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Everything posted by Gothicplsur

  1. Ahh ok, I have no problem deleting entire folders and starting from scratch once things get situated, I'm on an M.2 SSD and it takes minutes LoL
  2. I hope updating this thread is ok with progress? So, after deleting the files and folders and starting from scratch I still get some duplicates, you'll notice the boxart is different but the same game (picture below). MAME version 0.273 I skipped clones, skipped all except for Playchoice (gotta have me some RC Pro-Am lol) How would I remove a duplicate in the current setup, should I choose to do so?
  3. I deleted the .exe in crashdumps, but the folder of D3DSCache, that's foreign language to this computer guy's eyes lol Not sure other than date modified would I even want to attempt to delete those files except the last 4 days dated.
  4. To continue this... I guess HHQ doesn't like it when you "delete" a system like Mame (because I changed my mind on what I wanted in my wheel (get rid of casino, mahjong etc), and installed Mame again. NOTE: Delete process went on for more than 6 hours still saying deleting and finally exited out. I selected "skip all clones" then check the skip "***" roms... and it appears to add a second layer, in my case 3-4 layers because I was messing around with features and ticks, and I get this... *picture provided* Multiple instances of the same roms, clones included and titles I skipped. I also hit refresh and let HHQ do its thing, then I loaded up HHQ one last time and you see in the picture what shows up. How and where do I start from scratch and delete the multiple instances. I know this is in Beta, I'm patient as you guys have a lot on your plate. Thanks for any advice or suggestions.
  5. For anyone else, it's under "Emumovies" profile account setting. Thanks Again!
  6. Ahh ok, then I missed it, and thanks for moving it to the right forum, my bad
  7. Hey Gang! Glad to see you back at it!! I'm a lifetime member for both HS and Emu. Installed HQ (updating regularly) When HQ is getting media (video snaps) from Emumovies for say MAME, my first emulator setup so far, I noticed that it sources the "medium" quality preview video snaps and compared to my previous MAME preview video snaps in my HS-1 media folder I have the HD quality media, which are larger sized files. Now I know I can just copy the HD quality media videos that I have, but future option suggestion which maybe in your plans already is to add the option for HD medias. Unless I missed something? Anyway, everything else is good so far, I'll let you know if I see anything else. WELCOME BACK!!
  8. I'm no HS expert, but I would say, HS was created, media, themes etc. before 4K was a thing, so everything media wise is the standard 1080p content. Now maybe you can look around the forums and see if someone has created media in a 4K standard. Or I'm just blowing smoke and not sure what I'm talking about, and all media should scale to 4K?
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