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Show/Scrape Game Info/Synopsis


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Sorry Hyperspin doesn't do it as far as I understand.

The closest most people have gotten has been to save the info as an image and display it as an artwork layer, and even then I don't think I've seen that idea pick up much steam as it would require a lot of effort.

edit - Well I guess I'm wrong. I looked around a bunch when I first joined to see if this had been attempted and found absolutely nothing. 

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9 minutes ago, Bungles said:

I just watched his video more closely and it seems you still need to configure a file for each game as its using the file_name as a value and then pulling the data from an xml file.

Oh well.

I think the synopsis stuff is in RocketLauncher files, I figured when I was looking at this stuff a while ago that if you had some method to pull the info out into it's own files or save the scraped info. At the time when I assumed it would need to be then batch made into image files it all seemed possible, but beyond my abilities.

I suspect that anyone who want's this stuff badly enough ends up using a different front end, which is why there doesn't seem to be an established project around it here.

Hyperspin is great for an arcade cabinet or CRT, all this extra stuff was obviously never intended, though it's impressive to see what people have done with the tools available.

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