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Everything posted by relic

  1. 2,773 downloads

    here is a pack of 2D and 3D Box art for Sega Saturn
  2. your artwork is awesome keep up the good work
  3. 227 downloads

    here is a pack of dos game wheels but a kustom pack hope it also comes of use for everyone =)
  4. 570 downloads

    There is no dos game wheels around so i thought i would zip up a pack myself i have also named them accordingly to match the main hyperlist xml some i couldent find in the xml so i named a few myself no credit for me cause i didnt make them. i have another pack to share with you guys which ill up later i hope this can come of some use to go with others if there made. - http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/topic/835-ms-dos-wheel-art-project/
  5. nice one thx these will look great in frotends like kodi and media box as well as launch box
  6. 313 downloads

    here is a set of cd artwork for Nec Pc-Engine Cd unfortunately its not complete but still useful i'm sure
  7. 213 downloads

    i see theres no trace of a system theme for this one anyway enjoy
  8. if you want the game video set for this one you can grab it here enjoy http://emumovies.com/forums/files/file/1687-sega-mark-iii-game-videos/
  9. http://emumovies.com/forums/files/file/1686-sega-mark-iii-main-intro/
  10. if you want the main video you can go here to get it -
  11. 339 downloads

    here is a custom set of genre wheels
  12. 217 downloads

    heres a pack of letter artwork to go with Sega Mark III
  13. 144 downloads

    heres a pointer for the Sega Mark III
  14. 213 downloads

    here is a default theme and a game theme for sega mark III enjoy
  15. 149 downloads

    here is a main theme for the Sega Mark III pack
  16. 312 downloads

    here is the database that goes with the set for sega mark III - it also has genre and other extras included with it thats why its all in 1 zip
  17. 313 downloads

    here is the jap master system game wheel set known as Sega Mark III
  18. 91 downloads

    here is a pointer for Magnavox Odyssey
  19. 520 downloads

    here is a set of cart artwork for Magnavox Odyssey 2 3D & 1 2d box
  20. http://emumovies.com/forums/files/file/1674-magnavox-odyssey-screen-snaps/ http://emumovies.com/forums/files/file/1675-magnavox-odyssey-bezels/
  21. 161 downloads

    here is a game wheel pack for Magnavox Odyssey 2 it mostly includes kustom type but has 3 normal ones included
  22. 155 downloads

    here is the game wheel pack for magna oddsey 1 i saw theres hardly no content for it
  23. 413 downloads

    Here is A game Wheel set for ZX Spectrum. You can also use them as a cart artwork if you wish
  24. 338 downloads

    heres a special main menu set i just found from my treasured hard drive from the past
  25. 55 downloads

    heres a kustom wheel set for game boy colour
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