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Everything posted by Dazz

  1. Sorry, but there is no use in making it open source... This has been said before, but HS 1.x was built using AS3, Flash, and several third-party non-open source plugins. Even if we were to release the source for HS, the third-party plugins necessary are no longer available. Without these plugins being available, it would require a complete re-write of the whole HS engine... that would take as long, or even longer, than continuing with HS2. We, and the dev team, couldn't do anything with HS1 code even if we really wanted to. Instead of fighting and trying to work around old coding and tech, HS2 is the way to go. Anyone is more than welcome to keep using HS 1.5 until they are willing to switch to HS 2.
  2. Unfortunately, the system does not track that.
  3. For Teknoparrot make sure that you are pointing the ROMs at your UserProfiles folder under your Teknoparrot directory.
  4. I too am running into this issue with my new Xinput control interface.
  5. There is quite a bit of work that needs to be done with MAME. Personally, I'm not happy with how we are handling MAME right now. I completely agree with this. Instead of going back to the top of any game list in HQ, it should remain where you left at. I just downloaded new package of MAME .273b. It does include the plugins and looks like plugins are enabled by default. As far as I know, MAME handles all of it's own artwork. Bezels, backgrounds, and things that you would find in the MAMEExtras downloads.
  6. I'm not sure if many people here are familiar with the Steam ROM Manager. Their media selection tools are great and I think that @Circo & @fr0stbyt3 should take a closer look and perhaps this could be something to take into consideration with HS2 media. I could imagine something similar to this for HQ. Allow users to browse existing server side artwork, or even upload missing, or even allow the user to use their own local medias. SRM is also Open Source, so perhaps code could be pulled to make adding this pretty quick. Here I have added my SNES collection into Steam ROM Manager. The example I'm using here is 3 Ninjas. As you can see the Media is not really matching. I think the way they handle this is pretty slick... Mousing over the game gives several options. Fix, Upload, Refresh, and Save. Clicking the left / right arrows cycles through several versions of the artwork that are possible matches for the game. After a couple clicks it returned the correct artwork that I was looking for: Selecting Upload, allows you to use Local Artwork: Clicking Fix, takes you to a page where you can select new artwork https://www.steamgriddb.com/game/35524
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  7. I'm really curious to see how it works out here. Users & Content Creators on VPUniverse seem to have enjoyed it over the years.
  8. Wow, such an awesome feature! Whoever come up with that idea was a genius!
  9. Would love to have the ability to refresh (metadata, images, etc.) for a single ROM in any given system instead of having to refresh the whole system.
  10. Please add a filter or a way to export "Unmatched" ROM's. We need a way to see what is unmatched so we can verify the data.
  11. Welcome - I wouldn't get too into HyperSpin 1 if that's what you are working on. HyperSpin 2 is currently being developed and in beta testing.
  12. I have one of the really really early Bliss Box, but have not used it in a really long time. I recalled that I need to order more adapters. Went to the site and saw the new 4 Play Advanced and ordered one along with a 10 pack of adapters. Hopefully I'll be able to get this fully integrated into HS2.
  13. In this case, I'd suggest making multi-button combinations mappable to bring up the menu. I don't want/need a dedicated MENU button anywhere. Set an option that disables the MENU, or base it on profiles. So I can have a kids profile, that disables anything to do with admin, for when the kids are playing. When you have 10 kids, that can't/don't read anything, pounding on a control panel and will just click on anything... having any additional menus pop-up is a really bad idea.
  14. @floatingyeti Ok, check it out here. https://hyperspin-fe.com/hypercl/ Under supported filetypes - I have txt, bat, ahk. If others are needed please let me know. I was just thinking... HS2 has multiple places for scripts or command line operations. We have Emulators > Scripts as well as Edit Rom > Launch Command Description: System: Test System Emulator: Test Emulator / or Game/Rom Rom - Command Line: -test --test --blah Scripts: Emulator - Pause Script: Emulator - Startup Script: Emulator - Resume Script: Emulator - Running Script: Emulator - Exit Script: Supported File Types: ahk, bat, txt Users will be able to sort by System or Emulator.
  15. Dazz

    Title - Of CL

    This script will blah blah blah blah
  16. @floatingyeti I can create something for this rather quickly... What all fields are needed?
  17. Trying to use an AHK script to change mouse speed settings prior to launching a Specific game (Golden Tee 2006). Edit Rom: Launch Command > Auto Hotkey When launching the game, the AHK script does not get loaded prior to launch.
  18. Game window not getting focus when launching TeknoParrot games - the TeknoParrot game launcher comes up and game loads behind window.
  19. Changed Severity to 2 - High Priority Changed Development Feedback to Additional findings - This setup does NOT work unless there is a Menu key mapped. I would rather not have a "Menu" key, but would rather keep hitting "Back" until the Menu/Exit screen
  20. Emulator Override - This should show the unique emulator names on dropdown menu. I have multiple installs of Teknoparrot for launching separate games. Will need to setup multiple instances and use emulator override per game to launch the correct emulator instance.
  21. Just opened up HQ (2.0.34) for the first time today. Greeted with an update and HyperSpin Core Extracting window overlayed the update buttons. Stuck on Extracting Hyperspin Core. Exited HQ, re-opened, Core shows 2.0.28. Still on HQ 2.0.34, update showing, clicked update - downloading 1 of 2/2 of 2. Installed update, HQ 2.0.35 and HS Core 2.0.28
  22. This is one that I've reported directly to Fr0sty several times during early alpha. It's a server side cache issue and is supposed to be fixed with an upcoming rework of the cache system.
  23. @fr0stbyt3 I'm not a fan of this either. Not really a fan of any hard coded paths since I have data on several different drives or network shares.
  24. Man.. I feel where you are coming from. My job was going well, finances were under-control. The smaller tech company that I worked for was bought out by a larger tech company. I got a nice raise, great bonus, and all was going great with this new company... So, I put down a good amount and bought a brand new house back in June of 23. We were constantly ensured by our immediate manager and director that our jobs were very safe and they did not foresee anything happening. Well... I was laid off in July of 24. Thankfully I had severance package that would get me by for a little while... I got close to not being able to pay the mortgage, but was able to pull through somehow. I sortta expected that most companies would stop hiring until after the US elections. For the most part, I started getting multiple interviews and noticed more positions had opened with companies that I had previously queried. I recently, within the past month, got a new job with what seems to be an awesome semi-startup company. Hopefully, things will pickup for you very soon as well. I think a lot of people forgot, or just were not around the scene, back when we first released HyperSpin upon the community. It wasn't smooth, there were tons of complaints, criticism, and overall negativity about the front-end. HyperSpin was too flashy, too graphic intensive, required too much work to setup, difficult to build themes, would take forever to get decent themes, XML game list/database, blah blah blah... I could go on with the things people said then. That was very reminiscent to the way your other thread went. Everyone, even myself, was excited for HyperSpin 2 back nearly 10 years ago... HyperSpin has always been a hobby for the people involved in development. It seems that users forget that everyone involved in projects like this have our own lives. Several of us have families and jobs now that we didn't really have back when working on HS1 and initial HS2 development. Life happens... Original HS2 development was a casualty of life. Then Adobe killed off Flash/AS3, plugins that were relied upon for development were killed off. Microsoft killing off support for necessary libraries that HyperSpin 1 needed. Just about everything in/from the original HyperSpin 1 has become obsolete in one way or another. Even the artwork and themes... Over the years people have continued trying to expand HyperSpin. Many of you guys have great passion for HyperSpin and we don't question that at all. The enthusiasm, even after a decade, for HyperSpin is incredible. None of us want to start anything over. Especially things that we have sunk hundreds of hours and over a decade doing... We are very familiar with RocketLauncher and everything it can do, as it was initially created for HyperSpin. That team spun off and created the RocketLauncher you have today. RocketLauncher is great at what it can do, no doubt about it. We could have easily just incorporated RocketLauncher into HyperSpin 2, required people to set it up and be done. BOOOM! You have a new flashy front-end with an outdated, bloated, backend. We are approaching HyperSpin 2 development with a new way of thinking that does not include RocketLauncher. However, it seems that many have RocketLauncher engraved in their brains and hardwired for it to be the end all be all. Not even 24 hours pass from release and you guys IMMEDIATELY started jumping into trying to get RL running with HyperSpin 2. This is/was a punch in the face to the work that has been done to get to this point. This goes against the overall vision that we have for HS2. We don't need testing to be done with another groups piece of software in mind. Of course we are open to suggestions and feature requests. We may not be able to give feedback to every single request, but it's read and taken into possible consideration. What we really need from the community right now and within the current state of release... What do you like that's been done so far? What is working good? What's not working? What could need enhancement? What would you like to see? So, for not including another groups piece of software, of course this is definitely perceived as "being bitched at".
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