Dorodon Wheel in 16:9 and 4x3 format
3.716 Arcade flyers at 400*563 (4:3), 300*563 (16:9), 203*477 (Aeon Nox)
Compatible with: Included MAME.xml (no clones, no hanafuda, no casino, no bet, no playchoice, no mahjong), AAE, Atari Classics, Capcom Classic, Capcom Play System, Capcom Play System II, Capcom Play System III, Cave, Data East Classics, Gaelco, Irem Classics, Konami Classics, Midway Classics, Namco classics, Namco System 22, Nintendo Classics, Sega ST-v, SNK Classics, Taito Classics, Sega Model 2, Sega Model 3, Sega Naomi, Gaelco (inside MAME folder), Taito Type X, Sega Hikaru .
Ok, this is not the holy grail of MAME flyers as it is not a complete set but what you get is a fixed resolution MAME flyers with a decent database. Hundres of flyers have been restored, remade, rethinked or built from scratches. Some flyers for games with no artwork are a bit generic and/or boring but I think I did a good job on most of them. Lots of well known games with bad looking flyers now have a custom flyer with fanart, like it or not 😛 .
Sources: Amyfever Flyerset, Arcade Flyers Archive, HyperSpin official Wheelart, HyperSpin official Themes, LaunchBox database, Goggle search images.
Williams Classic is not supported as the .xml on hyperlist is a real mess, it contains pinball roms. If there are new and more complete .xmls please post it, I will release an "addendum" to support them.
This is a flyers set but it is designed to work as wheel art set
3.716 Arcade flyers at 400*563 (4:3), 300*563 (16:9), 203*477 (Aeon Nox)
Compatible with: Included MAME.xml (no clones, no hanafuda, no casino, no bet, no playchoice, no mahjong), AAE, Atari Classics, Capcom Classic, Capcom Play System, Capcom Play System II, Capcom Play System III, Cave, Data East Classics, Gaelco, Irem Classics, Konami Classics, Midway Classics, Namco classics, Namco System 22, Nintendo Classics, Sega ST-v, SNK Classics, Taito Classics, Sega Model 2, Sega Model 3, Sega Naomi, Gaelco (inside MAME folder), Taito Type X, Sega Hikaru .
Ok, this is not the holy grail of MAME flyers as it is not a complete set but what you get is a fixed resolution MAME flyers with a decent database. Hundres of flyers have been restored, remade, rethinked or built from scratches. Some flyers for games with no artwork are a bit generic and/or boring but I think I did a good job on most of them. Lots of well known games with bad looking flyers now have a custom flyer with fanart, like it or not 😛 .
Sources: Amyfever Flyerset, Arcade Flyers Archive, HyperSpin official Wheelart, HyperSpin official Themes, LaunchBox database, Goggle search images.
Williams Classic is not supported as the .xml on hyperlist is a real mess, it contains pinball roms. If there are new and more complete .xmls please post it, I will release an "addendum" to support them.
This is a flyers set but it is designed to work as wheel art set
3.716 Arcade flyers at 400*563 (4:3), 300*563 (16:9), 203*477 (Aeon Nox)
Compatible with: Included MAME.xml (no clones, no hanafuda, no casino, no bet, no playchoice, no mahjong), AAE, Atari Classics, Capcom Classic, Capcom Play System, Capcom Play System II, Capcom Play System III, Cave, Data East Classics, Gaelco, Irem Classics, Konami Classics, Midway Classics, Namco classics, Namco System 22, Nintendo Classics, Sega ST-v, SNK Classics, Taito Classics, Sega Model 2, Sega Model 3, Sega Naomi, Gaelco (inside MAME folder), Taito Type X, Sega Hikaru .
Ok, this is not the holy grail of MAME flyers as it is not a complete set but what you get is a fixed resolution MAME flyers with a decent database. Hundres of flyers have been restored, remade, rethinked or built from scratches. Some flyers for games with no artwork are a bit generic and/or boring but I think I did a good job on most of them. Lots of well known games with bad looking flyers now have a custom flyer with fanart, like it or not 😛 .
Sources: Amyfever Flyerset, Arcade Flyers Archive, HyperSpin official Wheelart, HyperSpin official Themes, LaunchBox database, Goggle search images.
Williams Classic is not supported as the .xml on hyperlist is a real mess, it contains pinball roms. If there are new and more complete .xmls please post it, I will release an "addendum" to support them.
This is a flyers set but it is designed to work as wheel art set
13 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
New Parents:
Au (Swimmer conversion) [au]
Fearless Pinocchio [fearless]
Sutjaro Haeyo Deluxe [sutjarod]
New Clones:
Daytona USA [daytona93]
Guttang Gottong [gutangtn]
Link (Korean bootleg of Atari Tetris) [link]
Megatouch 5 (9255-60-01 R0C, Standard version) [megat5a]
Missile Command (rev 3, A035467-01/03 PCBs) [missilea]
Pop'n Music Animelo 2 (JAA) [popnanm2ja]
Street Smart (bootleg of World version 1) [streetsmwbl]
WOW New Fantasia [wownfanta]
Updated Roms:
Tetris (bootleg set 7, with OKI M5205) [atetb5205]
Miss World 2002 [missw02]
Required CHD:
popnanm2ja (a02jaa01 + gea02jaa02)
Missing Themes Update for July
Brudibru (0.268 clone themes)
Jesfknkrys (missing themes)
Hoscarconh (missing themes)
Agard (Wheels)
Please give them support and "like" their recent uploads
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
16: 0.265 Update
17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
18: 0.266 Update
19: 0.267 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (
389 wheels avec bordure crée par moi
389 logo framed
9 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
Well... 8 clones and 1 very broken game.
New Parents:
Kong Ball (prototype) [kongball]
New Clones:
Aerolitos Espaciales [aerolitol]
Goindol (Afega) [dolmenk]
Great 1000 Miles Rally 2 USA [gtmr2u]
mspacmane2 [mspacmane2]
Pac-Man (Model Racing bootleg) [pacmanmr]
Pleiads (GMP Games) [pleiadsgmp]
Salamander (Tecfri license) [salamandt]
Shisensho - Joshiryo-Hen [shisen]
Updated Roms:
Match It [matchit]
Brudibru made a full set of clone themes for the 0.267 update:
I was very behind gathering the uploaded themes for the missing themes project and Brudibru collected everything since November!
Here is a massive Nov-June update of 158 themes!!!
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
16: 0.265 Update
17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
18: 0.266 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (
18 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
New Parents:
Advisor (Italian bootleg of Space Fury) [spacfurybl]
Double Dragon (Japan set 2) [ddragonja]
Jumbo Godzilla [jumbogod]
Medal Network: Rockman EXE [mnrockman]
Power Ball (prototype) [pwball]
New Clones:
Tetris (bootleg set 7, with OKI M5205) [atetb5205]
Bongo (Galaxian hardware) [bongog]
Brick Blast (bootleg of Wall Crash) [brkblast]
Frog (Hermatic, bootleg on Galaxian hardware from Electro Game) [froggeg]
Video Hustler (bootleg, set 5) [hustlerb7]
Jump Bug (bootleg, set 2) [jumpbugbrf]
Super Galactic Wars (bootleg of Galaxian) [sgalwars]
Superbike (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) [superbikg]
The Glob (Pac-Man hardware, set 2) [theglobpa]
Trojan (Romstar, set 2) [trojanra]
Zero Time (Spanish bootleg, set 2) [zerotimeb]
Updated Roms:
Hammer Champ (Japan) [hammerch]
Jackal (World, Rotary Joystick) [jackalr]
Removed Roms:
Double Dragon (Japan) [ddragon]
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
16: 0.265 Update
Main Menu Wheel
10 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
New Parents:
Hammer Champ (Japan) [hammerch]
Dead Eye (GV054 UAA01) [kdeadeye]
Tokimeki Memorial Oshiete Your Heart (GQ673 JAA) [tmosh]
New Clones:
Bongo (set 2) [bongoa]
Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari (Japan, prototype?) [etoa]
Gorf (Spain, Irecsa license) [gorfirec]
Super Ms. Pac-Man (turbo hack) [mspacmanhnc]
Updated Roms:
Galaxy Games StarPak 4 [galgame4]
Last Fighting [lastfght]
Ying Hua Lian 2.0 (China, Ver. 1.02) [saklove]
Required CHD:
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (
15 Game Wheels of Radica (MAME)
13 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
New Parents:
Aladdin's Magic Lamp [alantin]
Ms Pac Man Twin (Argentina, set 2) [mspactwina]
Prize Zone Gold (USA, v2.01) [przonegd]
Vampire (prototype?) [vampire]
New Clones:
Bagman (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 3) [bagmanm3]
Bomberman (Version 6.6, Avraam bootleg) [bsebmanbl]
Dribbling (Automave) [driblingam]
Dark Seal (8-liner) [drkseal]
Flicky (128k Version, 315-5051, larger ROMs, newer)
Diviertate Galaxia (Multivideo, Spanish bootleg of Galaxian) [galaxiamv]
Mr Pac-Turbo ('Made in Greece' Fermin bootleg) [mspacmanbgf]
Rail Chase (Japan, Rev B [rchase]
Run Run (Do! Run Run bootleg) [runrun]
Removed Rom:
Ms Pac Man Twin (Argentina, set 1) [mspacmanbgf]
Required CHD:
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (
New Parents:
Demon's World / Horror Story (set 6) [demonwld5]
Match'em Up [matchem]
MegaTouch XL Super 5000 [mtchxl5k]
Solitaire (version 2.5) [solitaire]
Tournament Solitaire (V1.04, 06/22/95) [toursol1]
New Clones:
Geo Storm (Japan, 026 custom sound CPU) [geostorma]
Gorf (program 1, with French Language ROM) [gorfpgm1f]
Thunder Dragon (4th Jun. 1991, protected) [tdragon1]
Updated Roms:
Double Dealer [ddealer]
Hacha Mecha Fighter [hachamf]
Pack'n Bang Bang [packbang]
Saboten Bombers (set 1) [sabotenb]
Demon's World / Horror Story (set 1) [demonwld]
Thank-you to all August Update Contributors:
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (
22 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
New Parents:
Ball Challenge (20020607 1.0 OVERSEA) [ballch]
Beat Player 2000 [btplay2k]
Bubblen Roulette (main ver. 1.8, video ver. 1.3) [bubbroul]
Creatures of the Sea (20050328 USA 6.3) [cots]
Doraemon no Dokodemo Door [dddoor]
Fishing Maniac 2+ [fmaniac2p]
Kart Duel (World, KTD2/VER.A) [kartduel]
Let's Dance [letsdance]
Booby Kids (Magnet System) [mag_boob]
Super Tank Attack (prototype rev. 1.12) [stankatk]
Um Jammer Lammy NOW! (Japan, UL1/VER.A) [ujlnow]
New Clones:
Alien Challenge (China) [alienchac]
Amerug (Shoei bootleg of Atari Football) [amerug]
Bonk's Adventure (prototype) [bonkadva]
Danger Zone (rev 0) [dangerz0]
Espial (Nova Apparate license) [espialn]
Flicky (64k Version, on Up'n Down boardset, set 2) [flickyupa]
Macro-Cosm Wars (bootleg of Galaxian) [mcwars]
Super Volleyball (US) [svolleyua]
Tatakai no Banka (Japan, old ver.) [trojanjo]
Wonder Boy - Monster Land (English, difficulty hack) [wbmlh]
Xain'd Sleena (bootleg, set 2) [xsleenabb]
Updated Roms:
Big Pro Wrestling!, The (set 2) [bigprowra]
F-15 Strike Eagle (rev. 2.2 02/25/91) [f15se]
Final Round, The (version M) [fround]
Sarge [sarge]
Big Pro Wrestling!, The [bigprowr]
Time Scanner (set 2, System 16B) [timescan]
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (
18 new (working - arcade only) games this month including two new Namco System 12 games.
New Parents:
Seibu Cup Soccer :Selection: (bootleg, set 5) [cupsocsb5]
Final Fight 3 (SNES bootleg, set 2) [ffight3b2]
Kaiun Quiz (Japan, KW1/VER.A) [kaiunqz]
Killer Instinct (SNES bootleg with timer) [kinstsnes]
Derby Quiz My Dream Horse (Japan, MDH1/VER.A2) [mdhorse]
Wanpaku Safari (J 981109 V1.000) [wasafari]
New Clones:
Dogyuun (8/25/1992 location test) [dogyuunto]
Legend of Kage, The (MSM5232 sound) [lkagem]
Makaimura (Japan Revision [makaimurb]
Sinistar (revision 2, cockpit) [sinistarc2]
Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (bootleg, set 3) [snowbro2b3]
Surf Planet (version 2.0) [surfplnt20]
X80 - War Command (ManilaMatic bootleg of Missile Command) [missile]
Updated Roms:
Astra SuperStars (J 980514 V1.002) [astrass]
Car Polo [carpolo]
Pururun (set 1) [pururun]
Raimais (World) [raimais]
Argus no Senshi (Japan set 2) [rygarj2]
Argus no Senshi (Japan) [rygarj]
There were many redundant clone versions of Racing Jam and Racing Jam Chapter II that I didn't include.
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (
13 new (working - arcade only) games this month, mostly clones.
New Parents:
Bare Knuckle III (bootleg of Mega Drive version, protected) [barek3mba]
Frogger - New Serie 92 (bootleg) [froggereb]
Name Club Ver.4 (J 971202 V1.000) [nclubv4]
New Clones:
Daioh (prototype, earliest) [daiohp3]
Fire Truck / Smokey Joe (ROM version) [firetrka]
Hatris (show version) [hatrisp]
Meikyuu Hunter G [meikyuh]
Meikyuu Hunter G (Japan, bootleg) [meikyuhbl]
Mortal Kombat (Victor bootleg of rev 3.0) [mkla3bl]
Nemo (Japan 901120, 89622B-3 ROM board) [nemoj]
New Zero Team (V33 SYSTEM TYPE_B hardware) [nzeroteama]
Terra Force (US, alternate sound) [terrafua]
Updated Roms:
Counter Run (bootleg set 3) [countrunb3]
Counter Run (bootleg set 1) [countrunb]
Thank-you to all July Update Contributors:
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (
jetwave Wheel (only)
Not a very exciting MAME Update this month but there is one more Namco System 10 game.
New Parents:
Mortal Race [mortalr]
Taiko no Tatsujin RT: Nippon no Kokoro [taikort]
New Clones:
Amidar (bootleg, set 2) [amidarb2]
Condor (Sidam bootleg of Phoenix) [condorva]
Psycho-Nics Oscar (World revision 0, bootleg) [oscarbl]
Sky Fire [skyfire]
TeddyBoy Blues (315-5111, Old Ver.) [teddybboa]
Updated Roms:
Arkanoid (Japan, newer w/level select) [arkanoidja]
Avengers (US, revision C) [avengers]
Sprint 4 (Rev 03) [sprint4]
Invaders, The [tinv2650]
Upgraded Roms:
Pit & Run - F-1 Race (set 3) [pitnrunb]
Euro League (Italian hack of Tecmo World Cup '90, set 3) [twcup90b3]
Pit & Run - F-1 Race (set 1) [pitnrun]
Euro League (Italian hack of Tecmo World Cup '90, set 2) [twcup90ba]
Required CHDs:
Thank-you to all June Update Contributors:
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (
Enjoy the english logo for Zen Nihon Pro Wres Featuring Virtua (English logo) ( znpwfvt ) ( All Japan Pro-Wrestling Featuring Virtua )
Here for your Hyperspin wheel art & to make a theme for the English version ( znpwfvt ) ( All Japan Pro-Wrestling Featuring Virtua )
Pack média complet - Arcade Classics
Use the ROMs MAME with MAME or RetroArch
17 games added this month.
New Parents:
Burger Kids (Japan) [burgkids]
Mr. Driller G (Japan, DRG1 Ver.A) [mrdrilrg]
Point Blank 3 (World, GNN2 Ver.A) [ptblank3]
Taiko no Tatsujin 3 (Japan, TK31 Ver.A) [taiko3]
Taiko no Tatsujin 5 (Japan, TK51 Ver.A) [taiko5]
New Clones:
GX Part 2 (Galaxian hack) [galap2]
Galaxian III (bootleg of Galaxian) [galaxianiii]
Gamshara (20020716A / 10021 Ver.A) [gamshara]
Gunbalina (Japan, GNN1 Ver.A) [gunbalina]
Karate Champ (US, 2 players) [kchamp2p]
WWF Superstars (bootleg with 2xYM2203) [wwfsstarb2]
Updated Roms:
Golgo 13: Juusei no Requiem [g13jnr]
Nandemo Seal Iinkai (ver 1.3) [nndmseal]
Gyakuten!! Puzzle Bancho (Japan, set 1) [pbancho]
Seishun-Quiz Colorful High School [squizchs]
Tsukkomi Yousei Gips Nice Tsukkomi [nicetsuk]
Upgraded Roms:
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920803) [sf2ceec]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920513) [sfce]
Required CHDs:
Not a very interesting month.
Can someone please make themes for the new Konomi LCD games?
[ktmnt3] Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Shredder's Last Stand
[ktmntbb] Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Basketball
Thank-you to all May Update Contributors:
Special Thanks:
nanometrovovo2 (huge contribution of all System 10 themes)
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (
I wanted something a little different in my cabinet setup, so I whipped up this Pac-Man themed Pointer image. I thought I'd share it, so others can use it too. Enjoy!
39 games added this month.
New Parents:
Soreike! Anpanman Popcorn Koujou (Rev A) [anpanmana]
Uchuu Daisakusen: Chocovader Contactee [chocovdr]
Crazy Fight [crazyfgt]
Golgo 13: Juusei no Requiem [g13jnr]
GAHAHA Ippatsudou (World, GID2 Ver.A) [gahaha]
GAHAHA Ippatsudou 2 (Japan, GIS1 Ver.A) [gahaha2]
Gamshara (Japan, 20020716A / 10021 Ver.A) [gamsharaj]
Gekitoride-Jong Space [gjspace]
Kotoba no Puzzle Mojipittan [knpuzzle]
Kono e Tako (10021 Ver.A) [konotako]
Last Fighting [lastfight]
Mr. Driller 2 (World, DR22 Ver.A) [mrdrilr2]
NFL Classic Football [nflclsfb]
Tsukkomi Yousei Gips Nice Tsukkomi [nicetsuk]
Panikuru Panekuru [panikuru]
Ying Hua Lian 2.0 [saklove]
Space Micon Kit [smiconk]
Seishun-Quiz Colorful High School [squizchs]
Star Trigon (Japan, STT1 Ver.A) [startrgn]
Taiko no Tatsujin 2 (Japan, TK21 Ver.C) [taiko2]
Taiko no Tatsujin 4 (Japan, TK41 Ver.A) [taiko4]
Taiko no Tatsujin 6 (Japan, TK61 Ver.A) [taiko6]
Top Driving [topdrive]
Wanpaku Fishing [wfishing]
Wully Bully [wulybuly]
Waku Waku Anpanman [wwanpanm]
New Clones:
Hong Tian Lei (A-Blast) [ablast]
Manx TT Superbike - DX [manxttdx]
Mr. Driller 2 (Japan, DR21 Ver.A) [mrdrilr2j]
Pole Position II (Atari) [polepos2a]
Space Battle (Space Invaders bootleg) [spcebttl]
Agent Super Bond (Super Cobra conversion, not encrypted) [superbona]
Updated Roms:
Yakyuu Kakutou League-Man (Japan, set 2) [leaguemna]
Penguin Brothers (Japan) [penbros]
Sky Smasher [skysmash]
Water-Nymph [wtrnymph]
X-Plan [xplan]
Upgraded Roms:
F-1 Grand Prix (set 3) [f1gpb]
F-1 Grand Prix (set 1)
Required CHDs:
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (