13 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
New Parents:
Au (Swimmer conversion) [au]
Fearless Pinocchio [fearless]
Sutjaro Haeyo Deluxe [sutjarod]
New Clones:
Daytona USA [daytona93]
Guttang Gottong [gutangtn]
Link (Korean bootleg of Atari Tetris) [link]
Megatouch 5 (9255-60-01 R0C, Standard version) [megat5a]
Missile Command (rev 3, A035467-01/03 PCBs) [missilea]
Pop'n Music Animelo 2 (JAA) [popnanm2ja]
Street Smart (bootleg of World version 1) [streetsmwbl]
WOW New Fantasia [wownfanta]
Updated Roms:
Tetris (bootleg set 7, with OKI M5205) [atetb5205]
Miss World 2002 [missw02]
Required CHD:
popnanm2ja (a02jaa01 + gea02jaa02)
Missing Themes Update for July
Brudibru (0.268 clone themes)
Jesfknkrys (missing themes)
Hoscarconh (missing themes)
Agard (Wheels)
Please give them support and "like" their recent uploads
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
16: 0.265 Update
17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
18: 0.266 Update
19: 0.267 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
9 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
Well... 8 clones and 1 very broken game.
New Parents:
Kong Ball (prototype) [kongball]
New Clones:
Aerolitos Espaciales [aerolitol]
Goindol (Afega) [dolmenk]
Great 1000 Miles Rally 2 USA [gtmr2u]
mspacmane2 [mspacmane2]
Pac-Man (Model Racing bootleg) [pacmanmr]
Pleiads (GMP Games) [pleiadsgmp]
Salamander (Tecfri license) [salamandt]
Shisensho - Joshiryo-Hen [shisen]
Updated Roms:
Match It [matchit]
Brudibru made a full set of clone themes for the 0.267 update:
I was very behind gathering the uploaded themes for the missing themes project and Brudibru collected everything since November!
Here is a massive Nov-June update of 158 themes!!!
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
16: 0.265 Update
17: 226 MAME Missing Themes - Clone Themes for Clone Games (Brudibru)
18: 0.266 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
18 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
New Parents:
Advisor (Italian bootleg of Space Fury) [spacfurybl]
Double Dragon (Japan set 2) [ddragonja]
Jumbo Godzilla [jumbogod]
Medal Network: Rockman EXE [mnrockman]
Power Ball (prototype) [pwball]
New Clones:
Tetris (bootleg set 7, with OKI M5205) [atetb5205]
Bongo (Galaxian hardware) [bongog]
Brick Blast (bootleg of Wall Crash) [brkblast]
Frog (Hermatic, bootleg on Galaxian hardware from Electro Game) [froggeg]
Video Hustler (bootleg, set 5) [hustlerb7]
Jump Bug (bootleg, set 2) [jumpbugbrf]
Super Galactic Wars (bootleg of Galaxian) [sgalwars]
Superbike (bootleg on Galaxian hardware) [superbikg]
The Glob (Pac-Man hardware, set 2) [theglobpa]
Trojan (Romstar, set 2) [trojanra]
Zero Time (Spanish bootleg, set 2) [zerotimeb]
Updated Roms:
Hammer Champ (Japan) [hammerch]
Jackal (World, Rotary Joystick) [jackalr]
Removed Roms:
Double Dragon (Japan) [ddragon]
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
16: 0.265 Update
Main Menu Wheel
10 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
New Parents:
Hammer Champ (Japan) [hammerch]
Dead Eye (GV054 UAA01) [kdeadeye]
Tokimeki Memorial Oshiete Your Heart (GQ673 JAA) [tmosh]
New Clones:
Bongo (set 2) [bongoa]
Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari (Japan, prototype?) [etoa]
Gorf (Spain, Irecsa license) [gorfirec]
Super Ms. Pac-Man (turbo hack) [mspacmanhnc]
Updated Roms:
Galaxy Games StarPak 4 [galgame4]
Last Fighting [lastfght]
Ying Hua Lian 2.0 (China, Ver. 1.02) [saklove]
Required CHD:
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
15: 0.261 - 0.264 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
15 Game Wheels of Radica (MAME)
13 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
New Parents:
Aladdin's Magic Lamp [alantin]
Ms Pac Man Twin (Argentina, set 2) [mspactwina]
Prize Zone Gold (USA, v2.01) [przonegd]
Vampire (prototype?) [vampire]
New Clones:
Bagman (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware, set 3) [bagmanm3]
Bomberman (Version 6.6, Avraam bootleg) [bsebmanbl]
Dribbling (Automave) [driblingam]
Dark Seal (8-liner) [drkseal]
Flicky (128k Version, 315-5051, larger ROMs, newer)
Diviertate Galaxia (Multivideo, Spanish bootleg of Galaxian) [galaxiamv]
Mr Pac-Turbo ('Made in Greece' Fermin bootleg) [mspacmanbgf]
Rail Chase (Japan, Rev B [rchase]
Run Run (Do! Run Run bootleg) [runrun]
Removed Rom:
Ms Pac Man Twin (Argentina, set 1) [mspacmanbgf]
Required CHD:
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
14: 0.260 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
New Parents:
Demon's World / Horror Story (set 6) [demonwld5]
Match'em Up [matchem]
MegaTouch XL Super 5000 [mtchxl5k]
Solitaire (version 2.5) [solitaire]
Tournament Solitaire (V1.04, 06/22/95) [toursol1]
New Clones:
Geo Storm (Japan, 026 custom sound CPU) [geostorma]
Gorf (program 1, with French Language ROM) [gorfpgm1f]
Thunder Dragon (4th Jun. 1991, protected) [tdragon1]
Updated Roms:
Double Dealer [ddealer]
Hacha Mecha Fighter [hachamf]
Pack'n Bang Bang [packbang]
Saboten Bombers (set 1) [sabotenb]
Demon's World / Horror Story (set 1) [demonwld]
Thank-you to all August Update Contributors:
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
13: 0.259 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
22 new (working - arcade only) games this month.
New Parents:
Ball Challenge (20020607 1.0 OVERSEA) [ballch]
Beat Player 2000 [btplay2k]
Bubblen Roulette (main ver. 1.8, video ver. 1.3) [bubbroul]
Creatures of the Sea (20050328 USA 6.3) [cots]
Doraemon no Dokodemo Door [dddoor]
Fishing Maniac 2+ [fmaniac2p]
Kart Duel (World, KTD2/VER.A) [kartduel]
Let's Dance [letsdance]
Booby Kids (Magnet System) [mag_boob]
Super Tank Attack (prototype rev. 1.12) [stankatk]
Um Jammer Lammy NOW! (Japan, UL1/VER.A) [ujlnow]
New Clones:
Alien Challenge (China) [alienchac]
Amerug (Shoei bootleg of Atari Football) [amerug]
Bonk's Adventure (prototype) [bonkadva]
Danger Zone (rev 0) [dangerz0]
Espial (Nova Apparate license) [espialn]
Flicky (64k Version, on Up'n Down boardset, set 2) [flickyupa]
Macro-Cosm Wars (bootleg of Galaxian) [mcwars]
Super Volleyball (US) [svolleyua]
Tatakai no Banka (Japan, old ver.) [trojanjo]
Wonder Boy - Monster Land (English, difficulty hack) [wbmlh]
Xain'd Sleena (bootleg, set 2) [xsleenabb]
Updated Roms:
Big Pro Wrestling!, The (set 2) [bigprowra]
F-15 Strike Eagle (rev. 2.2 02/25/91) [f15se]
Final Round, The (version M) [fround]
Sarge [sarge]
Big Pro Wrestling!, The [bigprowr]
Time Scanner (set 2, System 16B) [timescan]
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
12: 0.258 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
18 new (working - arcade only) games this month including two new Namco System 12 games.
New Parents:
Seibu Cup Soccer :Selection: (bootleg, set 5) [cupsocsb5]
Final Fight 3 (SNES bootleg, set 2) [ffight3b2]
Kaiun Quiz (Japan, KW1/VER.A) [kaiunqz]
Killer Instinct (SNES bootleg with timer) [kinstsnes]
Derby Quiz My Dream Horse (Japan, MDH1/VER.A2) [mdhorse]
Wanpaku Safari (J 981109 V1.000) [wasafari]
New Clones:
Dogyuun (8/25/1992 location test) [dogyuunto]
Legend of Kage, The (MSM5232 sound) [lkagem]
Makaimura (Japan Revision [makaimurb]
Sinistar (revision 2, cockpit) [sinistarc2]
Snow Bros. 2 - With New Elves / Otenki Paradise (bootleg, set 3) [snowbro2b3]
Surf Planet (version 2.0) [surfplnt20]
X80 - War Command (ManilaMatic bootleg of Missile Command) [missile]
Updated Roms:
Astra SuperStars (J 980514 V1.002) [astrass]
Car Polo [carpolo]
Pururun (set 1) [pururun]
Raimais (World) [raimais]
Argus no Senshi (Japan set 2) [rygarj2]
Argus no Senshi (Japan) [rygarj]
There were many redundant clone versions of Racing Jam and Racing Jam Chapter II that I didn't include.
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
11 : 0.257 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
13 new (working - arcade only) games this month, mostly clones.
New Parents:
Bare Knuckle III (bootleg of Mega Drive version, protected) [barek3mba]
Frogger - New Serie 92 (bootleg) [froggereb]
Name Club Ver.4 (J 971202 V1.000) [nclubv4]
New Clones:
Daioh (prototype, earliest) [daiohp3]
Fire Truck / Smokey Joe (ROM version) [firetrka]
Hatris (show version) [hatrisp]
Meikyuu Hunter G [meikyuh]
Meikyuu Hunter G (Japan, bootleg) [meikyuhbl]
Mortal Kombat (Victor bootleg of rev 3.0) [mkla3bl]
Nemo (Japan 901120, 89622B-3 ROM board) [nemoj]
New Zero Team (V33 SYSTEM TYPE_B hardware) [nzeroteama]
Terra Force (US, alternate sound) [terrafua]
Updated Roms:
Counter Run (bootleg set 3) [countrunb3]
Counter Run (bootleg set 1) [countrunb]
Thank-you to all July Update Contributors:
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
10: 0.256 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
jetwave Wheel (only)
Not a very exciting MAME Update this month but there is one more Namco System 10 game.
New Parents:
Mortal Race [mortalr]
Taiko no Tatsujin RT: Nippon no Kokoro [taikort]
New Clones:
Amidar (bootleg, set 2) [amidarb2]
Condor (Sidam bootleg of Phoenix) [condorva]
Psycho-Nics Oscar (World revision 0, bootleg) [oscarbl]
Sky Fire [skyfire]
TeddyBoy Blues (315-5111, Old Ver.) [teddybboa]
Updated Roms:
Arkanoid (Japan, newer w/level select) [arkanoidja]
Avengers (US, revision C) [avengers]
Sprint 4 (Rev 03) [sprint4]
Invaders, The [tinv2650]
Upgraded Roms:
Pit & Run - F-1 Race (set 3) [pitnrunb]
Euro League (Italian hack of Tecmo World Cup '90, set 3) [twcup90b3]
Pit & Run - F-1 Race (set 1) [pitnrun]
Euro League (Italian hack of Tecmo World Cup '90, set 2) [twcup90ba]
Required CHDs:
Thank-you to all June Update Contributors:
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
09: 0.255 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
Enjoy the english logo for Zen Nihon Pro Wres Featuring Virtua (English logo) ( znpwfvt ) ( All Japan Pro-Wrestling Featuring Virtua )
Here for your Hyperspin wheel art & to make a theme for the English version ( znpwfvt ) ( All Japan Pro-Wrestling Featuring Virtua )
Pack média complet - Arcade Classics
Use the ROMs MAME with MAME or RetroArch
17 games added this month.
New Parents:
Burger Kids (Japan) [burgkids]
Mr. Driller G (Japan, DRG1 Ver.A) [mrdrilrg]
Point Blank 3 (World, GNN2 Ver.A) [ptblank3]
Taiko no Tatsujin 3 (Japan, TK31 Ver.A) [taiko3]
Taiko no Tatsujin 5 (Japan, TK51 Ver.A) [taiko5]
New Clones:
GX Part 2 (Galaxian hack) [galap2]
Galaxian III (bootleg of Galaxian) [galaxianiii]
Gamshara (20020716A / 10021 Ver.A) [gamshara]
Gunbalina (Japan, GNN1 Ver.A) [gunbalina]
Karate Champ (US, 2 players) [kchamp2p]
WWF Superstars (bootleg with 2xYM2203) [wwfsstarb2]
Updated Roms:
Golgo 13: Juusei no Requiem [g13jnr]
Nandemo Seal Iinkai (ver 1.3) [nndmseal]
Gyakuten!! Puzzle Bancho (Japan, set 1) [pbancho]
Seishun-Quiz Colorful High School [squizchs]
Tsukkomi Yousei Gips Nice Tsukkomi [nicetsuk]
Upgraded Roms:
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920803) [sf2ceec]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920513) [sfce]
Required CHDs:
Not a very interesting month.
Can someone please make themes for the new Konomi LCD games?
[ktmnt3] Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Shredder's Last Stand
[ktmntbb] Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Basketball
Thank-you to all May Update Contributors:
Special Thanks:
nanometrovovo2 (huge contribution of all System 10 themes)
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
08: 0.254 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
I wanted something a little different in my cabinet setup, so I whipped up this Pac-Man themed Pointer image. I thought I'd share it, so others can use it too. Enjoy!
39 games added this month.
New Parents:
Soreike! Anpanman Popcorn Koujou (Rev A) [anpanmana]
Uchuu Daisakusen: Chocovader Contactee [chocovdr]
Crazy Fight [crazyfgt]
Golgo 13: Juusei no Requiem [g13jnr]
GAHAHA Ippatsudou (World, GID2 Ver.A) [gahaha]
GAHAHA Ippatsudou 2 (Japan, GIS1 Ver.A) [gahaha2]
Gamshara (Japan, 20020716A / 10021 Ver.A) [gamsharaj]
Gekitoride-Jong Space [gjspace]
Kotoba no Puzzle Mojipittan [knpuzzle]
Kono e Tako (10021 Ver.A) [konotako]
Last Fighting [lastfight]
Mr. Driller 2 (World, DR22 Ver.A) [mrdrilr2]
NFL Classic Football [nflclsfb]
Tsukkomi Yousei Gips Nice Tsukkomi [nicetsuk]
Panikuru Panekuru [panikuru]
Ying Hua Lian 2.0 [saklove]
Space Micon Kit [smiconk]
Seishun-Quiz Colorful High School [squizchs]
Star Trigon (Japan, STT1 Ver.A) [startrgn]
Taiko no Tatsujin 2 (Japan, TK21 Ver.C) [taiko2]
Taiko no Tatsujin 4 (Japan, TK41 Ver.A) [taiko4]
Taiko no Tatsujin 6 (Japan, TK61 Ver.A) [taiko6]
Top Driving [topdrive]
Wanpaku Fishing [wfishing]
Wully Bully [wulybuly]
Waku Waku Anpanman [wwanpanm]
New Clones:
Hong Tian Lei (A-Blast) [ablast]
Manx TT Superbike - DX [manxttdx]
Mr. Driller 2 (Japan, DR21 Ver.A) [mrdrilr2j]
Pole Position II (Atari) [polepos2a]
Space Battle (Space Invaders bootleg) [spcebttl]
Agent Super Bond (Super Cobra conversion, not encrypted) [superbona]
Updated Roms:
Yakyuu Kakutou League-Man (Japan, set 2) [leaguemna]
Penguin Brothers (Japan) [penbros]
Sky Smasher [skysmash]
Water-Nymph [wtrnymph]
X-Plan [xplan]
Upgraded Roms:
F-1 Grand Prix (set 3) [f1gpb]
F-1 Grand Prix (set 1)
Required CHDs:
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
07: 0.253 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
New Parents:
Akazukin (Japan) [akazukin]
Fatal Fury: Wild Ambition / Garou Densetsu: Wild Ambition [fatfurwa]
Gals Panic SU (Korea, Gals Panic 4 re-release) [galpanisu]
Hot Body I [hotbody]
Yakyuu Kakutou League-Man (Japan, set 2) [leaguemna]
Ocean Hunter, The (Japan, Revision A) [oceanhun]
New Clones:
Desert Wars (bootleg of Battle Zone) [dsrtwars]
Heroes (World ver EM-1) [mutantf1]
Raiden Fighters 2 - Operation Hell Dive (Hong Kong) [rdft2a]
Sauro (set 4, easier) [sauroc]
Thunder Blaster (Japan) [thndblst]
WWF Superstars (Canada) [wwfsstarc]
Updated Roms:
Blade Master (World) [bmaster]
Cross Blades! (Japan) [crossbld]
Geo Storm (Japan) [geostorm]
Gunforce - Battle Fire Engulfed Terror Island (World) [gunforce]
In The Hunt (World) [inthunt]
Irritating Maze, The / Ultra Denryu Iraira Bou [irrmaze]
Major Title 2 (World, set 1, alt sound CPU) [majtitl2a]
R-Type Leo (World) [rtypeleo]
Upgraded Roms:
Pit, The (US set 3) [thepitu3]
Pit, The [thepit]
Ninja Baseball Bat Man (World) [nbbatman] now clone of leaguemna
March MAME Media Update:
Thank you to all the hard-working content creators
47 Themes
22 Wheels
6 Bezels
MAME Project Uploads:
01: MAME Project Upload
02: 0.250 Update
03: Clone Media Update
04: 0.251 Update
05: January Mame Media Update
06: 0.252 Update
Missing themes project:
THEME CREATORS NEEDED ! The road to completion (...almost) - Requests - HyperSpin Forum (hyperspin-fe.com)
This is a MAME bezel for FRENZY game (frenzy). I hope you enjoy it.
This is a MAME bezel for SUPERMAN game (superman). I hope you enjoy it.
This is a MAME bezel for CRAZY CLIMBER game (cclimber). I hope you enjoy it.
This is a MAME bezel for Apine Sky game (alpine). I hope you enjoy it.