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About Retro956

  • Birthday 04/03/1991

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  1. Version 1.0


    Hey there everyone! I'm back with another one of my favorite games for the arcade. This theme is a 16:9ST theme and will require you to delete your current video for this game in the Systems video folder. Otherwise, you would just have a video playing in the background that you can't see. I hope you enjoy it! If you have any feedback, please send it to this thread: http://www.hyperspin...-awsome-themes/
  2. Version 1.0


    Hey there everyone! I'm back with another one of my favorite games for the arcade. This theme is a 16:9ST theme and will require you to delete your current video for this game in the Systems video folder. Otherwise, you would just have a video playing in the background that you can't see. I hope you enjoy it! If you have any feedback, please send it to this thread: http://www.hyperspin...-awsome-themes/
  3. Version 1.0


    Hey there everyone! I'm back with another one of my favorite games for the arcade. This theme is a 16:9ST theme and will require you to delete your current video for this game in the Systems video folder. Otherwise, you would just have a video playing in the background that you can't see. I hope you enjoy it! If you have any feedback, please send it to this thread: http://www.hyperspin...-awsome-themes/
  4. Version 1.0


    Hey there everyone! I'm back with another one of my favorite games for the arcade. This theme is a 16:9ST theme and will require you to delete your current video for this game in the Systems video folder. Otherwise, you would just have a video playing in the background that you can't see. I hope you enjoy it! If you have any feedback, please send it to this thread: http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/15421-retros-awsome-themes/
  5. There is a performance hit when using SWF's in hyperspin. It isn't unusual to have some stuttering or lag when using these types of themes. As of right now, there isn't much that can be done since it is mostly on the hyperspin side of things not the themes side. There is a work around where you use an MP4 instead of the SWF in the override transitions but it will cause some of your other themes to break. I also haven't supplied the mp4's just yet. When I do, I will post it in the description! Even I sometimes get lag through Hyperspin and I have 16gb ram, 4790k, and a GTX 970.
  6. Version 2.0


    Hey there everyone! I'm back with another one of my favorite games for the arcade. This theme is a 16:9ST theme and will require you to delete your current video for this game in the Systems video folder. Otherwise, you would just have a video playing in the background that you can't see. I hope you enjoy it!
  7. Version 1.0


    Hey there everyone! I'm back with another one of my favorite games for the arcade. This theme is a 16:9ST theme and will require you to delete your current video for this game in the Systems video folder. Otherwise, you would just have a video playing in the background that you can't see. I hope you enjoy it!
  8. Version 2.0


    Hey there everyone! I'm back with another one of my favorite games for the arcade. This theme is a 16:9ST theme and will require you to delete your current video for this game in the Systems video folder. Otherwise, you would just have a video playing in the background that you can't see. I hope you enjoy it!
  9. Version 1.0


    Hey there everyone! I'm back with another one of my favorite games for the arcade. This theme is a 16:9ST theme and will require you to delete your current video for this game in the Systems video folder. Otherwise, you would just have a video playing in the background that you can't see. I hope you enjoy it!
  10. Version 1.0


    Hello everyone! I have a new theme here for the Sega Master System. This theme will require you to delete your current main menu video for the Sega Master System otherwise you will have the videos sound playing in the background. Keep an eye out for more and I hope you enjoy this theme! Cheers, Retro!
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