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7 files

  1. A large database of older PC Games that will match the wheel set and jewel cases. This database XML was uploaded to the site many years ago and just making it available as a few have requested that I re share it if possible. I didn't create this database XML, just re sharing for others to enjoy. 
  2. This is the database of the racing system that I have created, they are all the PC games that from the year 2000 to the present I consider them to be the best.
    Little by little I will go upload all the media 16:9.
  3. PC Games Database
    it has 8615 games
  4. Greetings 

    The Un-official database for Hyperspin's Ultimate DooM Single player Collection
    Forum      : link to the forum thread with more goodies
    Edit 17-11-2016
    As of Today , ZeroJay's Ultimate doom single player collection will be known as Hyperspin's Ultimate Doom single player collection. please give ZeroJay a Beer for his hardwork! 

    Database : http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/12605-hyperspin-ultimate-doom-single-player-collection-database/
    Letter pack : http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/12604-hyperspins-ultimate-doom-single-player-collection-letter-pack/
    Sound pack : http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/12603-hyperspins-ultimate-doom-single-player-collection-sound-pack/
    Wheel pack : http://www.hyperspin-fe.com/files/file/12602-hyperspin-s-ultimate-doom-single-player-collection-wheel-pack/
    original: ZeroJay
    Updated by: Yeuxkes, klopjero
  5. Hi,
    Thanks to Yardley for submitting locomalito themes. I didn't know nothing about locomalito. This guy made some great work. Please support him if you like those games!
    This database didn't include mini games yet.
  6. The crew at Huracan Studio just released a new version 2.10 of this fantastic game on Halloween. I've had this set up in my Hyperspin Main Menu for quite some time now and wanted to share it with you all. I did not create the menu graphics but collected them from around the web and thought there needed to be some easy place to find them. I am uploading the XML I created, the main menu graphics from sinistersix, the main menu wheel art, and the gameplay video. Please contact me if you need help getting the game to work correctly. Hope you enjoy!

    The following assumes you're using RocketLauncher.
    When you set up Terrordrome in RocketLauncher, you'll need to make it use the MUGEN emulator. Also, you'll need to have the MUGEN emulator use LNK files. Then make a shortcut inside the Terrordrome folder called Terrordrome.lnk and connect it to the main executable Terrordrome_Final.exe. This should cause the 1 record in this XML to appear green when audited in RocketLauncher.
    In order to get Terrordrome functioning correctly when using the ESC and ALT keys, I created an AHK script. Select Terrordrome from your RocketLauncher list, then click the Keymapper tab and add a new AutoHotKey system profile item. Finally, paste in the following code:
    MEmu = Terrordrome
    MEmuV = N/A
    MURL = http://terrordrome-thegame.com/
    MAuthor = malarrya
    MVersion = 1.0.0
    MSystem = "Terrordrome"
    ; Notes:
    ; Place your SYSCARD.PCE file in the same folder as the emu. If your bios is called SYSCARD3.PCE, rename it to SYSCARD.PCE
    ; If you want to use built-in zip support, you need to d/l UNZIP32.DLL and put it in the emu folder. Otherwise, use 7z support to unzip your rom
    ; To go fullscreen, set in the emulator's options to "Start Window Mode". HyperLaunch sends fullscreen on launch so it can be controlled via HLHQ and the module
    ; CD systems:
    ; Make sure your DAEMON_Tools_Path in Settings\Global HyperLaunch.ini is correct
    ; Run the emu and goto CD-ROM on the menubar and set the Drive Letter you use for Daemon Tools
    #singleinstance force
    ;closeterror=~esc ;for Dazz
    closeterror=~2 & ~4 ;Garnerb350 change these to the keys you want to exit
    ;try not to use the purple keys or the keys you configured in terrordrome.
    hotkey, %closeterror%, shutmedown
    Run, C:\HyperSpin\Emulators\MUGEN\terrordrome\Terrordrome_Final.exe
    WinWait, Terrordrome,
    IfWinNotActive, Terrordrome, , WinActivate, Terrordrome,
    WinWaitActive, Terrordrome,
    ;\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\X-Arcade KeyMaps\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
    Send !{F4}
    Send, ESC
    process, close, Terrordrome_Final
    ;WinClose("Terrordrome_Final ahk_class Terrordrome_Final")
  7. This is part of an ongoing project I started. Re-minting my totally lost setup. I will be sifting through all the XML's and fixing info and adding ratings. After i finish building the rom set i will be using a very strict archiving method to store. I will attempt to release the romsets on well known sites. This is for the PC versions of Need for Speed.

  • Please Read

    Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.

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