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About gbeef

  • Birthday 05/26/1981

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  1. Your Artwork was about 20 hours, but usually try and keep it in the same timeline as dfwArcade. It really all depends on the project and what assets are available. You have some nice work dfwArcade.
  2. Comeon royal air faster!!!!!
  3. Great idea! I can make a donation. Also is there someone doing something like this for JPSales?
  4. Went with the orange even though red was a 100 cheaper. basically orange has a more white color spectrum and red didn't as it was orange. http://pinballcontrollers.com/index.php/products/led-dmds checkout here to compare colors.
  5. FREAKING AWESOME!... im down for one of these when they release info?
  6. sending you a PM now i need arcade cabinet graphics printed. I have everything prepped with bleed need a quote.
  7. Can you printer vinyl cut also.?
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