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daphne only runs if on c drive?


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how long does video conversion take?

Video conversion? Not sure what you mean. Do you mean when Daphne auto-updates its files?

i think we need simply austin video of daphne or gigapig im lost on it

There is a tutorial for it. Two actually one for Daphne and one for Daphne-Singe (which you need for Ninja Hayate, Time Gal etc...)

A quick search for Daphne Guide brings up this:


And this:


Start there. There are also a bunch of other topics with useful bits of info just by searching for Daphne. Good luck!


Metalzoic has pointed you to two great tutorials written by rfancella that most of us here used to complete our setups. Also, it hasn't been mentioned here but Daphne has great error logs, which can help you diagnose your problem. The popup errors can also help, although I always turn my tv volume down so Daphne screaming her error repeatedly (is it "FEED ME" or "HELP ME"), doesn't make my wife think I'm watching porn.


The error log is in the daphne emulator folder, is named "daphne_log.txt" and changes each time you run a game. The moment of failure is specified in the log so you can get an idea of what failed, whether it is:

  • 1.command line structure (at the top) <command line sent by HyperLaunch/RocketLaunch to your Daphne emulator>
  • 2.the location of the framefile (last section of command line at top of log) <correctly located framefile indicates in text where video is located and what frame# the video starts at>
  • 3.your computer related and screen info (note that warnings of screen resolutions is usually not a problem)
  • 4.rom information (I usually troubleshoot this from the popup screen as Daphne yells at you) <rom info shows what rom it is looking for to work with emulated laserdisc player>
  • 5.the location of your video and audio files that the frame file points to (as asked about by jimmyuk and mccorkled) <correct video location and any problems with the video>

Open your "daphne_log.txt and see where the moment of failure with your last game was.


-Check that <section 1>the command line is complete. I have seen errors from a truncated command line which I assume was too many characters from being too many folders deep. Had to move the Daphne folder closer to the root folder of the drive.

-Check that <section 2>the framefile.txt that the command line points to is in a centrally located folder with all of your other framefile.txt files from your other Daphne games. Is the framefile.txt named correctly (same as that listed in Daphne.xml). Open up the framefile.txt for the game you tried to run that errored out. Does the framefile.txt point to the location of the video on the top line and have a frame# and correctly named video.m2v in the second line. Is the name of the video.m2v the same as that listed in Daphne.xml. In Windows Explorer, locate the folder listed in the framefile.txt. Is the folder name the same as the Daphne.xml and do all the video, audio, dat and txt files in that folder match the name in the Daphne.xml.

-If your screen resolution is an issue <section 3>, change it to one of the "normal" screen resolutions listed in the daphne_log.txt. Usually this is not an issue, but if it is 800x600 or 1024x768 is usually a bulletproof choice. Switch this in HyperLaunch/RocketLaunch.

-Check that <section 4> there are no issues with loading the rom file. If it requests a specific ?.bin file, I have had success looking in alternate rom files for that game. If not, you might need to look for a different Daphne rom set.

-Check that <section 5> the correct video is attempting to load, same name as listed in Daphne.xml.


From the limited information you have given here, I might assume that you are having problems with the framefile or the video, either section 3 or 5.


The framefile is where I generally screw it up. If the framefile is pointing to the proper video.m2v and it is not loading, try this. In Windows Explorer, go to the folder with the video files for that game until you can see the video, audio and txt files. In the address bar for Windows Explorer, mouse-right click (4 options) and click "copy address". Go back to your framefile and paste it into the top line of your framefile. (mccorkled above mentions using a relative path, but I don't suggest doing this if you are having problems). Use the full path. This should prevent any errors from creeping in due to manually entering in the address for the video.m2v.  Verify your video.m2v name in the second line and save your changes. If the video wants to parse, hit your enter key. Video parsing should take less than a minute.


If the video fails to load, the last thing I can suggest (other than following rfancella's tutorial step-by-step) is to attempt to play the video in a video player. Assuming you have the correct codecs loaded to play m2v videos, it can be viewed as any other video. If it can't be viewed or you get rendering errors, your problem is probably with your video. Assuming you got them from a good source, they may have become corrupted at some point. When you do get them working right, I strongly suggest you keep a backup copy of all your correct framefiles and videos. Here's an example of what I did.....


So I had a working Daphne setup with all games listed in the Daphne.xml, including GalaxyRanger and the 3 singe games. I start looking for what I don't have. Know from experience that G2G is not playable, but I see a reference StarBlazer and think, hmmm. I believe I saw it listed as an option in DaphneLoader so I start it up and continue looking. By the time I realized that GalaxyRanger and StarBlazer were the same game, the torrent client built into DaphneLoader had overwritten a lot of my files and deleted more. Also, although the files are downloadable through DaphneLoader, several are encrypted and many would not download due to no seeders. Time to go get my backups and start over again.


None of these may be your issue, but they are the most frequent errors I have seen. But do check your daphne_log.txt. It can be your best friend. Unlike DaphneLoader (damn you). Or wait for the video. Good Luck!


Sort of off topic but I thought she said "save me"

Definitely not off topic when you are having problems with Daphne. Thanks for your input. I should know by now what she is wailing about, but I am usually too busy rushing for the volume control and trying to make her stop.

  • 2 weeks later...

Sort of off topic but I thought she said "save me"

check your daphne log file and see if that helps solve the problem. That usually happens when the rom .zip files do not contain all the files needed to run the game (some roms that are downloaded are not always complete. I had to mash a couple different versions together to get some of my games to work), or there are video files missing.


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