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A little help from some hyperspin experts plz!!


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Ok guys so this is the situation I'm in. I have a pre configured 4TB hyperspin set up version 1.3 which was kind of working but I had no end of trouble trying to get a pad to work with the system. So in the end I gave up but now the 1.4 version is out I thought let's give this another go.I have seen on this site that people seem to want to help people that are willing to try and learn the hyperspin set up.

I followed Simply Austin's guide and all seemed to go well it's all mounted on an external hard drive and his guide was extremely well put together and very straightforward.

Now for my issue when I try to launch a game I get a message that reads.

No default emulator found in G:\Hyperspin4TB\RocketLauncher\settings super Nintendo entertainment system\Emulators.ini"please set one so Rocketlauncher knows what module to use.

I guess the problem is that RocketLauncher doesn't know where my emulators are? Like I said before it was all pre configured so all the emulators are in the emulator folder and all artwork and media is all present?

Is it something as simple as setting up retoarch?

So anyone got any ideas? Many thanks for any help given.


im sure chris upchurch will help you....


you need to set your default emulator specific to the system your trying to set up. select a system on the left, click the emulator tab at top and set default emu


Ok but the list at the bottom all have a white exclamation in a red circle. Does that mean I would have to install say Retroarch then I could use that as my default emulator?

Sorry for the questions but I want to actually learn what I'm doing.


First off what the heck is this path all about? "G:\Hyperspin4TB\RocketLauncher\settings super Nintendo entertainment system\Emulators.ini"

I've highlighted areas of interest.


You MUST name things correctly, it is one of the most important things to remember when setting up HyperSpin. The correct name is "Super Nintendo Entertainment System" why you have the word "Settings" in there is a mystery.

If your in doubt as to how to spell a system look in the ":\RocketLauncher\RocketLauncherUI\Media\Icons" folder, there you will find nearly all systems with correct spelling and case.


What have you got left of the preinstalled drive? Does it have the emulators still? Just installing RetroArch isn't necessarily going to solve your problems but if it helps you learn how to set up then go ahead.


You should always go back to the seller of the drive for help as no one here will have a clue how they set it up. 



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