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Too difficult to get running


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This is the file name: retroarch-core-options.cfg

No '.' in front, and it is indeed in the Retroarch\config folder.

In my case, that file has a bunch of settings for a bunch of different cores, and afaik, gets populated and written to when each cores is used initially. There is more than one line for MESS in my file, as seen in previous posts, same goes for dsync89 I believe.

Did you set the path for you MESS BIOS folder in RetroArch's Global Module Settings in HyperLaunchHQ?

BIOS names are very important in order for this to work, from the info I gathered while setting this up a while ago, and I think dsync's screenshot above has the proper names. Just name your BIOS files *.rom, then zip then up (not 7z).

If you have your Roms 7z'ed, then yes the options should be set to yes, otherwise if they aren't, then no.


Keep at it man, you'll get it! :)





One more suggestion...

Fire up RetroArch outside of HyperSpin/HyperLaunch, the from Retroarch, make sure all your options are setup properly, just global Retroarch options, if you haven't done that already, and save your config this way. Make sure all your paths are proper (roms, cores, saves, etc).

Then pick a rom for any MESS emulated system, using the core auto select (or something like that), and make sure the game starts up in RetroArch.

Once you have this working, then you and only then should you worry about HyperSpin.

Also, before moving on, once the game is running in the emulator, F1 into the menu again, and set any core specific options you'd want to modify (shaders, blah blah blah), and save your settings, this time core specific.

Once this is done, go into Retroarch\config folder to find a new core specific cfg file. Rename that file to the system name used by HyperSpin (Atari 5200, ColecoVision, you need exact names just like when creating a new wheel), and HyperSpin RetroArch Module will then use those specific settings at each game launch.

This way also, every system/core within RetroArch/HyperSpin can be launched with system specific settings. A little trick I picked up watching SimplyAustin's tutorials on Youtube, specifically the RetroArch/HyperSpin one.


Get the MESS systems working outside HyperSpin first, I think is a good start here.

Check out SimplyAustin's vid also, very well explained.






Any progress with RetroArch/MESS on your setup?

Just being curious!




No progress at the moment but I have not tried again today, mainly last night but still nothing. Now RA flashes up and then quits. 


Most of everyone suggestions I've tried many times in the past and all paths are pointing to the correct places.


One thing I would like confirming is the bios naming. So do people download the bios files and then open each one, rename it and zip it again? Seems crazy that they should differ from the normal mess bios files.

I can't even get it to load outside HyperSpin and every other non mess system works no problem, I just fired up Atomic Robo Kid on the NEC PC Engine no problem.


I'm going to try ZeroJays setup from this post to see if something will happen.


Thanks for asking BTW.



Here something else I just thought of:

Get into HyperLaunchHQ, under the systems on the left tab, select Global, go into the emulator tab and doubleclick on RetroArch.

Check your Rom Extensions there.

Did you add all the extensions for the systems you are trying to emulate through MESS?

Mine looks like this at the moment: 7z|zip|rar|cue|bin|iso|sfc|fds|gba|gb|gbc|nes|ngc|ngp|gg|sms|md|int|32x|pce|ccd|sg|sc|n64|v64|z64|a26|a52|a78|col|lnx|j64|vec

Notice the |a26|a52|a78|col|lnx|j64|vec at the end?


After checking all my settings again, that is the last thing I can think of. BIOS naming I think is important, and really it beats me why MESS BIOS packs are readily available online and actually use the wrong naming convention. Not sure if this is a RetroArch MESS core thing only, or if it's also true for MESS standalone, however I do know that every one of the BIOS's I got so far had the wrong names. I only struggled with the first one I tried, being a5200, which at the time was named wrong, and I couldn't get it to work. Then I found the info about proper names, and from then on never had a problem with BIOS. Did not bother trying the other ones as is afterwards, I just renamed them right away and BAM!


Last but not least, please ignore what I said yesterday about getting this to work outside of HyperSpin, straight from RetroArch, because I just tried this myself now, and I does not work. I thought I got it to work this way, because I did most of my systems like that. My guess is that RetroArch/MESS itself is not setup to know what to do with .col .int .vec etc.. extensions. It probably needs HyperSpin's module that pass it some kind of arguments/parameters. I apologize for wasting your time there. So yeah just concentrate on HyperLaunchHQ itself for this one mate :)


Let us know! I want this to work for you!! loll


Some good news at last, I tried another system instead of concentrating on Atari 5200 and Astrocade and tried Casio PV1000 and it worked, another was Intellivision.


For astrocade I thought because the PD MESS set is TorrentZipped and would have a different CRC, so I acquired a different bios set, renamed and zipped up but nothing.


You can't run MESS in RA without RocketLauncher because RL needs to send the command line to RA/MESS and for that you also need "mess_boot_from_cli" set to  "enabled"


Here is that string

17:19:15:871 | MD |     INFO  | +0     | Run - Running: J:\Roms and Emulators\Emulators\RetroArch\retroarch.exe "astrocde -rompath \"J:\Roms and Emulators\Emulators\RetroArch\system\mess\" -cart \"C:\Users\Jai\AppData\Local\Temp\HS\Bally Pin (USA)\Bally Pin (USA).bin\""  -c "J:\Roms and Emulators\Emulators\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg" -L "J:\Roms and Emulators\Emulators\RetroArch\cores\mess_libretro.dll" -s "J:\Roms and Emulators\Emulators\RetroArch\srm\Bally Astrocade\Bally Pin (USA).srm" -S "J:\Roms and Emulators\Emulators\RetroArch\save\Bally Astrocade\Bally Pin (USA).state"



Gig, are you suggesting that you can't use HLHQ and have to use RL?

If we are saying Mess bios need renaming can someone post a renamed bios list please.


Gig, are you suggesting that you can't use HLHQ and have to use RL?

If we are saying Mess bios need renaming can someone post a renamed bios list please.


No, Why? Because I mentioned RocketLauncher? I will try and call it by it's new name from now on  and to cut down on the typing just RL.


Here's a list but I can't find everything and I can't find a bios for Wonderswan although it's mentioned here.



I'm confused as to why they would need renaming. It they did you would expect the RA forums to have covered this as a FAQ basic requirement.


I'm confused as to why they would need renaming. It they did you would expect the RA forums to have covered this as a FAQ basic requirement.


Completely agree, seems crazy to me too, it's not like it's extracted and the contents needs to exact like our Roms need to be, but what do I know.  :special:



MESS BIOS files are just like MAME ROMs in that they are updated sometimes, so you need the latest set. If you are using some weird old BIOS packs, that would be why you have to rename some stuff. The RetroArch core hasn't changed any filenames compared to stand alone MESS as far as I know. From what I've read, the preferred way of loading ROMs in the MESS core is through softlists. There's some info how that works here: http://www.libretro.com/index.php/mamemessume-cores/


Hell Yeah! Glad you sorted this out Gigapig!!


BTW, did you change the "mess_boot_from_cli" in the .cfg file directly, or is there an option in HyperLaunchHQ? I'm just trying to find where I have changed this, and cannot remember. I do see my .cfg file has those parameters correct already, I just don't think I changed it manually in there myself, I am thinking it was some option in HLHQ, but I can't find it!




Clucking Bell, finally got Atari 5200 and Astrocade to run.  :cigar:


I knew I'd seen it somewhere so I looked for the MESS 2015 core thicking it may work with the 0.161 bios files (not sure if that bit is related)


Found it and yes it worked with those two systems.


I've not set any per system configs yet, but I'm glad to be getting somewhere.


Here is the latest cores btw. http://buildbot.libretro.com/nightly/win-x86_64/latest/



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