy of my vpinball912 and renamed it to vpinball.exe and all is well. I like this version so far. Anyway to get the code for Big Score added?
  4. Damn that is freaking CLEAN! I can only wish that my wiring will come out like that. I got your message about the final draft of the tutorial. I'm not going to have have a chance to look at it until this weekend sometime. I'll check it out as soon as I get an opportunity.
  5. This is looking really really good. Too bad I can't find those contactors anywhere in the US. The few places that have them are about $100US each.
  6. This is Pinball.... There should be no pause in pinball! If you want pause, go back to playing consoles. Don't dumb down Arcade or Pinball! I do not allow pause on my MAMEcabinet in MAME/Arcade games or on my Pin. Allowing pause on these is just wrong!
  7. Read the documents file that come with the HyperPin download. HyperPin doesn't play games, it simply launches then. You need to download and install Visual Pinball and get it running before even attempting to do anything via HyperPin.
  8. Well, this thread isn't one to help with that... Just check out the forums, especially the HyperPin Cabint forum. You'll see threads for many different builds.
  9. I'll try and remember to re-host this file tomorrow.
  10. It could be a Windows 7 thing. I just did a quick test before I had to head out to work. I'll have to look at the script tomorrow and see what's going on.
  11. Right click and save the 3 images and place them into your HyperPin/Media/HyperPin/Images folder. Backup your existing FPLaunch.exe and .ahk, then put the FPlaunch.exe and .ahk into your HyperPin directory and overwrite.I did this earlier today, thus the resurrection of this thread. I think I need to look at the script and see if we can figure out how to get it to return to the game if the button is released. Right now the VP exit box comes up and you have to click continue to keep playing.
  12. I seriously doubt that the cabinet is going to included art... I'd think that the artwork and software (OS, emulators, tables, roms, etc...) would be left up to the purchaser. I'm pretty sure that their price complete would be barebones PC, cabinet (wood parts only) and LCD's. They don't mention anything in regards to the cabinet hardware such as legs, coin door, buttons, encoders, etc...
  13. Umm, I don't think they ever said anything about including roms... They are saying "plug & play", as in, you plug in your computer and then play.By plug & play, I'm assuming that they are including the screens as well.
  14. Yeah, I noticed that BBB cleared it up... I'm sorry to have jumped to conclusions before reading the whole thread. I've been getting lazy when it comes to reading every thread thoroughly lately. I'm sorry about that. Either way, this is definitely something that we will see more of once HP is released... Everyone want's a shortcut when it comes to stuff like this. We've seen it with people wanting every theme quickly with HS and not have to wait the 3 minutes or even donate to the project. Today's society is pretty much has the... "I want it. I want it now. I don't want to have to do anything to get it. Give it to me now." attitude. I just saw this post headed in that direction...
  15. Dude.... are you seriously complaining about having to put in a little effort to get things to run for you? HP is an AMAZING front end and much better than any of the other front end offerings from MALA or Maximus for pinball users. With all of the work that Bill and the team has put into HP and making sure that you have to do very little configuring or even downloading of artwork is simply a HUGE undertaking and should be greatly appreciated. I have been playing around with HP and Future Pin on a temporary setup... I've re-sized each table when I want to play it. Unfortunately I did not save any of the re-sized tables that I did and I will re-size them again once I build my table. It takes a minute or so for each table... A couple hours/days of your time re-sizing tables isn't anything compared to the hours that Bill and the guys have put into developing HP. Not to mention... all of this for FREE. I can't believe at how ungrateful some people are. Nope... It's always been "when it's ready".
  16. I can't wait to get my EM Bally/Gotlieb Road Race circa 1969 cabinet out of my grandfathers garage where it has been located for the past 31 years. I got it when I was 2 years old. Going to get her all cleaned up and do a restore on it. Really looking forward to getting it into my own home after all of these years.
  17. So videos for HP are around 15 to 20mb each, right? I'm trying to figure out the computer specs that I want to use when I build my cabinet.
  18. Yeah, MDF is going to be heavy... Hell my MAME cabinet weighs about 450lbs when loaded with the TV, computer and controls. I'm sure that the pincab made out of MDF is going to be just as heavy, but it's what I have left over. It's actually one of the excuses that I gave the woman to get her approval to build a pincab when I can afford the main playfield screen.
  19. Nice looking box. Dr Who. I liked that machine... I take it that you only got the cabinet and not the glass or playfield/electronics, right? Poor pin looks like it could use some TLC. Is that going to fit your LCD playfield? Ohhh, could you do me a favor and get me all of the dimensions of that cabinet? I just really need the height/depth of the sides... I think I have enough MDF leftover from my MAME cab build to get the sides and possibly some of the backbox done up. Hopefully sometime soon I am going to get my Road Race (EM) 1969 pinball out from my grandfathers house and get it moved into my house... No way in HELL am I going to convert it to a digital pin though. I really need to get her out of that old ass garage and get it fixed up. Toooo many memories with that pinball to just let her rot like she currently is. :cry:
  20. He is using a 40" Samsung 530 for the playfield. I just purchased a 40" Samsung 550, but I can't use it for this since it is our bedroom TV replacement. Tomorrow when the woman is off to the office I am going to pull the TV out and play around with it. I think this is the same TV I am going to use when I build my cabinet. I think the 530 that Bill has might be better for a table since the borders on the TV are even on all sides where the 550 is a little thicker on the bottom.
  21. Very nice cab... Why didn't you go with a real plunger? Also, he hasn't released a build of HyperPin yet. He is going to start beta testing is shortly.
  22. Yes, this was the super sekrat project... Bill took a short break from HS to get this out for the Pinball market. Most of the code in this is directly taken from HyperSpin and the created code is interchangeable between HS and HP, so some of the things that we see in HP might be coming to HS eventually.
  23. Bill - I am impressed. I think the pinball guys are really going to enjoy this. I can't wait to get my table built... Just need to save up for the screen.
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