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  1. HyperSpin 1.5.1 (Upgrade Files) View File HyperSpin 1.5.1 (Upgrade Files Only) NOTE: IF DOWNLOAD IS FAILING PLEASE DISABLE ANTIVIRUS 1.5.1 Support for Windows 10 v1083 Added support for animated wheels 1.4.16 Added video smoothing 1.4.15 Added can now use default theme for main menu. Whats different about having a default theme as some may now is that they don't get reloaded when going from one item to next that don't have themes. This allows for a cleaner experience vs reloading individual copies of default themes. Added if a theme doesn't have a background in the zip file then it was only attempting to load a png background, from the backgrounds folder of the item name. Now it can load swf and also default.png and default.swf. Added Shortcut key F6 to toggle fullscreen and windowed. For windowed to work resolution must be set to resolution lower than fullscreen. Added Ledblinky 9 for main menu and Ledblinky 8 for switching menus (not sure if this one is even needed) Fixed - HyperSpin not shutting down sometimes. 1.4.14 Fixed issue when launching certain software/emulators and HS taking focus. Fixed background music not working. Put music in Media\System\Sound\Background Music\Name.mp3 1.4.13 Fixed mp4 looping causing stuttering or black video Fixed returning from emu causing moving 1 wheel item when spinner is enabled Added Horizontal Wide wheel style for widescreen themes that can fit more wheel items 1.4.12 Fixed spinner and trackball only working in 1 direction Changed more fixes to joy controls. 1.4.11 Changed made some changes to joystick behavior, POV was interferring with analog and vice versa Fixed joystick not being able to stop intro video Fixed returning to HS from certain emulators causes HS to be squished. Fixed main menu always returning to last_system used when starting even though last_game is off. 1.4.10 Fixed no speakers bug, no speakers or headphones plugged in would crash HS Fixed HL relative path issue(i think) 1.4.9 Fixed strobe animation not working. I had to slow it down, due to the speed up of the new HS, i had to slow it down by a factor of 4 to get it to even work. So if it doesn't match up with HyperTheme, you know why. Fixed themes freezing when exiting theme. Fixed joystick support (i think) 1.4.8 Fixed skip up and skip down number not working Fixed letter wheel using wrong direction per wheel style Fix pin style was backwards, moves left to right now Added ability to use mp4 as intro video 1.4.7 Fixed % in filename issue when playing videos. Changed the behavior of pin and horizontal wheels due to a lot of complaints. Left and Right move the wheel and Up and Down select the letter wheel. The directions are fixed and should behave as expected now. 1.4.6 Added smoothing to letter images. Changed path to HScript, delete your old HScript.ahk and autohotkey.dll, Unzip now the script is in \Scripts\HScript\HScript.ahk, this allows the autohotkey.dll not to interfere with the one other programs use in the main root, sorry to those that got their old autohotkey.dll overwritten. 1.4.5 Release to private beta 1.4.4 Changed - See above Fixed - HyperLaunch error, hopefully. 1.4.3 Added - Allow relative path to launcher i.e ( .\Folder\HyperLaunch.exe") where the dot represents the HyperSpin directory. Doesn't do relative double dots though for going up a folder. Added - Disable item in main menu i.e ( <game name="MAME" enabled = "0"/>, just add enabled ="0" to any system and it will disable it. if there is no enabled attribute or you have it set to 1 then the game will show. Added - Disable item in sub menu , same as above. 1.4.2 Added - Smoothing to special artwork png's Added - HyperLaunch not forced as launcher. You can now set the full path to the launcher in the ini. Has to be fullpath\launcher.exe in the ini file. If your hyperlaunch isn't working then you must add hyperlaunch.exe to your hyperlaunch path in the ini. Added - Can run a script everytime you land on a wheel item to allow scripters to add interactive features to HS. The script is located in a new scripts folder called "Scripts". Submitter jhabers Submitted 05/06/2018 Category HyperSpin (Windows) HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits
  2. 68,815 downloads

    HyperSpin 1.5.1 (Upgrade Files Only) NOTE: IF DOWNLOAD IS FAILING PLEASE DISABLE ANTIVIRUS 1.5.1 Support for Windows 10 v1083 Added support for animated wheels (http://hyperspin-fe.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=62249) 1.4.16 Added video smoothing 1.4.15 Added can now use default theme for main menu. Whats different about having a default theme as some may now is that they don't get reloaded when going from one item to next that don't have themes. This allows for a cleaner experience vs reloading individual copies of default themes. Added if a theme doesn't have a background in the zip file then it was only attempting to load a png background, from the backgrounds folder of the item name. Now it can load swf and also default.png and default.swf. Added Shortcut key F6 to toggle fullscreen and windowed. For windowed to work resolution must be set to resolution lower than fullscreen. Added Ledblinky 9 for main menu and Ledblinky 8 for switching menus (not sure if this one is even needed) Fixed - HyperSpin not shutting down sometimes. 1.4.14 Fixed issue when launching certain software/emulators and HS taking focus. Fixed background music not working. Put music in Media\System\Sound\Background Music\Name.mp3 1.4.13 Fixed mp4 looping causing stuttering or black video Fixed returning from emu causing moving 1 wheel item when spinner is enabled Added Horizontal Wide wheel style for widescreen themes that can fit more wheel items 1.4.12 Fixed spinner and trackball only working in 1 direction Changed more fixes to joy controls. 1.4.11 Changed made some changes to joystick behavior, POV was interferring with analog and vice versa Fixed joystick not being able to stop intro video Fixed returning to HS from certain emulators causes HS to be squished. Fixed main menu always returning to last_system used when starting even though last_game is off. 1.4.10 Fixed no speakers bug, no speakers or headphones plugged in would crash HS Fixed HL relative path issue(i think) 1.4.9 Fixed strobe animation not working. I had to slow it down, due to the speed up of the new HS, i had to slow it down by a factor of 4 to get it to even work. So if it doesn't match up with HyperTheme, you know why. Fixed themes freezing when exiting theme. Fixed joystick support (i think) 1.4.8 Fixed skip up and skip down number not working Fixed letter wheel using wrong direction per wheel style Fix pin style was backwards, moves left to right now Added ability to use mp4 as intro video 1.4.7 Fixed % in filename issue when playing videos. Changed the behavior of pin and horizontal wheels due to a lot of complaints. Left and Right move the wheel and Up and Down select the letter wheel. The directions are fixed and should behave as expected now. 1.4.6 Added smoothing to letter images. Changed path to HScript, delete your old HScript.ahk and autohotkey.dll, Unzip now the script is in \Scripts\HScript\HScript.ahk, this allows the autohotkey.dll not to interfere with the one other programs use in the main root, sorry to those that got their old autohotkey.dll overwritten. 1.4.5 Release to private beta 1.4.4 Changed - See above Fixed - HyperLaunch error, hopefully. 1.4.3 Added - Allow relative path to launcher i.e ( .\Folder\HyperLaunch.exe") where the dot represents the HyperSpin directory. Doesn't do relative double dots though for going up a folder. Added - Disable item in main menu i.e ( <game name="MAME" enabled = "0"/>, just add enabled ="0" to any system and it will disable it. if there is no enabled attribute or you have it set to 1 then the game will show. Added - Disable item in sub menu , same as above. 1.4.2 Added - Smoothing to special artwork png's Added - HyperLaunch not forced as launcher. You can now set the full path to the launcher in the ini. Has to be fullpath\launcher.exe in the ini file. If your hyperlaunch isn't working then you must add hyperlaunch.exe to your hyperlaunch path in the ini. Added - Can run a script everytime you land on a wheel item to allow scripters to add interactive features to HS. The script is located in a new scripts folder called "Scripts".
  3. HyperSpin 1.5.1 View File HyperSpin 1.5.1 NOTE: IF DOWNLOAD IS FAILING PLEASE DISABLE ANTIVIRUS 1.5.1 Support for Windows 10 v1083 Added support for animated wheels 1.4.16 Added video smoothing 1.4.15 Added can now use default theme for main menu. Whats different about having a default theme as some may now is that they don't get reloaded when going from one item to next that don't have themes. This allows for a cleaner experience vs reloading individual copies of default themes. Added if a theme doesn't have a background in the zip file then it was only attempting to load a png background, from the backgrounds folder of the item name. Now it can load swf and also default.png and default.swf. Added Shortcut key F6 to toggle fullscreen and windowed. For windowed to work resolution must be set to resolution lower than fullscreen. Added Ledblinky 9 for main menu and Ledblinky 8 for switching menus (not sure if this one is even needed) Fixed - HyperSpin not shutting down sometimes. 1.4.14 Fixed issue when launching certain software/emulators and HS taking focus. Fixed background music not working. Put music in Media\System\Sound\Background Music\Name.mp3 1.4.13 Fixed mp4 looping causing stuttering or black video Fixed returning from emu causing moving 1 wheel item when spinner is enabled Added Horizontal Wide wheel style for widescreen themes that can fit more wheel items 1.4.12 Fixed spinner and trackball only working in 1 direction Changed more fixes to joy controls. 1.4.11 Changed made some changes to joystick behavior, POV was interferring with analog and vice versa Fixed joystick not being able to stop intro video Fixed returning to HS from certain emulators causes HS to be squished. Fixed main menu always returning to last_system used when starting even though last_game is off. 1.4.10 Fixed no speakers bug, no speakers or headphones plugged in would crash HS Fixed HL relative path issue(i think) 1.4.9 Fixed strobe animation not working. I had to slow it down, due to the speed up of the new HS, i had to slow it down by a factor of 4 to get it to even work. So if it doesn't match up with HyperTheme, you know why. Fixed themes freezing when exiting theme. Fixed joystick support (i think) 1.4.8 Fixed skip up and skip down number not working Fixed letter wheel using wrong direction per wheel style Fix pin style was backwards, moves left to right now Added ability to use mp4 as intro video 1.4.7 Fixed % in filename issue when playing videos. Changed the behavior of pin and horizontal wheels due to a lot of complaints. Left and Right move the wheel and Up and Down select the letter wheel. The directions are fixed and should behave as expected now. 1.4.6 Added smoothing to letter images. Changed path to HScript, delete your old HScript.ahk and autohotkey.dll, Unzip now the script is in \Scripts\HScript\HScript.ahk, this allows the autohotkey.dll not to interfere with the one other programs use in the main root, sorry to those that got their old autohotkey.dll overwritten. 1.4.5 Release to private beta 1.4.4 Changed - See above Fixed - HyperLaunch error, hopefully. 1.4.3 Added - Allow relative path to launcher i.e ( .\Folder\HyperLaunch.exe") where the dot represents the HyperSpin directory. Doesn't do relative double dots though for going up a folder. Added - Disable item in main menu i.e ( <game name="MAME" enabled = "0"/>, just add enabled ="0" to any system and it will disable it. if there is no enabled attribute or you have it set to 1 then the game will show. Added - Disable item in sub menu , same as above. 1.4.2 Added - Smoothing to special artwork png's Added - HyperLaunch not forced as launcher. You can now set the full path to the launcher in the ini. Has to be fullpath\launcher.exe in the ini file. If your hyperlaunch isn't working then you must add hyperlaunch.exe to your hyperlaunch path in the ini. Added - Can run a script everytime you land on a wheel item to allow scripters to add interactive features to HS. The script is located in a new scripts folder called "Scripts". Submitter jhabers Submitted 05/06/2018 Category HyperSpin (Windows) HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits BBB
  4. Version 1.5.1


    HyperSpin 1.5.1 NOTE: IF DOWNLOAD IS FAILING PLEASE DISABLE ANTIVIRUS 1.5.1 Support for Windows 10 v1083 Added support for animated wheels (http://hyperspin-fe.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=62249) Added sxs.dll as a separate download for Windows 10/11 users. Put this file in the same folder as HyperSpin.exe. See below. 1.4.16 Added video smoothing 1.4.15 Added can now use default theme for main menu. Whats different about having a default theme as some may now is that they don't get reloaded when going from one item to next that don't have themes. This allows for a cleaner experience vs reloading individual copies of default themes. Added if a theme doesn't have a background in the zip file then it was only attempting to load a png background, from the backgrounds folder of the item name. Now it can load swf and also default.png and default.swf. Added Shortcut key F6 to toggle fullscreen and windowed. For windowed to work resolution must be set to resolution lower than fullscreen. Added Ledblinky 9 for main menu and Ledblinky 8 for switching menus (not sure if this one is even needed) Fixed - HyperSpin not shutting down sometimes. 1.4.14 Fixed issue when launching certain software/emulators and HS taking focus. Fixed background music not working. Put music in Media\System\Sound\Background Music\Name.mp3 1.4.13 Fixed mp4 looping causing stuttering or black video Fixed returning from emu causing moving 1 wheel item when spinner is enabled Added Horizontal Wide wheel style for widescreen themes that can fit more wheel items 1.4.12 Fixed spinner and trackball only working in 1 direction Changed more fixes to joy controls. 1.4.11 Changed made some changes to joystick behavior, POV was interferring with analog and vice versa Fixed joystick not being able to stop intro video Fixed returning to HS from certain emulators causes HS to be squished. Fixed main menu always returning to last_system used when starting even though last_game is off. 1.4.10 Fixed no speakers bug, no speakers or headphones plugged in would crash HS Fixed HL relative path issue(i think) 1.4.9 Fixed strobe animation not working. I had to slow it down, due to the speed up of the new HS, i had to slow it down by a factor of 4 to get it to even work. So if it doesn't match up with HyperTheme, you know why. Fixed themes freezing when exiting theme. Fixed joystick support (i think) 1.4.8 Fixed skip up and skip down number not working Fixed letter wheel using wrong direction per wheel style Fix pin style was backwards, moves left to right now Added ability to use mp4 as intro video 1.4.7 Fixed % in filename issue when playing videos. Changed the behavior of pin and horizontal wheels due to a lot of complaints. Left and Right move the wheel and Up and Down select the letter wheel. The directions are fixed and should behave as expected now. 1.4.6 Added smoothing to letter images. Changed path to HScript, delete your old HScript.ahk and autohotkey.dll, Unzip now the script is in \Scripts\HScript\HScript.ahk, this allows the autohotkey.dll not to interfere with the one other programs use in the main root, sorry to those that got their old autohotkey.dll overwritten. 1.4.5 Release to private beta 1.4.4 Changed - See above Fixed - HyperLaunch error, hopefully. 1.4.3 Added - Allow relative path to launcher i.e ( .\Folder\HyperLaunch.exe") where the dot represents the HyperSpin directory. Doesn't do relative double dots though for going up a folder. Added - Disable item in main menu i.e ( <game name="MAME" enabled = "0"/>, just add enabled ="0" to any system and it will disable it. if there is no enabled attribute or you have it set to 1 then the game will show. Added - Disable item in sub menu , same as above. 1.4.2 Added - Smoothing to special artwork png's Added - HyperLaunch not forced as launcher. You can now set the full path to the launcher in the ini. Has to be fullpath\launcher.exe in the ini file. If your hyperlaunch isn't working then you must add hyperlaunch.exe to your hyperlaunch path in the ini. Added - Can run a script everytime you land on a wheel item to allow scripters to add interactive features to HS. The script is located in a new scripts folder called "Scripts". sxs.dll
  5. HyperSync View File The time has come... And now ladies and gentlemen allow me to be the first to introduce you to HyperSync 3.5 series; you're one and only one stop shop for all the media to make your jaws drop! HyperSync 3.5 is the culmination of sixteen people working side by side, eleven months of work, a total of over 300 thousand lines of code, and a hell of a lot of beauty! You can download the consumer release now, and start using it right away! HyperSync consumer release is the first public release of HyperSync 3.5 to come out to the general public, HyperSync 3.5 will be metamorphed into version 4.0 by next months end with an expected three minor updates until that time. By using HyperSync 3.5 you understand that the application is still considered beta, albeit late beta (meaning it has undergone hundreds of hours beta testing and rewrites.) Getting Started Download the official release Extract the ZIP file anywhere on your PC (do not extract RAW files to root HyperSpin directory) Double click the application icon to launch HyperSync Once HyperSync is opened click on folders and select your HyperSpin root directory, and your media folder (typically /media) Click on the account information tile under 'home' and enter in your HyperSpin and EmuMovies forum password (click login on both instances) Now get started linking your systems. Linking Systems Click on the 'media configuration' tile located under home In just a few moments the configuration utility will load, to the left you will see a tile view of all of the systems on HyperBase Systems that you have already linked will be colored, otherwise they will be grey Click on a system tile and click 'Yes' when asked if you would like to setup that system After a moment all of the media options will be downloaded, you can preview these items by clicking preview as well Go through and setup all of your system media that you wish to synchronize Make sure SYNC SYSTEM is toggled ON, as well as SYSTEM INTROS if you wish to synchronize system intro videos Make sure that you have selected the system from the drop-down menu you want the system synced to, and click set Repeat all steps above for every system you wish to sync Click OK when finished Running a Sync Click on the sync tab, select a system, select a media type, click sync & enjoy. Words to the Wise HyperSync undergoes a 'sanity check' every time you click sync whereby it checks every database for consistency, errors as well as missing databases. If a database is found to be missing HyperSync will automatically download the appropriate database (if found on HyperList.) If a database is damaged then HyperSync will notify you that the database is damaged and give you the chance to download said database, if you choose no that system will be excluded from the synchronization. By using HyperSync it does not mean throwing caution to the wind, or not reading the instructions clearly. If you misuse HyperSync as with any media synchronization utility there is a chance for data corruption. So, please take your time, be patient and level-headed. Notable Features Automatic updating Automatic error submission Automatic database updating Fully integrated into HyperList, EmuMovies and HyperBase Super fast post syncs (no more waiting for hours.) Version History 6/25/2013 HyperSync Released I went ahead and pulled some major updates to the application today. I had been using Log4Net as the logging system, but after getting frustrated with it's clunky API and way out of date methods and routines I purchased a new logging system (source code and all; which I then modified for use with HyperSync) that I think is better (relative term there) than Log4Net. So without further delay here are some of the changes in this version: New more in depth logging system Added several hundred error traps Cleaned some of the redundant code out of the system Fixed the InternetCheck() routine Modified a good chunk out of the database updating utility 6/25/2013 HyperSync Released This update is a service release and has a few new methods for error handling built in. Below you will find release information specific to this build: Errors are automatically submitted to the developers Users are given a ticket number in their DEBUG.LOG file which they can post here on the forums 6/26/2013 HyperSync Released This is a service pack update, fixed a few issues on the error tracking side of things; rewrote a large portion of the error submission service. This should allow me to help diagnose user related issues 6/26/2013 HyperSync Released This release traps the startup object and creates an DEBUG.LOG file for you to upload when asking for assistance. 6/26/2013 HyperSync Released This release is a service release, it is not mandatory but it is highly suggested however. This update will trap all DownloadFile() methods just in case either HyperBase or EmuMovies.com replies with a null value or a File Not Found response. This should dramatically cut down on the number of stopped synchronizations by the application. 6/27/2013 HyperSync Released This release updates the way that HyperSync communicates with EmuMovies.com in a few minor ways such as follows: No longer pools data sent via the EmuMovies.com API The 'official' EmuMovies.com API was rewritten (locally) to enhance communication and extend usability Will no longer report each failed assignment call as an error; these calls are now cached and tried at a later time Beginning methods to allow users to choose the media type they wish to synchronize Added a cache mode and single instance mode (single instance meaning each file is checked one by one) Implemented a global single instance API variable that will assure there are no 'random' logins to EmuMovies.com Enhanced the media preview window for EmuMovies.com 6/28/2013 HyperSync Released This updates adds one more error checking method whenever a user enables alternate video paths in their folders options. The system now scans for the INI file of the particular system, if it cannot find a suitable INI file then it will not update the videos for that system (so let's make sure we have all of the proper HyperHQ options filled out.) Also, this release contains minor GUI updates to the excluded systems tab on the media configuration utility as well as the folders tab on the main application interface. 7/31/2013 HyperSync Released This updates includes a host of changes to the core application. I have read over the forums and seen where users were experiencing problems with the application and have tried to fix a few things that may have been preventing new users from using the application correctly. Default.zip - This was an oversight on my behalf as somehow the drop down menu for system themes was hidden in the previous release, I modified the download core a little so that it is in compliance for the new Cloud project that we are working on over here. 8/2/2013 HyperSync Released Added a bootstrapper to HyperSync, you will now have to run HyperSync Loader.exe instead of running HyperSync Cloud.exe. This bootstrapper ensures that all of the prerequisites are installed properly and are running effeciently prior to launching the main application. 11/2/2016 HyperSync Released -Added compatibility with new forum software IPB 4 (All previous versions will not work any more) -You no longer have password restrictions, use any password you would like Please Note: If you have not already, consider joining EmuMovies.com to enhance your overall experience with not only HyperSync but HyperSpin as a whole. EmuMovies.com brings a host of media files to HyperSpin that you can not imagine, and with the given fact that HyperSync will support HyperLaunch media types in the near future (via extensible modules) it is more important now than ever to make sure we are getting you the media you want, how you want it. EmuMovies.com is highly affordable and their lifetime service simply cannot be beat; and remember HyperSpin Platinum members save 25% off right at the check out, so visit over there today and sign up; because HyperSync is pulling and relying on media from EmuMovies.com more everyday, and we don't want to leave anybody out of the fun! Submitter jhabers Submitted 11/02/2016 Category HyperSpin (Windows) HyperBase Version Media Dimensions File Count Credits  
  6. Version


    The time has come... And now ladies and gentlemen allow me to be the first to introduce you to HyperSync 3.5 series; you're one and only one stop shop for all the media to make your jaws drop! HyperSync 3.5 is the culmination of sixteen people working side by side, eleven months of work, a total of over 300 thousand lines of code, and a hell of a lot of beauty! You can download the consumer release now, and start using it right away! HyperSync consumer release is the first public release of HyperSync 3.5 to come out to the general public, HyperSync 3.5 will be metamorphed into version 4.0 by next months end with an expected three minor updates until that time. By using HyperSync 3.5 you understand that the application is still considered beta, albeit late beta (meaning it has undergone hundreds of hours beta testing and rewrites.) Getting Started Download the official release Extract the ZIP file anywhere on your PC (do not extract RAW files to root HyperSpin directory, do not extract this release into an existing HyperSync folder, place it in an empty folder.) Double click the application icon to launch HyperSync Once HyperSync is opened click on folders and select your HyperSpin root directory, and your media folder (typically /media) Click on the account information tile under 'home' and enter in your HyperSpin and EmuMovies forum password (click login on both instances) Now get started linking your systems. Linking Systems Click on the 'media configuration' tile located under home In just a few moments the configuration utility will load, to the left you will see a tile view of all of the systems on HyperBase Systems that you have already linked will be colored, otherwise they will be grey Click on a system tile and click 'Yes' when asked if you would like to setup that system After a moment all of the media options will be downloaded, you can preview these items by clicking preview as well Go through and setup all of your system media that you wish to synchronize Make sure SYNC SYSTEM is toggled ON, as well as SYSTEM INTROS if you wish to synchronize system intro videos Make sure that you have selected the system from the drop-down menu you want the system synced to, and click set Repeat all steps above for every system you wish to sync Click OK when finished Running a Sync Click on the sync tab, select a system, select a media type, click sync & enjoy. Words to the Wise HyperSync undergoes a 'sanity check' every time you click sync whereby it checks every database for consistency, errors as well as missing databases. If a database is found to be missing HyperSync will automatically download the appropriate database (if found on HyperList.) If a database is damaged then HyperSync will notify you that the database is damaged and give you the chance to download said database, if you choose no that system will be excluded from the synchronization. By using HyperSync it does not mean throwing caution to the wind, or not reading the instructions clearly. If you misuse HyperSync as with any media synchronization utility there is a chance for data corruption. So, please take your time, be patient and level-headed. Notable Features Automatic updating Automatic error submission Automatic database updating Fully integrated into HyperList, EmuMovies and HyperBase Super fast post syncs (no more waiting for hours.) Version History 6/25/2013 HyperSync Released I went ahead and pulled some major updates to the application today. I had been using Log4Net as the logging system, but after getting frustrated with it's clunky API and way out of date methods and routines I purchased a new logging system (source code and all; which I then modified for use with HyperSync) that I think is better (relative term there) than Log4Net. So without further delay here are some of the changes in this version: New more in depth logging system Added several hundred error traps Cleaned some of the redundant code out of the system Fixed the InternetCheck() routine Modified a good chunk out of the database updating utility 6/25/2013 HyperSync Released This update is a service release and has a few new methods for error handling built in. Below you will find release information specific to this build: Errors are automatically submitted to the developers Users are given a ticket number in their DEBUG.LOG file which they can post here on the forums 6/26/2013 HyperSync Released This is a service pack update, fixed a few issues on the error tracking side of things; rewrote a large portion of the error submission service. This should allow me to help diagnose user related issues 6/26/2013 HyperSync Released This release traps the startup object and creates an DEBUG.LOG file for you to upload when asking for assistance. 6/26/2013 HyperSync Released This release is a service release, it is not mandatory but it is highly suggested however. This update will trap all DownloadFile() methods just in case either HyperBase or EmuMovies.com replies with a null value or a File Not Found response. This should dramatically cut down on the number of stopped synchronizations by the application. 6/27/2013 HyperSync Released This release updates the way that HyperSync communicates with EmuMovies.com in a few minor ways such as follows: No longer pools data sent via the EmuMovies.com API The 'official' EmuMovies.com API was rewritten (locally) to enhance communication and extend usability Will no longer report each failed assignment call as an error; these calls are now cached and tried at a later time Beginning methods to allow users to choose the media type they wish to synchronize Added a cache mode and single instance mode (single instance meaning each file is checked one by one) Implemented a global single instance API variable that will assure there are no 'random' logins to EmuMovies.com Enhanced the media preview window for EmuMovies.com 6/28/2013 HyperSync Released This updates adds one more error checking method whenever a user enables alternate video paths in their folders options. The system now scans for the INI file of the particular system, if it cannot find a suitable INI file then it will not update the videos for that system (so let's make sure we have all of the proper HyperHQ options filled out.) Also, this release contains minor GUI updates to the excluded systems tab on the media configuration utility as well as the folders tab on the main application interface. 7/31/2013 HyperSync Released This updates includes a host of changes to the core application. I have read over the forums and seen where users were experiencing problems with the application and have tried to fix a few things that may have been preventing new users from using the application correctly. Default.zip - This was an oversight on my behalf as somehow the drop down menu for system themes was hidden in the previous release, I modified the download core a little so that it is in compliance for the new Cloud project that we are working on over here. 8/2/2013 HyperSync Released Added a bootstrapper to HyperSync, you will now have to run HyperSync Loader.exe instead of running HyperSync Cloud.exe. This bootstrapper ensures that all of the prerequisites are installed properly and are running effeciently prior to launching the main application. 11/2/2016 HyperSync Released -Added compatibility with new forum software IPB 4 (All previous versions will not work any more) -You no longer have password restrictions, use any password you would like Please Note: If you have not already, consider joining EmuMovies.com to enhance your overall experience with not only HyperSync but HyperSpin as a whole. EmuMovies.com brings a host of media files to HyperSpin that you can not imagine, and with the given fact that HyperSync will support HyperLaunch media types in the near future (via extensible modules) it is more important now than ever to make sure we are getting you the media you want, how you want it. EmuMovies.com is highly affordable and their lifetime service simply cannot be beat; and remember HyperSpin Platinum members save 25% off right at the check out, so visit over there today and sign up; because HyperSync is pulling and relying on media from EmuMovies.com more everyday, and we don't want to leave anybody out of the fun!
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