- 12Alf TV Game
- 39Amstrad GX4000
- 18APF Imagination Machine
- 726Atari 2600
- 53Atari 5200
- 33Atari 7800
- 34Atari Jaguar
- 15Atari Jaguar CD
- 17Bally Astrocade
- 12Bandai Sufami Turbo
- 11Bandai Super Vision 8000
- 4Casio Loopy
- 20Casio PV-1000
- 20ColecoVision
- 12Commodore Amiga CD32
- 11Commodore CDTV
- 12Emerson Arcadia 2001
- 14Entex Adventure Vision
- 7Epoch Super Cassette Vision
- 15Fairchild Channel F
- 4Fujtsu FM Towns Marty
- 10Funtech Super Acan
- 23GCE Vectrex
- 7Interton VC 4000
- 2Konix Multi-System
- 9Magnavox Odyssey
- 23Magnavox Odyssey 2
- 17Mattel Intellivision
- 23Microsoft XBOX
- 38Microsoft XBOX 360
- 4Microsoft XBOX One
- 28NEC PC Engine
- 18NEC PC Engine-CD
- 16NEC SuperGrafx
- 29NEC TurboGrafx-16
- 27NEC TurboGrafx-CD
- 468Nintendo 64
- 19Nintendo 64DD
- 410Nintendo Entertainment System
- 33Nintendo Famicom
- 24Nintendo Famicom Disk System
- 325Nintendo GameCube
- 19Nintendo SatellaView
- 35Nintendo Super Famicom
- 12Nintendo Super Game Boy
- 105Nintendo Wii
- 38Nintendo WiiWare
- 260Nintendo Wii U
- 23Panasonic 3DO
- 18Philips CD-i
- 4Philips Videopac Plus G7400
- 11Pioneer Palcom Laserdisc
- 19RCA Studio II
- 68Sega 32X
- 33Sega CD
- 84Sega Dreamcast
- 208Sega Genesis
- 17Sega Mark III
- 92Sega Master System
- 57Sega Mega Drive
- 59Sega Saturn
- 18Sega SG-1000
- 23SNK Neo Geo AES
- 16SNK Neo Geo CD
- 267Sony PlayStation
- 274Sony PlayStation 2
- 74Sony PlayStation 3
- 7Sony PlayStation 4
- 7Sony PlayStation 5
- 1,149Super Nintendo Entertainment System
- 5VM Labs Nuon
- 17VTech CreatiVision
- 11VTech Socrates
- 15WoW Action Max
- 99Other Console Systems
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Downloads in this section are for HyperSpin 1.x only which has been discontinued. Traffic to this section has had to be throttled to maintain proper website operations. While we are not investing new resources into HS1 we do intend to preserve the media that made it famous.