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Everything posted by zebulon

  1. I asked Pixelmagic about the possibility of obtaining one of the switch boards for a side project and was able to work out a price with him. I believe if the interest is there he might be persuaded to sell them in kit form as well.
  2. At least it was his chest....lol Got my pcb today from PMI (Pixel Magic Industries), have to say that it is extremely polished and very professionally laid out....great work sir. It's been incredibly easy to populate and solder. Should be receiving the balance of my overpriced components this week and I can finish the assembly and begin the fun. Maybe if I teach myself code I can even catch up to the rest in this endeavor (although I have a side project to test with it first).
  3. Multiplexing is definitely the way to go....before you know it you'll have turned it into one of those 3d led cubes Some serious thought you're putting into this, very impressive.
  4. Very slick.
  5. PM sent
  6. Those look really professional. Any plans for making the pcb available to the public????
  7. I think we're kinda outside the box on his intended use for it as well....he did call it an LEDwiz after all.
  8. I agree with Chriz, mine has only the tiniest stutter on a couple of tables, with very little tweaking. With a little effort on my part, I'm sure I could eliminate it completely. I think the key is to minimize the simultaneous events to keep it running smoothly. I'm not using the Cree RGB lightshow so I have a relatively balanced load on the ledwiz. (11 light circuits, shaker on a dual h bridge, gear motor). For spektre.....the stutter issue isn't like an endless loop, when it happens it's more like a quick glitch in the gameplay so I wouldn't let that deter you from putting one in.
  9. Autohotkey_L...upgraded to the latest version. Tried with the standard version !st. Process: - edited (changed color value only) wip3, recompiled, forgot about copying over the .exe, worked with no change (obviously) -edited wip3 (changed color value only), recompiled, moved over .exe and .ahk, worked with no change -edited wip3 (removed -smooth), recompiled, moved over .exe and .ahk, looped -edited wip4 (changed color value only), recompiled, moved over .exe and .ahk, looped -edited wip4 (removed -smooth), recompiled, moved over .exe and .ahk, looped -edited wip4 (replaced both vales), recompiled, moved over .exe and .ahk, looped -updated autohotkey to latest version, tried again, looped If I even recompile without editing, it loops. Dunno, obviously there's a problem with my autohotkey installation or a conflict in the output.
  10. Nope, any modification to the script, recompile and replacement of the .ahk and .exe causes it to lock into a loop and freeze until I bring up the task manager and bring the focus back to hyperpin.exe. It's fine as it is, I'm just getting picky is all. Thanks for the assistance Sam!!
  11. Will give it a try, thanks Sam!
  12. I made a copy, edited and recompiled it and it looks the same (blue progress bar). It's not a big deal, so I haven't put any further attempt into it. I'll try it again tomorrow. For all I know, I may not have renamed it properly (although I'd expect an error in launching).
  13. Thanks Guys, Sam, I tried the modification you gave me for the progress bar but the color remained blue. Is it possible that it's being overwritten by the default color of the hyperpin menu?(speaking of which, anyone know if it's possible to change that? I think it's called screen.bmp)
  14. Not to derail the thread, but here's some pics of the end result...well until I modify the .ahk
  15. Awesome, thanks Sam. I looked at that line but the color code didn't match any of the reference codes I had so I thought it best to leave that alone. Here's those pics.....
  16. Hey Blur, quick question for you. I've modified my loading screen with a newer graphic and wondered if there is a way to change the progress bar color to Maroon (80000) I've been through the progress bar part of the script a batch of times and can't seem to find the current reference to blue (current color). Thanks
  17. Thanks Blur (and mwong for all his help), you solved my issue!! For future reference: Change the Exit key in settings.ini under HP to "69" (no quotes) Change the Exit emulator key setting under[fplaunch] to "e" (no quotes) Save settings.ini and close Run WinIPAC and remap exit pushbutton to "e" (no quotes) Program board and exit You're good to go! I tried this before but was using xpadder at the time and it didn't work....do to a brain fart, I never thought to try this with the IPAC. Thanks again.
  18. you could also try a ground loop isolator.
  19. Bet the amp in the subwoofer is picking up the rfi from the psu and injecting it into the system. Mine rings a split second before my cellphone actually does if I'm next to the cab with the phone in my pocket. Being as you're using vga to output the dmd (anymore acronyms I can use here?) and it's an analogue output, it would be prone to interference. There's next to no shielding in the design of computer speaker amps, just a board screwed inside.
  20. You won't need the mirror... I've done some over the glass lighting and it reflects well on it's own... http://www.vpforums.org/index.php?showtopic=12755
  21. Thanks for the reply blur, I'm running 1.295wip2 now and have the same issue. Before I get too wound up about it I plan on doing a fresh install as I was using a Ledwiz+GP before with the same issue and I converted to Ipac2. Might be that there are still some traces of the xpadder code floating around the system. Worry more about rabbit as I need to do the install 1st to clarify my issues.
  22. Nope, wasn't it....everything was already set up like that. It's weird, vp closes, hp is visible for a second, then the screen blanks, and hp comes back up with that error message. It's almost like vp isn't being given enough time to close or it's missing a force quit.
  23. That's a good thought Dazz, I'll have to check on the admin setting for hyperpin (and associated executables). I know I set up vp as admin and that I'm not using compatibility for any of it. Thanks, I'll report back!
  24. Having basically the same issue her with 1.294 launching through HpLedLaunch (although problem persists using the standard launch) on win7 64bit, vp9.08, ipac2, start button (1) for selecting games, Exit (esc) for closing, etc.... Exiting the game through 321 closes the game but leaves uvp running, a nag screen comes up and if I hit "Launch" (return) it closes and hyperpin continues without a problem. This error occurs on every exit from current game (vp only, not using fp). Error windows states "Visual Pinball 9.0.8 has stopped working" hitting launch (return) is acknowledging the close program option in the nag. If I bring up the taskbar VP and UVP are minimized on it. Must not be getting a clean exit for some reason. Any suggestions? TIA
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