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Bad database from HS to RLaunch


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I tested 1.4 and noticed that when I try to launch a Mame game in Rocket mode,

I get the following message:


Can't fint database in C:\............\mame.xml

My HS is installed on a usb key and i try to make it portable.


Can you fix this issue?


In addition, I noticed that it is possible to set Mame and rom as relative in HQ. But there are not

good when paths are not inside root folder and fields are not editable.


Thanks in advance and congratulation for your nice FE.




You'll get this message if you haven't set up your command line correctly. I think the easiest way to fix is renaming rocketlaunch.exe to hyperlaunch.exe. Make sure you have hyperlaunxh enabled in HyperHQ.



thanks for your quick reply.


in fact i have set in settings.ini the new path : Hyperlaunch_Path=F:\games\emulation\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncher.exe
and the way to launch is set to HQlaunch. (in the future I will test also with a relative path because my pack has to be portable ....)


So HSpin launch Rocket but I have the feeling that he sends the wrong database path to Rocket in command line ....




Yes. HS is sending the wrong command line to Rl. RL (at last check) still contains the legacy cli, so by far the easiest way to fix is to rename the RL exe to hyperlaunch.exe and pointing your ini file at that.


Strange, you shouldn't need to rename RocketLauncher if using HS 1.4, I never have at least.

If you had previously used HS 1.3 you will need to restore the old INI files when you used the transition tool to modify them, if you did indeed use the transition tool.


Can relative paths be used if the "Emulators" folder is in the HyperSpin or RocketLauncher folder?


Edit: if you are only running Mame then you don't need RocketLauncher.



Even if it is renamed, the way to launch is :


RocketLauncher.exe -S [system name] -r [database name]

HyperLaunch.exe -S [system name] -r [database name]

etc ...


SIMPLY AUSTIN is right , the problem is Hyperspin give  always c:\hyperspin as folder to Rocket whatever the actual installation.

As my configuration is installed on a pendrive, only a code fixing could solve my issue.


Even if it is renamed, the way to launch is :


RocketLauncher.exe -S [system name] -r [database name]

HyperLaunch.exe -S [system name] -r [database name]

etc ...


SIMPLY AUSTIN is right , the problem is Hyperspin give  always c:\hyperspin as folder to Rocket whatever the actual installation.

As my configuration is installed on a pendrive, only a code fixing could solve my issue.



Could this be explained further for me please.


And like I said already, if you only plan to run Mame you don't need RocketLauncher.



@gigapig: my emulation environment in installed on a USB Key (Emus, FEs, artwork ...). so depending on pc the root cout be f:\ or e:\ etc ....  (mame, dolphin, project64, etc...)


@jeremy0203: renaming folder is not sufficient. This is a portable solution project, so the ROOT disk name change also.


@gigapig: my emulation environment in installed on a USB Key (Emus, FEs, artwork ...). so depending on pc the root cout be f:\ or e:\ etc ....  (mame, dolphin, project64, etc...)




I'm aware of that


Now I posed this as a question in my previous post. Have you actually tried using a relative path yet. By that I mean you place emulators and Roms in an "Emulators" folder inside the Hyperspin root (See pictures)

I this on my test set up and it works and the paths have no drive letter.










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