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Confused about MAME versions


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I have a complete set of MAME v0.163 ROMs. RocketLauncherUI v1.0.0.3 says the MAME.ahk is for v0.161. HyperSpin/Databases/MAME/MAME.xml says it is for v0.146 ongoing. In the downloads section there are xml's for MAME v0.163 which are split into full, no casino or mahjong, and no casino or mahjong or mature.

What I want is to make sure that all of my MAME v0.13 ROMs are playable by HyperSpin using RocketLauncher (well the ROMs that work anyway). What is the best way to make sure everything lines up and works as expected?


Make sure your Mame version and ROM set match, that is the most important thing. Grab the latest XML preferably one that matches again, the ones that say no casino etc literally mean just that, those games are removed, so make your choice.


RocketLauncher version doesn't really matter in fact you can run mame straight from HyperSpin especially if you want Mame to load quickly. If you want the other RL bells and whistles then again make sure it's up to date.


You can check what you have by running a game audit in RLUI which will show you what's missing. 

One thing I forgot, you'll also need the mame chd set as well if you want a full set.



MAME and ROM set both 0.163: check
Latest XML (0.163) for HyperSpin: check
Latest AHK (0.163) for RocketLauncher: still looking (have found a 0.163 combined MAME / MESS but no 0.163 MAME yet)

CHDs are a work in progress. Let my collection slide and now I have a lot of catching up to do :(

Thanks for the help  :thanks:


MAME and ROM set both 0.163: check

Latest XML (0.163) for HyperSpin: check

Latest AHK (0.163) for RocketLauncher: still looking (have found a 0.163 combined MAME / MESS but no 0.163 MAME yet)


CHDs are a work in progress. Let my collection slide and now I have a lot of catching up to do :(

Thanks for the help  :thanks:

For the module just use whatever the latest auto-updated module in RocketLauncher is and you'll be fine.


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