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6 files

  1. It has all entries released in USA, including official, unlicensed, protos and compilations. World unlicensed games like Xeno Crisis and others aren't included and will have their own database later.
    It's heavily based on @SupraKarma's improvements on the official or development database that was created here in the HS forums, I've added three missing entries MTV's Beavis and Butthead (USA), Prince of Persia (USA), Outback Joey (USA) and 22 titles released on the Sega Channel service, which are exclusives, even some undumped titles and those that were only available physically in Europe, Japan and Brazil.
    Early prototypes which are mostly broken/incomplete weren't considered, while the most complete ones were already tested and added on previous efforts.
    3D Box art:
  2. I have been chipping away for the last few weeks giving the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive the same treatment as with my SNES genre fix and backgrounds.
    I have edited genre information from @SupraKarma's xml from the Ultimate Sega Genesis Pack.
    Basically if you want to use the Genesis/MD genre function it's worth grabbing this xml. I've included with the zip the xmls already split by genre and also a handful of useful xmls from SupraKarma's pack such as coop, exclusives, multiplayer etc. Everything has custom backgrounds included.
    My approach to this xml was more thorough than when I originally went through the SNES xml which I fixed in order of worst offenders to least genre wise.
    This time I went through from start to finish and judged every title individually based on video, wikipedia entries and other lists and resources. The occasional game I loaded up to play a bit to be sure. My results went back to the SNES xml in cases of multiplatform games and that been tidied up a bit and re-uploaded for consistency, the link is below if you are interested.
    Roughly what has been done:
    This XML was the opposite of the SNES in the case that a huge amount of titles were assigned to 'Platform'. Randomly every 20 titles or so something was assigned to 'Platform' that was just in no way shape or form a platforming game. Many titles were also moved to more appropriate places - usually 'Action'. The 'Shoot em up' category was filled. Previously they were in 'Shooter' 'Educational' was added and the correct games assigned. Many games were assigned to 'Adventure', generally 'Action-RPG' type titles which have less emphasis on stats and strategy. 'Arcade' was added. Titles that were ported from arcade versions, classic arcade compilations or even newer titles that have arcade type gameplay (e.g. fix it felix). Beat em ups that qualified for this however were left in the 'Beatemup' genre (e.g. GoldenAxe) I opted to move the flight sims into it's own category 'Flying' (in staying consistent with the snes xml) as there were enough titles to warrant it's own category.  Numerous other corrections which I've forgotten. The Sports categories for the most part were correct as were Beat em ups, so thanks to whoever put that work in. I did opt to remove some categories from sports such as bowling and skating and move those titles to the general 'Sports' category as they only contained a single title. I also removed the compilation category and assigned those to relevant sections.
    Thanks again to @SupraKarma whose awesome Ultimate packs have inspired this work and also where the xmls, wheels and sports category backgrounds are from. The Ultimate Sega Genesis pack is linked below.
    Below are links to the Backgrounds that accompany this xml (though they are included in this upload for convenience) and to my SNES genre fix.
    Please let me know if i'm missing anything in the upload or anything doesn't seem right. Enjoy!
  3. Just sharing a full Sega Genesis sports games database for those interested. I was a huge fan of all these games growing up, and still play a few of them the odd time. 
    I was checking out @SupraKarma 's awesome Sega Genesis wheel pack; plus there's full genre's in that pack. I used the main sega genesis xml from that pack, and just made 
    a full sports list. Supra pack is just broke down into smaller sections I think, which was great too. 
  4. You're scrolling through your awesome Sega Genesis collection in HyperSpin you spent many an hour scouring the internet to amass, and you stop on a game. Which one is it? Why, it's Spider-Man (World) (Sega). The box art that you downloaded clearly says "Sega." But the description above the game reads "Recreational Brainware." Recreational... Brainware?!? Who.... tf is that?

    So you scroll through some more games. John Madden Football. Everyone knows that's an EA Game... right? WRONG. The description says Park Place Productions.

    At that moment, did you feel like throwing a shoe at your TV screen? Did you get the urge to go through and fix the database to by hand, and fix every single entry, so that the name in the box is the name that appears in the description? No... that was just me, you say? Well, I did in fact change the database by hand, and it sucked. You're welcome.

    This database is not as accurate as my 'Gamecube' database thread that I started. I resorted to using the Wikipedia database, (because I didn't want to spend 3 days on this like I did with GC) which actually turned out to be decent. I randomly checked games, and occasionally found mistakes. But what I have here is far more accurate than what I started with. To be quite frank, the original didn't even get the developer right half the time.

    Putting together a database is a lot of work. Tedious, mind numbing, unpleasant work. Props to whoever made the original Official Sega Genesis database. It must have taken days, and any mistakes made are certainly forgivable. I certainly do not claim that what I am offering here is without error. But at the same time, I feel overwhelmingly compelled to express my opinion that nobody cares about the developer. The name on the box is what people remember. The *publisher* should be the standard for the manufacturer field in the database.

    If you agree, hit that like button after you're done downloading it. If I get enough support, I'll share more of them.
  5. Updated database. 942 games, all regions.
  6. This database was created from GoodGen 3.00 and GoodMerge (to prevent dupe)
    Roms are choosen by this order of importance :
    1: (F) french
    2: (E) europe
    3: (UE) usa europe
    4: (JE) japan europe
    5: (W) worldwide
    6: (U) usa
    7: (JU) japan usa
    8: (J) japan
    9: other (K) korean, (CH) chinese, (G) german, etc...
    Removed :
    (PD) public domain
    More to come (Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Nintendo Game Boy and Nintendo Game Boy Advance)...
    To be continued...

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